This is not a too fresh interview but this is a very interesting anticipation to the interview that we are preparing for the near future with this incredible band, this one has been done some time after the first massacre "Kill for Satan", read the new one review in the section, a total killer!!!!
The contents are fortunately the same and so the bands attitude is still intact, still darkness!! Still fucking darkness!!!! (Ildanachh)

Tsjuder are one of best upcoming black metal bands coming from Norway, they have just published a new album, titled "Kill for Satan" and out for Drakkar Prod, an active French label. And we think that with this new opus Tsjuder could finally have all consents that they deserved!



Well Nag, first of all thanx for giving us the opportunity to realize this interview with your band. It's great to know that still now there are some bands that trust in the true black metal feeling!
"Thanx for your support!"


At this time your band with Dark Throne are the only bands coming from Norway that plays a grim and evil black metal, a fundamental characteristic of this beautiful genre that nowadays some bands have forgotten in order to increase their earnings!
"Well, I think Immortal, Taake, Trelldom and some others should be mentioned also. But it's unfortunately a fact. The Norwegian so called "scene" is fucked up!"


I know that your band had some line-up problems. Could you tell us about what is happened? And could you show to our readers the actual Tsjuder's members?
"We've had lot's of line-up problems. This is most likely because it's me and Draugluin that makes all the music, so we want to do things our ways. Unfortunately many members didn't handle that. Tsjuder is Nag and Draugluin, but Pål E. plays guitar and Anti-Christian handles the drums."


Why Arak and Anti Christian have left the band?
"Arak moved to Australia, and Anti Christian was never supposed to be a full-time member.
We had another drummer after "Kill for Satan", but we decided to go back to Anti Christian. At this moment he still handles the drums, and he'll also play on our next album."


So let's talk now about your new first full-length album, "Kill for Satan", that starting from its title, it shows very well what are Tsjuder's intentions!
"Well, it's not that new anymore. It was recorded in the end of 1999. The title is take from the trilogy written by Diabolus Mort (former guitarist). All our lyrics are more or less straight to the point. I don't want to write these deep philosophical lyrics, that's not me. I write what I have in mind, and not all the bullshit around it. I guess it should say much about our beliefs..."


I'm sure that some people who have read your album's title thought that you are a satanic band that invites people to kill in the name of Satan, misunderstanding the real message that Tsjuder would give with their music!
"Well, if people would like to kill in the name of Satan, that's good enough for me. But, the lyric "Kill for Satan" deals with a sacrifice for the Devil, so that he will rise to the earth in short words. It's not meant as an invitation to kill for Satan."


Listening to your new album I was very impressed by two songs: Unleashed and the title track, two really hellish songs! What is your opinion about these songs? And about the other ones? There's a song you like most?
"Unleashed is a track we made as a kind of and intro to the trilogy. It's chaos. Concerning the title track, I think it's very good, but that's the song with the most death metal influences I think. Personally I think "The lord of Terror" and "The Daemon Gate" are the best songs."

If you must do a comparison between your new album and your previous work, what do
you think will result? It is undeniable that your band is progressed without losing their grim and raw way of playing this music!

"Comparing "Kill for Satan" to older releases I would say that it has a lot more death metal influences. It's a result of me and Draugluin listen very much to death metal those years we spent on making the songs on the album. Personally I think our second demo "Possessed" and the Ep "Throne of the Goat" are very good releases. Our next album will be more or less in vein of those two, + our progression. Yes, we've had much progress on those (almost) 8 years that we've played by now, but we still play raw and brutal Black Metal!"


Do you think it's possible to see you play live in our Country? And if will be so, when it would happen?
"We've been offered an European tour in October 2001, but nothing is for certain yet. Like I said before, I hope to do more gigs in the future."


Are you satisfied about Drakkar's promotional working for your band?
"Yes, I think it has been good. But I think we've also contributed a lot ourself by answering tons of interviews, and trying to make a decent web-page."


I think that you are also very satisfied about good reviews that your album is having!
" Yes. I've actually not seen a bad one yet. But of course, I've not seen it been reviewed in any of the "big" magazines. We're very surprised that so many actually like Tsjuder."


I would like to have your opinion about Mayhem's last album, "A grand declaration of War" that for me is only "A great declaration of Shit"!!! What do you think about it?
"I haven't listened to much to it. I will not disrespect Mayhem."


Do you think that if Euronymous was still alive, Mayhem would have published this album that is bringing them towards their end?
"I don't think Mayhem would have been the same with Euronymous today, but you never know."

Could you now talk with us about the situation of Norway black metal scene? I think that apart from a few exceptions as your band and other few ones, the fucking business have infected this land, that one time was considered the fatherland of this genre...
"Yes, I agree. I really don't care so much about the situation in Norway. I'm in contact with lots of people and bands from all around the world witch is still into the underground, and make real Black Metal. That's more important for me, than to care about the circus this "Scene" is."


But let's talk about something other. What are your future projects?
"We will try to record our next album (most likely entitled "The return of the beasts") in the very beginning of the summer. Then I hope to do some gigs, and maybe tours."


When could us listen to your new album? Do you think that your next album will be pubblished again by Drakkar Prod?
"Drakkar will release our next album as well. When it will be released I don't know. That depend on how much delay it will be."


Ok Nag, I would thank you for the time you gave us and if there's something that you want to say to our readers, it's time to do so!
"If you're looking for a band with keyboards and female vocals, you should NOT buy anything from Tsjuder! If you're into raw and brutal Black Metal, check us out. Continue to support real Black Metal! Thanx for doing this interview with Tsjuder. Nag"

Interview by Tonyevol