Serpent Eclipse


Serpent Eclipse have already proved to be one of the out-coming surprises in Avantgarde-modern BSymphonic Dark-Black Metal and they keep a very mysterious attitude, that's perfectly representative of the abstract essence of their fresh and cold released album.   Interview by Ildanach



When I think to your atmosphere it’s not the typical sombre thing but much more a glorification of dark beauty, sombre pleasure, a praise to rebellion, is it true?

I think that's a good description.  I consider Serpent Eclipse to have a haunting atmosphere.  This atmosphere is the heart and soul of it all.  The main focus is always to create atmosphere within the parts, and in this case it's a haunting, somewhat futuristic tone.


The drum machine is programmed with skill, do you think that to be the best solution to your music and if yes why?

Yes, it makes the music possible because of the way that it's written and arranged.  If Serpent Eclipse was a "normal" rehearsing band, I'm sure the approach would be completely different.  It evolves in a studio atmosphere.


Talking about you music’s inspiration and influences I’ve heard around talking about how Devil Doll is sometimes a reference for the experimental side of your creation…do you agree?

I'm not too familiar with Devil Doll, but I can understand that comparison.  I think a lot of that experimental side comes from different sorts of 70's prog rock and experimental music.  Bands and artists such as Goblin, Tangerine Dream, Philip Glass, ELP and many others are always in the back of my mind.


What are your main source of inspiration when you create your music?

The main source of inspiration is simply the desire to create music.  However, it could be a film, a painting or something I've read that gets the ideas flowing.  Sometimes I won't work on anything for weeks or months, but I always have that desire again whether it be Serpent Eclipse or something else.

Listening to your arrangements its obvious that you like to keep the listener under pressure with some surprising synth. inserts, do you consider them as something that you’ll keep and increase in the future?

Yes, I like to experiment with orchestral and also classic analog sounding synths.  The songs are always based on riffs first.  I've heard too many bands where the keyboards sound amazing and gigantic, yet the songs put you to sleep when you really listen carefully.  Synths add that extra touch of mystery.


The guitars are played with original riffs together with the other elements they create a surreal you feel evasion to be an important thing in your life?

Absolutely.  I can't imagine creating music with every day situations in mind.  How boring.  I like music that's completely apart from rationality.


"The Seven desires - Wolves’ Blood"...what’s behind that fusion?

I'm not sure.  The concept is still becoming clear to me.


"A Sorcerer’s Suicide" is an unusual title...are you interested to explain its contents?

It's the first song on the disc and basically represents death (in this case, the suicide of a fictional sorcerer), opening possibilities - magical and catastrophic. 

Who and how many are the members of Serpent Eclipse?

Myself and perhaps a couple other though I'm not sure if they're real or not.


The cover artwork have something special and an hallucinated mood , how it have been realized and how you feel it connected to you music and concept?

I was in need of cover art that fit the music, when I came across some work by the French artist Aurelian Police it seemed to be what I was looking for.  It's connected because it has an obscure feel to it.. up for interpretation... much like S.E.


What are the future plans for S.E.?

I really don't know.  Serpent Eclipse is now without a label and I'm focusing on other things for the moment.  There'll probably be a split release or two in the near future.  Other than that, the whole thing will most likely crawl back to wherever it came from.