Economic Forecast

The complexity of economy doesn't  allow to make exact forecasts about the  future.  The  forecasts  relating  to  the economy  are  the  result  of estimates concerning many variables that form  econometric models. But, in solving the last ones, there  is no certainty that the simulation will  converge to the best output.
Even  though  I  acknowledge  that  the  econometric models  can't  get  accurate results, without doubt they are the tool for prediction more trustworthy than the mere human conjecture.
In any case, an unbiased opinion is needed before spreading abroad economic data.


Giovanni Castrignanò accepts no responsibility or liability whatever with regard to the material on this site.

This material is subject to frequent  revisions. They are only  forecasts and not  legal or commercial advices.
This disclaimer is not intended to contravene any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.

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