INTERACTIVE TEST 4: If then else, Relational operators, Constants
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1. Which of the following is an invalid Pascal relational operator


2. Write a Pascal statement which compares the integer variable sum to the constant value 10, and if it is the same prints the string "Good guess"

if sum = 10 then writeln("Good guess");
if (sum == 10) then writeln('Good guess');
if (sum == 10) writeln('Good guess');
if sum = 10 then writeln('Good guess');

3. Write a Pascal statement which compares the character variable letter to the character variable chinput, and if it is not the same, prints the value of letter

if letter <> chinput then writeln( 'letter' );
if letter < chinput writeln( "letter" );
if letter <> chinput then writeln( letter );
if letter > chinput then writeln( letter );

4. Write a Pascal statement to compare the character variable letter to the character constant 'A', and if less, prints the text string "Too low", otherwise print the text string "Too high"

if letter > 'Z' then writeln('Too low') else writeln('Too high');
if letter < 'A' then writeln('Too low'); else writeln('Too high');
if letter <> 'A' then writeln('Too low') else writeln('Too high');
if letter < 'A' then writeln('Too low') else writeln('Too high');

5. Write a Pascal statement to display the text string "Valve open", if the variable waterflow is equal to 1, AND the variable outputvalue is equal to 0

if (waterflow = 1) AND (outputvalue = 0) then writeln('Valve open');
if (waterflow = 1) OR (outputvalue = 0) then writeln('Valve open');
if (waterflow = 0) AND (outputvalue = 1) then writeln('Valve open');
if (waterflow = 1) AND (outputvalue = 0) then writeln('Valve closed');

6. Write a Pascal statement which declares a constant called MAXSIZE with a value of 80

constant MAXSIZE = 80;
const MAXSIZE = 80;
const MAXSIZE 80;
constant MAXSIZE = 80

7. Write a Pascal statement which will display the value of the real variable degrees using a fieldwidth of 5 with three decimal places

writeln("Degrees = ", degrees:3:5 );
writeln('Degrees = ', degrees:3:5 );
writeln('Degrees = , degrees:5:3' );
writeln('Degrees = ', degrees:5:3 );

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