Reproductions of Old Masters

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Gabriele Iovacchini’s Paintings and Drawings


Versione Italiana

“In tuming to their predecessors and their contemporaries, it has been and is natural to the artist, both in developing his style and from pure admiration, to copy as an act of love. This can be most impersonal, for Michelangelo copied Leonardo and Leonardo copied Michelangelo despite their cordial distaste for one another as individuals, or it can be as personal as the motives which prompted Van Gogh, in the shadow of the asylum, to copy engravings, transforming them into blazing color, from their modest monochrome”

Ayrton, Introduction to K.E. Maison, Art Themes and Variations,Thames and Hudson LTD London 1960



After Caravaggio: S.Peter's Crucifixion

Oil on canvas  230x175cm


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