"Divine-X" is one of the most devastating extreme creation of the last 5 years, a deadly mixture of death-thrash and black roots together with a modern touch and the obious dark cold feeling that the band never forgive! Heimoth, the most representative member of the band, now answer to that interesting interview  (Done by Ildanach)



Death and Thrash influences are sometimes audible, do you like those genres? Is Black Metal able to survive to the new generations of listeners for its modernity and ability to acquire the better elements from other genres or it’s losing part of its primordial spirit?

It actually depends on what is for you BM.For instance if you consider BM just like dark throne’s style , I guess BM is most likely on the wane. I think that as long as extreme metal still survives BM would probably still exist .Its right to admit that lots of people mix many different elements,but it can only be positive for this style so that it gets stronger .So if people are tolerant enough to accept a kind of ‘post-black’ period this extreme style won’t disappear.


What can you say about the lyrics and what’s the main concept of the actual Seth philosophy?

The last album deals with lyrics about mankind and its decadence ,strength and union, and humanity towars religion. Its hard to assert you that we have an overall concept to spread you know. People should directly read our lyrics i guess.As a definition SETH is a band, and we are not here to spread a main message just like what known pop and rap bands do. Our ideas remains in the different themes we highlights in the lyrics.


An extreme thing isn’t always something brutal, sounding harsh, but also something intellectual more deeper...Do you feel your creation liked to that meaning?

Yes definitely!! Lots of people claim that an extreme music is something fast, brutal ‘without compromise’ and I agree in a sens, but this is sometimes an excuse that reflects a huge lack of personality .I’m convinced that something extreme has to be shrewd too. If people could mix both of these adjectives, music would be all the more interesting coz its definitely too easy to make something extreme only. This is also the problem of people who preach the underground scene only. Being underground is okay ,but full of people use this word to hide the fact that they are not able to play good music or to play music merely. That’s really too easy, and this is often used when people start complaining bands about the sound. Bands often claim that they wanted this "special rotten sound", but it’s actually wrong ‘coz most of them would have chosen something better if they only had the chance for that...


About the live you fell your "Divine-x" music more comfortable to be played live then the one of "Les Blessures..." ...and if yes why?

Most of our gigs sounds more aggressive than what we record, but I think ‘divine-x’ is maybe more difficult to play and to come out on stage than what we used to do, and this because of  its peculiar atmospheres made by the studio sound. We are currently trying to work a lot about that, to make something that could reflect this last album even more faithfully.


"Les Blessures.." was much more melodic then your last album but still very fast and cold. What do you actually think of that release?

With the necessary hindsight, I think that the good points of this albums are the atmospheres. However all the songs are really too long, and it gets really boring to play live unfortunately.It’s very epic, maybe too much!


There isn’t only coldness in the dark hemisphere of nature, nowadays band seems to be influenced by other things...what about you? Your first mini-cd was showing some mystic nature images if I remember...

Yes  indeed...We were more into that kind of things then, at a time in which bands were all doing the same thing actually. It’s great to show the strength of nature, it’s coldness and it’s heat represented by fire and all these elements which were supposed to emphasize the power of the music. Yet personally, I deeply believe that it remains other convincing tools to personify music today. This image is now too much linked and acquainted with Immortal and so on, there  is a lack of aggression as well.


Is black metal a way of thinking, a style of life or something else, what inspiration you think to be necessary to play with attitude that unique kind of music?

It can be considered as an identity, something personal and deep. But my whole personality is not devoted to that music of course. Whatever people can claim about, I think that after all it shouldn’t be seen as something so unique, because anybody could have and feel the same things about any kind of music provided it is deeply felt. What im trying to say is that BM may be regarded as a real identity, but people should also keep in mind that it mustn’t be the only one ,and that they should sometimes try to see even farther....


In the excellent Mayhem tribute album you played an unusual cover because you have chosen a song from "Wolf Lair Abyss", personally I really liked the choice and the result, so I was interested to know what do you think about the new-Mayhem...Isn’t their last release a bit too- plastic?

The last Mayhem is at least and above all very bewildering, do you remember that sentence: ...Development came like a sudden death in a family, noone could foresee the coming off!! sums up the whole album perfectly well I think. They dared and that’s what I liked into it. There are some really good tracks, other I don’t really enjoy though which sound somewhat too heavy for the essence of Mayhem.

Is it true that your drummer played in the cult band Torgeist? Have you ever eared them?

Who told you that?!!We know well The Black from this band who dwells not far from our town, but we have never had members in common, so it’s actually a big joke. Our drummer plays for Enthroned currently though.


How is the situation of the French scene, is there any band that you wish to "promote"?

We have a new singer for a few months called ‘Black Messiah’.He also plays in a band :’Monarchia daemonium’ which sounds good, they will release their demo in a few weeks. He has already done some promising gigs!!


I heard about some rumours about conflicts between Seth and Osmose, is everything all right?

Our contract is over now and it won’t be renewed. That’s all I can say for now!


Could you tell me your all-time black metal top albums, and the bands the have inspired you?

My favorite black metal album would be "Pure holocaust" by IMMORTAL.Im not found of their other albums though. I deeply like other cd such as the first ULVER,some DARK THRONE releases etc...I think that somewhere these bands managed to inspire me few years ago...