ASTROFAES - Ancestors’ Shadows

Talking about underrated band Astrofaes are a very unknown band compared to the quality of this outstanding album, the style is similar to the last incredible Negura Bunget "N’ Crugu Bradului" but Astrofaes have kept a certain black roughness that the Romanian band have a bit more elaborated. The debut of this band was a more traditional sort of Symphonic Black Metal fair but nothing special, now Astrofaes are probably went back to their scene roots to revolute their creation to a more sophisticate and emotional path, this is the main reason that made me appreciate that album...but there’s much more of a quick pleasure. "Thunder I Shall Being" is a great fusion of classic guitar arpeggios, a  distorted guitar metal base and ethnic choirs. This music is the perfect fusion of the transcendental deep side of pagan metal and the cold and harsh side of Black Metal, everything is done with a great equilibrium between those elements without sounding too mechanical but leaving a strong spontaneity to conquer the scene.  


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