[Citta'] Of "EBOLI."


it is one town (common of 137.80 [km]~; 34253 [ab] esteems 1989) of the Campania, in province of Salerno, from which [dista] 27 [km]. Mail to m 125 [s.l.m]. in the plain from Rooms, to the feet of the Picentini mountains, developed above all in the agricultural sector; (cereals, tobacco, vegetables, fruit and grape from wine) The industry prevalently revolt to the sector feed. It of particular artistic interest is the medieval shut nucleus around the castle of the Column; notable he/she/it/you is also the Gothic church of S. Francis. The monument meaningful [piu'] is however the Romanesque church of S Pietro [alli] Marbles, attached to convent of the Cappuccini where he/she/it/you is preserved a [pregevole] marmoreal bas-relief. Of origin [lucana], he/she/it/you was Then Roman [mucipio] (Eburum). he/she/it/you In the Middle Ages knew a period of prosperity under Roberto the Guiscardo that there [edifico'] abbey of s. Pietro. It in succession was possession of varied families: Giovanni ÏÏ she granted to the Column, Alfonso of Aragora to Baldassarre of the Rapid; therefore dominion of the Sanseverino became, of the Gomez from Silva and of the Grimaldi.

For arrive to EBOLI.

Crossing the A3 direction south you/he/she/it are arrived to the exit of Eboli

La compagnia

The company boasts a long tradition and his components love the bow, retaining the draught with the bow one of the sports more "natural" and [appaganti] for the levels of concentration that requires and for the notable contact with the nature.


NOT for the sake of money, MA FOR PURE E' SIMPLE FUN.



in the Church of S. Francis from Assisi- Style [gotico-] (Sec. XIII)

His history (Culture of the Gaudo, 2000 [a.C].; Micenea Colony, 1200 [a.C].; Municipium Romanorum and Stele of Eburum, 183 AD; and all the medieval period still from seek.


The group archers "Potifredus Miles" of Eboli, they draw their origins from the war of the Sicilian evening in the frontier of the principality "CITRA SERRAS MONTORII."

In fact from the parchments of the code diplomatic [salernitano] of Charles Carducci-

Subiaco 1931- [si-] reads:

the day 27/ July/ 1292 from Naples Charles Hammer writes to the vicar of the SALERNO [principatodi]

[dicendogli che'] his ardent desire of set makes up for the hostile raids.

You/he/she/it order to the [strategoto] of ask to the communes subjected to his [giuristisdizione].

Of send the soldiers Archers (Balestrieri) to Eboli, to the defense of the [citta'] of Eboli.

From Salerno [n°] 100; from Olevano n°40; from Country n°50.

Other parchment from the Fontanina academy Angioina chancellery.

1290/ 92-Napoli 1937, stay written:

the Charles prince Hammer to Thomas Sanseverino of engage the order and of progress so much [virilmente] and [strenuamente] against the enemies, and he/she/it/you enumerated him.

The Archers that [debbono] find to Eboli.

N°570 from Salerno; n°630 from the principality, n°100 of which 50 to horse will conduct Giovanni Caurone [de] of it.

In the 1296 the [citta'] had conquered from the Almugaveri (medieval soldiers of fortune of the skilled Aragona in the use of the darts against the cavalry, dead [apportarono] and destruction in all the- Territory of the [sele].

Thomas Sanseveri with his Archers must abandon the territory.

characters (Pietro from Eboli, 1200; Bernard Silvano, 1400; Ann Mendoza [de], said princess of Eboli, 1500; Ruy Gomez Prosperous [de] Silvam Caravita, Matteo Ripa, [etc].)

the gastronomy (Mozzarellas of [bufala], artichokes and kitchen characteristic [ebolitana] to base of vegetables with oil of olive and wine of his hills [mediterranee])

his coast (ten [kilometri] of beach with elegant sand and verdant [pineta])

the Sele river (with clear and fishy waters)

the cultural and religious demonstrations, a [susseguirsi] for all year long. Particularly the followings are signalled: Eburum-Eboli (June), Assembly National Musical Gangs (2 July), you St. Of the Wheat (14 Lulgio), Party of S.Donato (7 August), Ebolitano August, Medieval Merry-go-round (September), Campionaria Fair of the SS.Cosma and Damiano (September)

From visit: Archaeological national museum, Town Library, Church of S.Pietro Alli marmi.






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