[interview made by K-o.s.]


Haus Arafna is a "Noise band" from Germany, sick and full of pain. Thanks to Galakthorro, Mr. and Mrs. Arafna for giving me the possibility to do this interview. And now, let's go into Haus Arafna project...  Web Site: 


1.Can you explaine me what "Haus Arafna" means for you?
Haus Arafna was found in 1993 and we always wanted to make music, to work on a special sound. Our project gives us the possibility to do, what we need to do. Haus Arafna just as a term, means for us to appreciate a remote part of the human mind.

2. "Blut." is my favorite Haus Arafna album. What do you think about this album?
"Blut" is our first album and we still like it. This is a good sign. In general we always try to improve ourselves and our music and that's why we take a view back seldom and not with pleasure.

3. I think your last album "Butterfly" is an evolution for your music but what is the ideologic difference between "Blut.." "Children of God" and "Butterfly" if it exist?
There aren't any ideologic differences between our albums, but a logical personal and musicial developement.

4. What do you want to express in your lyrics?
We express everything what's going up in our minds and our lifes during that period of work.

5. I think the graphical message on the covers of Haus Arafna albums is very important and "very aggressive". "Let me die in gas" and other words are associate with "sick" photos, like a forgotten life in the ocean of time. What do you think about this definition? It's right or I am totally in error?
You are always right, when you explain your personal feelings. How could this be an error? Everyone take a different look on things, we like it and we always try to pretend ourselves as less as possible.

6. What type of instrument do you use to make your music?
We use that kind of machines who need electricity to run.

7. Is possible to descrive the experiment with Haus Arafna frequency in "Tno-human factors" and which is the influence for the human brain?
Transformed as vibrotactile signal (by TNO/Nether-lands - compareable to the Max Planck Institute), Haus Arafna creates the most disturbing reaction to all probationers of this experiment. The brain didn't hear, just feel through the skin: Haus Arafna's music is "aggressive", "loud", "rich/full", "painful", "whole", "raw", "shrill", "fast" and "alarmin". All this properties were called by the probationers, while "feel" Haus Arafna's music.

8. Haus Arafna are Mr. and Mrs. Arafna and no other. Are you in contact with bands or musician in the "underground scene"
We are loners and misanthrops, but nevertheless we know some people, other artists on Galakthorroe,... A bit contact to the world outside isn't to avoid for total.

9. How do you spend your life in every day? I ask you this beacause I think it's important to understand what type of person you are beyond the music.
We're living our usual life in our ivory tower.

10. What type of music do you listen?
We listen to nearly every sort of music, but from a different point of view. In some music for example, we just like the production, the voice-recordings, etc. and enjoy it. In general we've got too much to do with our own music, than to find enough time to study others.

11. Do you take inspiration from a particular thing or the music come directly from the mind to the "machine"?
Our inspiration comes from everywhere and the music comes directly from our fingers to the machine.

12. Last word?