THUNDERBOLT - The Burning Deed of Deceit


It’s not a secret that this band is a strong Emperor addicted, "The Burning…" is nothing but another chapter of the Thunderbolt glorification of the early symphonic Black Metal, a thing that I really appreciate by itself because the trend today is to follow the steps of death-thrash revival. I remember their debut and my feelings where very positive, today I listen to a fairy good album but nothing to drastically capture my attention. The first song immediately bring the listener to a conscious type of Sympho-Black not too progressive and with not so many synth parts, sometimes almost regressive. Also the artwork is very direct and very traditional so that this album is absolutely done to the listener who doesn’t seek anything new but a solid release.

After all the sympho parts are only used to give the necessary atmosphere in some moments and

there’s a very old mood in this album, probably this is it’s best point. Not a song have surprised me, the second is probably the best, but the overall result is not so bad…but another time I will go back to the roots, listening to the old masterpieces. The best thing to date is that finally Thunderbolt are growing some personal shades so that the recalls are less direct…let’s see 


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