
Certificazione esterna del British Council

Numerosi studenti dell'Oberdan hanno partecipato al "Progetto Lingue 2000"  per ottenere la certificazione esterna del British Council,. Tre allieve Valeria Baronchelli, Maria Remonti e Carolina Scotti hanno brillantemente superato gli esami di certificazione e forniscono le loro testimonianze, rigorosamente in lingua anglosassone.

Testimonianze di vita

In January we were given the opportunity to attend an English course, in order to
improve our English and get a certification valid all over the world, after passing an
exam called P.E.T.
Six girls of our class accepted and also some students from other classes took the same
We attended 10 lessons. During the lessons our mother tongue teacher helped us to understand what the exams would be like, and we did a lot of exercises.
The exam was on 17th and 18th May, the first day we did the speaking part; at ten
o’clock we met in the waiting room. Everyone was nervous; some of us had the exam after midday and while the time was passing tension grew. We were interviewed in pairs by two mother tongue teachers. Even if we were afraid it could be the most difficult part, in our opinion it wasn’t, perhaps because the teachers were very kind with us.
The second day there were the writing, reading and listening tests, they were more
difficult than the speaking test but fortunately we were able to do them because we
had done a lot of exercises.
The course was very useful because during the lessons, before the exams, we learned
not only how to do the exam at our best but also to become more secure of
our English! We were very happy to attend the course and now we are very anxious
to know the results that come directly from the University of Cambridge!

                                                              Maria  Remonti e Carolina Scotti 5^E


Testimonianze di vita 2

 From 22nd February to 15th May I attended an English course with our mother tongue teacher.
I liked the course very much because I met new boys and girls, all very friendly and nice.
I liked it also because I improved my English, I learnt new English words and expressions.
After attending the English course, we took an exam which wasn’t easy.
There were four tests: speaking, reading, writing and listening.
On Friday morning I was very tense. I entered the room where there were two teachers and after fifteen minutes I was already outside.
The test consisted in introducing myself to someone I didn’t know, describing a photo and talking about a topic the examiners gave me.
On Saturday I was relaxed, instead.
I did the other three tests: reading and writing in one hour and thirty minutes and listening in thirty minutes.
About reading if I had had more time, I could have checked again what I had written.
I’m very happy to have attended the course and to have taken the exam, even in case of fail.
But if I pass it, I will have more self-confidence!

                                                               Valeria Baronchelli
                                                                 Classe 4^E



Venerdì 21 febbraio e sabato 22 febbraio il nostro istituto , nello spazio della " Cogestione" ha utilizzato le ore scolastiche per trattare temi di grande attualità : La violenza negli stadi e la Guerra in Iraq. Per trattare il primo tema sono stati  invitati  due esponenti particolarmente rappresentativi della squadra dell'Atalanta, Pala Alessio e Rustico Fabio, ai quali gli studenti hanno rivolto numerose domande.

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Pala Alessio (allenatore allievi A Nazionali) Rustico Fabio (difensore)

Corso di Aggiornamento riservato ai docenti


La Progettazione e la modularità

all’interno del Consiglio di Classe


Il Corso, iniziato  nell'a.s. 2001/2002 sotto la guida del  Prof. Walter Fornasa, docente di Scienze dell'Educazione presso l'Università di Bergamo, prosegue quest'anno e coinvolge i docenti che compongono il Consiglio di Classe di 3^ E. I risultati della sperimentazione saranno resi noti a giugno e pubblicati in queste pagine.


Nel 2001 è stato avviato il progetto per il cablaggio di una piattaforma hardware che prevede entro il 2004 la realizzazione di software per la creazione di un portale degli archivi didattici distribuiti all'interno e all'esterno dell'Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale "G. Oberdan" di Treviglio.



Il Collegio Docenti e il Consiglio di Istituto hanno recentemente approvato un progetto destinato a migliorare la qualità del nostro Istituto.
Tale progetto sarà avviato nel mese di aprile e portato a compimento entro il 2003.


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