(it)     www.efsoft.it - xoomer.alice.it/efsoft_it 

Several times the new devices and/or software upgrades are the subjects of rumors trying on the web to anticipate
their delivery date. This page was born to record these rumors and to try to create a kind of availability calendar 
related to the most waited Pda/Phone or at this moment O.S. upgrade also.

LEGENDA:  X  = There are rumors about date of release during the above Quarter
                (month - price - os) = additional details if any
                start/midle/end  =  period referred to the quarter or the month if indicated 
                X =  delivery date new available (even if in this case also the could be not sure)

Sunject: Upgrade to WM 6 for Pda 

The actual links to the WM6 OS upgrade already available are listed HERE

Subject: Last announced Pda, Pda Phone Edition and Pda/GPS

Links about the rumors. Any item will be deleted the next month after the rumor's confirmation.

4th Qtr 2008
HTC Touch HD -
X November
HTC Touch 3G
X October
HTC Touch Viva
X October
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 Unlocked:
X October
Palm Treo Pro Unlocked:
X October

The information you can find here are, as said above, only recorded from Web's rumors and the authors can only grant to update  
the list any time he will find a new rumor that appears to modify the previous information.

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