Malleus Maleficarum "Taedium Vitae" has been reviewed as a very good black metal album made by a French band that have showed a great extreme attitude and that have recorded a something harsh but not chaotic …now let’s unveil something more...  (Interview bu Ildanachh)

Malleus Maleficarum Interview
answer by S.N.


Your last release show a great dedication for the most extreme side of black metal, do you feel part of a legacy of darkness, what’s the primary objective of your creation?
We don't have any objective , in fact we just vomit our hate through a music style called "black metal".

It’s normal to have some roots with the territory, French Black Metal have a very interesting dramatic feeling and a sort of anguish melancholic attitude, do you feel like I do a certain link between your sombre form of black metal and this heritage?
French bm have a certain particularity , as you said, a sort of melancholy & darkness, a really sincerity and we try to keep this one in our music.

"Bleeding Runes" the opening tract of "Taedium Vitae" smell like a sort of dark apocalyptic hymn, an aura of gloomy fatalism is represented in a storm of black metal, what’s the concept and the feeling that you want to express with that song?
 "Bleeding Runes" and "Taedium Vitae" is the global expression of our vision ov the mankind desekration.

The cover of "Taedium..." is mysterious, a sort of magical rite, is mysticism and magic thematics that appeal to you?
DarkArts has draw this fucking cover and have granted this one with a mysterious feeling...Mysticim is of course a important thematic for us,
but not the only one...

"Heic Noenum Pax" is your previous self-financed album, your band’s name is Latin and also this last title...Which kind of connection Do you feel with this language?
Latin is the root of many "modern" languages, and I think the Latin is perfect to give a full signification to the "concept" idea.


The moon is summoned in a title, do you believe in magnetism and in the energy power hidden behind its not so well known influences, or in this matter you’re only visually fascinated?
To be honest, I'm not really fascinated by Moon, Nature or others things, but I know Mastema much inspired by the moon's aura .

Do you think that black metal is something that you can have inside yourself notwithstanding what’s your normal life or there’s something more to acquire the right spirit?
I don't understand when you say " black metal is something you can have inside yourself"....I really don't care about "Black Metal" , as I previously said, we just vomit our hate, and of course you can't just play a role else your music won't be sincere !

What’s your idea of symphonic Black metal, as many traditional black metal fans you totally hate it or you think that there’s also something interesting in that kind of music?
There is good symphonic Black Metal band like Nokturnal Mortum, Parnassus, etc...I'm not one of those who say " this is shit" as soon I hear keyboard, this is a pity attitude...

Isn’t extreme to play something that’s so isolated from the actual metal standards....what’s your mood about the isolation that traditional Black metal is gaining-suffering? 
I don't mind

I’m so bored by normal metal fans, looking from a black metal point of view is there a brotherhood in this fucking "family" over the genres or Black Metal is a different side?
In fact, I'm bored by humanist who preach a "true" attitude , like no drugs, no alcool, etc... I don't think there is a fucking family as u said

You started as a Death-Thrash band, are those influences for you nowadays?
Our death/trash influences are of course always here ! We continue to listen to Entombed, Deicide, Morbid Angel, etc....

Have you got other projects outside M.M.?
No other projects.

About darkness conceptually related to black metal are you interested in literature, art and other things?
I like to read Cioran, or anthropology etude, or other shit like that.

What’s you opinion about the actual and past French scene and in particular of historical bands like Belketre, Vlad Tepes and present ones like Seth, Celestia, Vermeth, Anorexia Nervosa, Mutiilation, Arkhon Infaustus?
Past band like Vlad Tepes, Mutiilation, & all the french bm legion have made really sincere & good stuff.....
About Seth, Anorexia N., I don't think ( I hope...) they pretend do Black Metal and I don't have comments about this bands.
Actually in France, there is really good band like Nuit Noire , Dark Opus, Malicious Secrets, etc...

You 5 all-time preferred albums
Argh! really hard questions......hmmm...first all the Ulver stuff....else I don't know.

The cd-album is promoted by Adipocere and produced by Oaken Shield, two respected underground label, actually what’s your situation with them?
We don't have a particularity situation with them, they do their job in a good way,  and our 2nd album shoud be on the same label, all hailz to Nico from Oaken Shield.
Thanks for your itw guy, else we research gig anywhere so feel free to contact us,