This page was copied from Nick Strobel's Astronomy Notes. Go to his site at for the updated and corrected version.


Astronomical Constants

Quantity Value
astronomical unit (A.U.) 149,597,870.691 kilometers
light year (ly)9.460536207 · 1012 km = 63,240 A.U.
parsec (pc)3.08567802 · 1013 km = 206,265 A.U.
parsec / light year3.261622
sidereal year 365.2564 days
tropical year 365.2422 days
Gregorian year 365.2425 days
Earth mass 5.9736 · 1024 kilograms
Sun mass 1.9891 · 1030 kg = 332,980 · Earth
mean Earth radius 6371 kilometers
Sun radius 6.96265 · 105 km = 109 · Earth
Sun luminosity 3.827 · 1026 watts

Physical Constants

Quantity Value
speed of light (c) 299,792.458 kilometers/second
gravitational constant (G) 6.6726 · 10-11 m3 /(kg sec2)
Boltzmann constant (k) 1.380658 · 10-23 Joules/Kelvin
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (s) 5.67051 · 10-8 J/(m2 K4 s)
Wien's law constant 2.897756 · 106 nanometers Kelvin
Planck constant (h) 6.6260755 · 10-34 Joules second
electron mass 9.1093898 · 10-28 grams
= 5.48579903 · 10-4 amu
proton mass 1.6726231 · 10-24 grams
= 1.007276470 amu
neutron mass 1.6749286 · 10-24 grams
= 1.008664904 amu
deuterium nucleus mass 3.3435860 · 10-24 grams
= 2.013553214 amu

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