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Source code for persist.persist_handlers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
#!/usr/bin/env python
This module contains different classes which handle different kind of saving/restoring
actions depending on the widget kind.

import wx
import types
import datetime

import wx.aui
import wx.combo
import wx.calendar as calendar
import wx.gizmos

import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as scrolled
import wx.lib.expando as expando
import wx.lib.buttons as buttons
import wx.lib.masked as masked
import wx.lib.colourselect as csel

import wx.lib.agw.aui as AUI
import wx.lib.agw.cubecolourdialog as CCD
import wx.lib.agw.customtreectrl as CT
import wx.lib.agw.flatmenu as FM
import wx.lib.agw.flatnotebook as FNB
import wx.lib.agw.floatspin as FS
import wx.lib.agw.foldpanelbar as FPB
import wx.lib.agw.hypertreelist as HTL
import wx.lib.agw.knobctrl as KC
import wx.lib.agw.labelbook as LBK

    import wx.lib.agw.shapedbutton as SB
    hasSB = True
    hasSB = False

import wx.lib.agw.ultimatelistctrl as ULC

import persistencemanager as PM

from persist_constants import *

[docs]def PyDate2wxDate(date): """ Transforms a object into a `wx.DateTime` one. :param `date`: a `` object. """ tt = date.timetuple() dmy = (tt[2], tt[1]-1, tt[0]) return wx.DateTimeFromDMY(*dmy)
[docs]def wxDate2PyDate(date): """ Transforms a `wx.DateTime` object into a `` one. :param date: a `wx.DateTime` object. """ if date.IsValid(): ymd = map(int, date.FormatISODate().split('-')) return*ymd) else: return None
[docs]def CreateFont(font): """ Creates a tuple of 7 `wx.Font` attributes from the `font` input parameter. :param `font`: a `wx.Font` instance. :returns: A tuple of 7 `wx.Font` attributes from the `font` input parameter. """ return font.GetPointSize(), font.GetFamily(), font.GetStyle(), font.GetWeight(), \ font.GetUnderlined(), font.GetFaceName(), font.GetEncoding() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class AbstractHandler(object): """ Base class for persistent windows, uses the window name as persistent name by default and automatically reacts to the window destruction. :note: This is an abstract class. If you wish to add another (custom) handler for your widgets, you should derive from L{AbstractHandler} and override the L{AbstractHandler.Save}, L{AbstractHandler.Restore} and L{AbstractHandler.GetKind} methods. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): """ Default class constructor. :param `pObject`: a L{PersistentObject} containing information about the persistent widget. """ object.__init__(self) self._pObject = pObject self._window = pObject.GetWindow()
[docs] def Save(self): """ Saves the widget's settings by calling L{PersistentObject.SaveValue}, which in turns calls L{PersistenceManager.SaveValue}. :note: This method must be overridden in derived classes. """ pass
[docs] def Restore(self): """ Restores the widget's settings by calling L{PersistentObject.RestoreValue}, which in turns calls L{PersistenceManager.RestoreValue}. :note: This method must be overridden in derived classes. """ pass
[docs] def GetKind(self): """ Returns a short and meaningful *string* description of your widget. :note: This method must be overridden in derived classes. """ pass # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class BookHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring book control selection. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.Toolbook`; - `wx.Choicebook`; - `wx.Listbook`; - `wx.Treebook` (except for opened tree branches, see L{TreebookHandler} for this); - `wx.Notebook`; - `wx.aui.AuiNotebook`; - L{auibook.AuiNotebook}; - L{flatnotebook.FlatNotebook}; - L{labelbook.LabelBook}; - L{labelbook.FlatImageBook}. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): book, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_BOOK_SELECTION, book.GetSelection()) if issubclass(book.__class__, AUI.AuiNotebook): manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_AUI_PERSPECTIVES: # Allowed to save and restore perspectives perspective = book.SavePerspective() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_BOOK_AGW_AUI_PERSPECTIVE, perspective) def Restore(self): book, obj = self._window, self._pObject sel = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_BOOK_SELECTION) retVal = True if issubclass(book.__class__, AUI.AuiNotebook): manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_AUI_PERSPECTIVES: retVal = False # Allowed to save and restore perspectives perspective = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_BOOK_AGW_AUI_PERSPECTIVE) if perspective is not None: retVal = book.LoadPerspective(perspective) wx.CallAfter(book.Refresh) if sel is not None: if sel >= 0 and sel < book.GetPageCount(): book.SetSelection(sel) return True and retVal return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_BOOK_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class TreebookHandler(BookHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring open tree branches. