This is a demostration..............

of version NSbasic CE

and Visual Basic 5

...of how it is easy  use NSbasic not only on your HPC unit to program directly but
also that you may  easyly use the same code to develope the same program in 
Visual Basic.This works  on the contrary also, so you may develope your program
using VB5 (for esample) and  thence do the porting of your code to your unit.

The only thing to pay attention  is that visual interface must include objects with 
equal names, mustbe of compatible  dimension (if you have a half screen on HPC
you need a half for display in VB) and  that the forms must be separtly built using 
the respective IDE.

To try this i developed  by NSbasic a simple program (commonly used in VB to
construct the messages windows code  on the fly) that is not available for NSbasic

The use is very easy.Select  the type of windows you wish, choice buttons, behaviours
and standard icon, than  write the title and the message (that you may display up to 6
lines) thence press  preview and, if the message or input windows is that you like 
use Control+D to  copy the compiled code directly into your programs'code.
You have to launch NSmsgWiz  using NSruntime to have the NS ide and the program
run on your HPC at the same  time and toggle one which other.

Well, as i used the base Basic code, to copy it  into the previously constructed VB 
similar form did not required more than 15 minutes  (and a little adjustment) and i got
in few time two programs instead one. You may  download the NSbasic or the VB 
version with the same features.