Batch Editor v. 0.45 Beta

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[2004 May 11] Download

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Batch Editor is a small multithreaded PM application which allows to find and replace a list of strings in one or more files.
You can use it to edit text files or binary files.
Replacing paths references in the system files and application INI files you can use it to update them when you move an application to a different path.
You can even use it on your system files, when moving your OS/2 installation to a different drive/partition, by replacing all the partition letter occurrences.

What is new in this version

New in the previous version


You just need to copy in any directory the following files (they must be in the same directory): Then create a program object (if you have warp 4 you just have to drag the BATCHED.EXE icon and drop it in your favorite folder) setting:
Program page:
Path and file name:
BATCHED.EXE including the full path of the file
Working directory:
The full path were you installed the program files
Association page:
Write*.BEP in the New name:  field and click on the Add  button
Icon page:
Batch editor
The program doesn't need any config.sys modification and doesn't write any data to the system INI files.

Features and settings

The program consists in two listboxes and few buttons which are enabled or disabled as needed.


The File  controls

The purpose of the listbox on the left, Files: , is to list all the files which are to be edited.
File names can include the wildcards* and?.
To add a file name to the list you can write its full path in the entryfield below the Files:  listbox and click on the Add  button, select one or more files through the dialog which pops-up when you click on the Find...  button, or, more easily, just open a folder and drag the files you want to edit dropping them onto the listbox.
When a file name is selected from the Files:  list, the Remove  button and the Recur subdirectories  checkbox are enabled. The Remove  button deletes the selected file name from the list, while the checkbox allows to search all the matching file names through the subdirectories of the pathname selected in the listbox.
A double click on a file name put the file name back in the entry field for editing.
As soon as some text is typed in the File entryfield, the Add  button becomes the default one, so you just need to press the Enter  key, once the file name is completed, to have it added to the list. Then the File entryfield gets again the focus and you can type the next file name. This way it is very easy to create a list of files just typing through the keyboard.

The Strings  controls

The couples of strings to be found and replaced are listed in the listbox on the right, Strings: , separated by an arrow" -> ".
The entryfields Find:  and Replace:  and the button Add  allow to add a couple of strings to the list.
When the Replace  field is empty, all the found strings are just deleted. The Remove  button and double clicks on the items in the list work as in the Files:  list.
The Remove all  button removes all the strings without any further request of confirmation.
It is easy to create a list of find/replace  strings using just the keyboard. Just start typing in the Find:  field: the Add  button will be enabled. As soon as the find  string has been completed you can press the Enter  key to give focus to the Replace:  field. Now you can type the replace  string and press Enter , or just press Enter , if the replace string is an empty one: the find/replace  string pair will be added to the Strings  list and the focus will go back to the Find  field allowing you to enter the next string pair.
The checkbox Case insensitive  is enabled as soon as one item in the list is selected and will allow to search the selected string in case insensitive mode.
The checkbox Escape chars , enabled on item selection, means that the selected item will be interpreted as a sequence of escape characters.

[escape sequence screenshot]

The escape character is the slash: \. Valid escape sequences are:

alarm (hexadecimal value: 0x07)
backspace (hexadecimal value: 0x08)
form feed (hexadecimal value: 0x0c)
new line (hexadecimal value: 0x0a)
return (hexadecimal value: 0x0d)
horizontal tab (hexadecimal value: 0x09)
vertical tab (hexadecimal value: 0x0b)
single quote (hexadecimal value: 0x27)
double quote (hexadecimal value: 0x22)
question mark (hexadecimal value: 0x3f)
the escape char \itself (hexadecimal value: 0x5c)
any character by its hexadecimal value

The other buttons

Once you have filled the two lists, according to your needs, you must click on the Start  button to start the editing procedure.
A progress dialog allows to monitor the elaboration. The Stop  button in this dialog will terminate the procedure.

Through the Save  button it is possible to save the current lists of files and strings with the relative find/replace options, in a binary file (edition profile).

The Load  button loads a previously saved edition profile in the current window.

The edition profiles are saved by default with a*.bep extension. For that reason, associating this kind of file to the program, a double click on the document icon will allow to launch Batch editor.


Planned features


As a limited features beta, this version is completely free.
A more complete future version will probably be shareware.