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.Treebook` (except for page selection, see L{BookHandler} for this). """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): BookHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): book, obj = self._window, self._pObject expanded = "" for page in xrange(book.GetPageCount()): if book.IsNodeExpanded(page): if expanded: expanded += PERSIST_SEP expanded += "%u"%page obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TREEBOOK_EXPANDED_BRANCHES, expanded) return BookHandler.Save(self) def Restore(self): book, obj = self._window, self._pObject expanded = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TREEBOOK_EXPANDED_BRANCHES) if expanded: indices = expanded.split(PERSIST_SEP) pageCount = book.GetPageCount() for indx in indices: idx = int(indx) if idx >= 0 and idx < pageCount: book.ExpandNode(idx) return BookHandler.Restore(self) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TREEBOOK_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class AUIHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring `wx.aui.AuiManager` and L{framemanager.AuiManager} perspectives. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): # Save the AUI perspectives if PersistenceManager allows it eventHandler = self._window.GetEventHandler() isAGWAui = isinstance(eventHandler, AUI.AuiManager) isAui = isinstance(eventHandler, wx.aui.AuiManager) if not isAui and not isAGWAui: return True manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_AUI_PERSPECTIVES: # Allowed to save and restore perspectives perspective = eventHandler.SavePerspective() if isAGWAui: name = PERSIST_AGW_AUI_PERSPECTIVE else: name = PERSIST_AUI_PERSPECTIVE self._pObject.SaveValue(name, perspective) return True def Restore(self): # Restore the AUI perspectives if PersistenceManager allows it eventHandler = self._window.GetEventHandler() isAGWAui = isinstance(eventHandler, AUI.AuiManager) isAui = isinstance(eventHandler, wx.aui.AuiManager) if not isAui and not isAGWAui: return True manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_AUI_PERSPECTIVES: # Allowed to save and restore perspectives if isAGWAui: name = PERSIST_AGW_AUI_PERSPECTIVE else: name = PERSIST_AUI_PERSPECTIVE perspective = self._pObject.RestoreValue(name) if perspective is not None: eventHandler.LoadPerspective(perspective) return False return True def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_AUIPERSPECTIVE_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class TLWHandler(AUIHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring window position and size as well as maximized/iconized/restore state for toplevel windows. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - All `wx.Frame` derived classes; - All `wx.Dialog` derived classes. | In addition, if the toplevel window has an associated AuiManager (whether it is `wx.aui.AuiManager` or L{framemanager.AuiManager} and L{PersistenceManager} has the ``PM_SAVE_RESTORE_AUI_PERSPECTIVES`` style set (the default), this class will also save and restore AUI perspectives using the underlying L{AUIHandler} class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AUIHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): tlw, obj = self._window, self._pObject pos = tlw.GetScreenPosition() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TLW_X, pos.x) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TLW_Y, pos.y) # Notice that we use GetSize() here and not GetClientSize() because # the latter doesn't return correct results for the minimized windows # (at least not under Windows) # # Of course, it shouldn't matter anyhow usually, the client size # should be preserved as well unless the size of the decorations # changed between the runs size = tlw.GetSize() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TLW_W, size.x) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TLW_H, size.y) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TLW_MAXIMIZED, tlw.IsMaximized()) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TLW_ICONIZED, tlw.IsIconized()) return AUIHandler.Save(self) def Restore(self): tlw, obj = self._window, self._pObject x, y = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TLW_X), obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TLW_Y) w, h = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TLW_W), obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TLW_H) hasPos = x is not None and y is not None hasSize = w is not None and h is not None if hasPos: # To avoid making the window completely invisible if it had been # shown on a monitor which was disconnected since the last run # (this is pretty common for notebook with external displays) # # NB: we should allow window position to be (slightly) off screen, # it's not uncommon to position the window so that its upper # left corner has slightly negative coordinate if wx.Display.GetFromPoint(wx.Point(x, y)) != wx.NOT_FOUND or \ (hasSize and wx.Display.GetFromPoint(wx.Point(x+w, y+h)) != wx.NOT_FOUND): tlw.Move(wx.Point(x, y), wx.SIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) # else: should we try to adjust position/size somehow? if hasSize: tlw.SetSize((w, h)) # Note that the window can be both maximized and iconized maximized = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TLW_MAXIMIZED) if maximized: tlw.Maximize() iconized = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TLW_ICONIZED) if iconized: tlw.Iconize() # The most important property of the window that we restore is its # size, so disregard the value of hasPos here return (hasSize and AUIHandler.Restore(self)) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TLW_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class CheckBoxHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.CheckBox` state. