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Quiz #1 (19.2.2003) Giampiero Galeotti (Roma, Italy) was the first to give the right answers:

  • The ship name is the CA RN Fiume, with a stern flight deck;
  • The name of the aircraft is the autogyro "La Cervia"
  • The year is 1935

Quiz #2 (23.3.2003) Valeriy Sedov (USA, NY) was the first to answer the questions:

  • The ship name is the Russian Novorossiysk Battleship (former Italian Giulio Cesare)
  • The location is Sevastopol, Black Sea Harbour;
  • The year is 1956;

Quiz #3 (28.4.2003) no one gave the correct answers, but a mention of honor to Sergio Forti:

  • The ship is the Soviet hull PO-101 (former KM Graf Zeppelin), sinking after the tests,
  • The location is Balttic Sea, off the former Swinemunde ;
  • The year is 1947;

Quiz #4 (28.4.2003): Quazpar correctly identified the drawing as the German project to reuse the scuttled Danish coastal battleship Peder Skram. The works was never started.

Quiz #5 (30.9.2003): Tiornu identified the ship and config. It is the RN Conte di Cavour refitting in Trieste after Taranto, in 1943.