Summary of Hits

Hits: 4 (4 national, 0 international, 0 moderated)

Normal hits: 4
Triples: 0
Quadruples: 0
Pentuples: 0

Hit ratio: 2243,50 notes/hit
Development of hit ratio

Best hit ratio: 1384,00 notes/hit
Worst hit ratio: 3356,00 notes/hit

Hit finder/maker - giver/getter ratio: 4 - 0 (100,0 % - 0,0 %)

In average a hit has occurred every 246,8 days (987/4)
Current situation: It's been 283 days, 2687 notes since last hit.
Next hit should occur at the latest 15.08.2010 (or it's a dry spell Smile)

Max number of notes between hits: 2135
Min number of notes between hits: 794

Max number of days between hits: 339
Min number of days between hits: 31

In average hit notes travelled 266,3 days
Average travelling days by hit

Longest duration: 438 days
Shortest duration: 137 days

Average travelling distance: 299,5 kilometres
Average travelling distance by hit

Greatest distance: 897 kilometres
Smallest distance: 47 kilometres

Hit/hitless days: 4 - 985 (0,40 % - 99,60 %)
Longest period of consecutive hit days: 1 days (1 hits, 04.09.2008-04.09.2008)
Current consecutive hit days: 0 days
Longest period without hits: 339 days (18.03.2009-19.02.2010)
Current period without hits: 283 days (21.02.2010-30.11.2010)

Consecutive hit days
Display limit: 2 consecutive days. Max 20 items displayed.

Consecutive hitless days
Display limit: 2 consecutive days. Max 20 items displayed.

Hit ratio by value on note
note5 2416/2 = 1208,00 notes/hit
note10 1606/1 = 1606,00 notes/hit
note20 1845/1 = 1845,00 notes/hit

Average travel days by value on note
note5 490/2 = 245,00 days/hit
note10 137/1 = 137,00 days/hit
note20 438/1 = 438,00 days/hit

Average kilometres by value on note
note5 118/2 = 59,00 kilometres/hit
note10 897/1 = 897,00 kilometres/hit
note20 183/1 = 183,00 kilometres/hit

Hits by printer/countrycode on note
France France L/U - 2 (50,0 %)
Italy Italy J/S - 1 (25,0 %)
Greece Greece N/Y - 1 (25,0 %)

(Altogether hits with 4 different users.)

Hits with TOP-200 users (1/200)
 95 Italy.gif Presidente & Alex771

Hits with same kilometres and days
0 - 0 not included

Generated 2010-11-30 13.49.38 (by NIG version 1.84)