Apple IIgs
Apple II GS (Rom 1-1280 kilobyte)
Apple IIgs (1986 - 1992) is the most powerful apple II ever made. It sports a 16bit 65C816 processor, highly expandable open architecture (7 slot), up to 640 pixel horizontal pixels resolution, up to 16 colors per line (200 lines) from a palette of 4096 reaching up to 3200 synchronous colors. Finally It has an ensoniq ES5503, a 15 voice wavetable synthetizer whose uncommon capabilities were stunning at the time.
This is a view of GSOS 6.0 basic desktop.
Appleworks (Claris) launcher.
Macintosh SE30 and Apple IIGS.
Claris AppleWorks, Rastan Taito, Deluxe Paint.
Sensei, Smoothtalker GS.