Features    :   Restore your Win95/98 system after a crash    -
                                 Dimension: 15 kb

		This program is  ......the son of Pointer2000. This means that it has been
		developed using  a single part of Pointer' s code that being quite modular
		allows, adding some forms and controls to create a standalone project .
| Installing program | A quick Help to use it | Download and some Tips |


To install the program

	As usually happens with the EFsoft programs, the only 	thing that you
	have to do is to simply copy program into a folder.
	In this case there is not any any particular name to apply to the folder, 
	you may load it into the folder that you wish, and that it is all. 

on top

How to use program quickly

	As soon as program  has been installed you have only to push the RED button
	the first time.
	Beiing  the code no longer included into Pointer program it is unable to check
	system  by itself and therefore  you will see to Input Boxes requesting to inform 
	Red Alert if and where are in your system the files PKZIP.EXE and PKUNZIP.EXE.
	(These  two files are very common items and i assume they are in your system also. 
	On  the contrary get them  otherwise yuo will not be able to use program. 
	Dont forget that also theVB5  Runtime is requested being my programs developped 
	by Visual Basic)
	After  your reply, giving path of the Zipping files, program will save your system 
	files zippimg  them into the C: drive root directory along with a dos Bat file that
	needs to reistate  crashed computer.
	After  the first time you will have only to push the Red button to upgrade your 
	securityfile  ( mantaining backup of the previous item if you wish). If  unfortunately
	your system crash, close all, bootstrap a Dos session and symply  digit'' Syspoint''
	thence  restart computer. 
	Windows will be start immediatly even if with the setting relating you last saving 
	which date appears on the bottom of the program. 

on top


	You may dowload this program separately or as part of Pointset.Zip file
	I suggest, before using it, be sure to backup your  system files even if i used 
	program for a long time without any trouble.
	To  obtain the best result Pkzip and Pkunzip should be located into C: root
	directory. This  choice is due to the fact that if a crash happens you may be 
	able sometime to see the drive C: but for some reasons you could not reach 
	other directories.
	The  suggested position, therefore, grant you the possibility to surely reach all
	the files  you need to restore you Windows system.
	I  also suggest  to ask for a backup file before to save an upgraded configuration.
	This  BAK file, if something go wrong, will contain anyway a valid copy of your
	 system files  that will enable you to recover the use of your machine.

on top

do not use under Win2K/XP