A new name rises from the arid Italian underground, after all something is moving and there are some promising acts that are starting to move important steps, this time no Code 666 but a new interesting label, Pulsar Light, already known for the hateful Mater Tenebra "Sangue"

The particularity of this band is to incorporate Black Metal and some Moderate Scandinavian Death Metal elements, a bit like early Dissection, but with a personal and modern style, very well expressed by a clean and hellish recording. Drums are triggered and played with fast traditional parts but also with some other more original ideas. One of the stronger elements of "Satisfied" is to sound modern with guitar lines that have a very powerful extreme metal base, the members show a very deep understanding of those different style but they develop a bit like Seth, after all they’re not as clinic as them because they goes  a bit more to the emotive side, differently Seth have a killer atmosphere but they’re a colder matter. In this album as I was saying there are some melodies that have a great impact. The cover isn’t what I think a majestic one but the artwork inside the booklet is far better and deserve the right attention.  


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