Academic Conference

Hungarians and the Orient

Budapest-Tápiószentmárton, 31st of May – 6th of June, 2004







Simon Péter ©



Ancient Hungarian Trails on North American Indian Land


The author is Doctor of Technical Sciences and an independent researcher on North American indian culture. During his 20 years living in Canada concurrent with running his own consulting engineering firm and lecturing at university, Dr. Simon devoted considerable time researching the North American indian. Since 1985 he has been living again in his native Hungary. He has been disseminating his research results through publications, lectures and exhibitions.



His most important publications connected to this subject


1.   Documentation on the Indian Pavilion at EXPO 1967-1968, Montreal, Canada 1968 – 48 pages

2.   A Comparative Study between the American Indian ’’Bouass’’ and the Hungarian ’’Boldogosszony’’. – Private edition – Toronto, 1972. – 52 pages

3.   ’’Kilenc Vadlúd az Égen’’ (In the spirit of an Indian legend on origin) book – JEL Kiadó, 1999 – 112 pages

4.   ’’Aki Őelőtte Jár’’ (Comparative ethnological study on ancient North American Indians and Magyars) book – P – E  Kiadó – 2000 – 210 pages

5.   ’’Adventi Gondolatok’’ (Ancient believes of Magyars and North American Indians) documentation on original lecture – 2002. – 32 pages



Short abstract of the paper



 Dr. Simon demonstrates several selective linguistic, musical, theological, symbolical and decorative aspects of North American indian culture, to show the astounding similarities with ancient Magyar culture. 13 (73 cm by 53 cm) visual summaries display the evidence of the above mentionned similarities. This research of Dr. Simon has enabled his people to re-discover lost elements of ancient Hungarian knowledge and origin.The researcher is able to conclude that the misnamed ’’Wild West’’ indians are in fact the farthest eastern migrants that retained remarkable evidence of their connection to the Orient.






Dr. Bonaniné  Tamás-Tarr Melinda / Prof.ssa Melinda Tamás-Tarr

 Névjegy/Biglietto da visita