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.CheckBox`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): check, obj = self._window, self._pObject if check.Is3State(): obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_CHECKBOX_3STATE, check.Get3StateValue()) else: obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_CHECKBOX, check.GetValue()) return True def Restore(self): check, obj = self._window, self._pObject if check.Is3State(): value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_CHECKBOX_3STATE) if value is not None: check.Set3StateValue(value) return True else: value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_CHECKBOX) if value is not None: check.SetValue(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_CHECKBOX_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ListBoxHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring selected items in `wx.ListBox`, `wx.ListCtrl`, `wx.ListView`, `wx.VListBox`, `wx.HtmlListBox`, `wx.SimpleHtmlListBox`, `wx.gizmos.EditableListBox`. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.ListBox`; - `wx.ListCtrl` (only for selected items. For column sizes see L{ListCtrlHandler}); - `wx.ListView` (only for selected items. For column sizes see L{ListCtrlHandler}); - `wx.VListBox`; - `wx.HtmlListBox`; - `wx.SimpleHtmlListBox`; - `wx.gizmos.EditableListBox`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
[docs] def GetSelections(self, listBox): """ Returns a list of selected items for `wx.ListBox`, `wx.ListCtrl`, `wx.ListView`, `wx.VListBox`, `wx.HtmlListBox`, `wx.SimpleHtmlListBox`, `wx.gizmos.EditableListBox`. :param `listBox`: an instance of `wx.ListBox`, `wx.ListCtrl`, `wx.ListView`, `wx.VListBox`, `wx.HtmlListBox`, `wx.SimpleHtmlListBox`, `wx.gizmos.EditableListBox`.. """ indices = [] if isinstance(listBox, (wx.HtmlListBox, wx.SimpleHtmlListBox)): if listBox.GetSelectedCount() == 0: return indices else: if listBox.GetSelectedItemCount() == 0: return indices isVirtual = issubclass(listBox.__class__, wx.VListBox) if isVirtual: # This includes wx.SimpleHtmlListBox and wx.HtmlListBox if listBox.GetWindowStyleFlag() & wx.LB_SINGLE: selection = listBox.GetSelection() return (selection >= 0 and [selection] or [indices])[0] else: # wx.ListCtrl if listBox.GetWindowStyleFlag() & wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL: selection = listBox.GetSelection() return (selection >= 0 and [selection] or [indices])[0] if isVirtual: item, cookie = listBox.GetFirstSelected() while item != wx.NOT_FOUND: indices.append(item) item, cookie = listBox.GetNextSelected(cookie) return indices lastFound = -1 # Loop until told to stop while 1: index = listBox.GetNextItem(lastFound, wx.LIST_NEXT_ALL, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED) if index == wx.NOT_FOUND: # No item selected break else: # Found one item, append to the list of condemned lastFound = index indices.append(index) return indices
def Save(self): manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_TREE_LIST_SELECTIONS == 0: # We don't want to save selected items return True listBox, obj = self._window, self._pObject if issubclass(listBox.__class__, wx.ListBox): selections = listBox.GetSelections() else: selections = self.GetSelections(listBox) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_LISTBOX_SELECTIONS, selections) return True def Restore(self): manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_TREE_LIST_SELECTIONS == 0: # We don't want to save selected items return True listBox, obj = self._window, self._pObject isVirtual = issubclass(listBox.__class__, wx.VListBox) or isinstance(listBox, wx.CheckListBox) isHtml = isinstance(listBox, wx.HtmlListBox) if isVirtual and not isHtml: count = listBox.GetCount() else: count = listBox.GetItemCount() selections = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_LISTBOX_SELECTIONS) if selections is not None: for index in selections: if index < count: listBox.Select(index) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_LISTBOX_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ListCtrlHandler(ListBoxHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring selected items and column sizes in `wx.ListCtrl`. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.ListCtrl` (only for column sizes. For selected items see L{ListBoxHandler}); - `wx.ListView` (only for column sizes. For selected items see L{ListBoxHandler}). """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): ListBoxHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): listCtrl, obj = self._window, self._pObject retVal = ListBoxHandler.Save(self) if not listCtrl.InReportView(): return retVal colSizes = [] for col in xrange(listCtrl.GetColumnCount()): colSizes.append(listCtrl.GetColumnWidth(col)) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_LISTCTRL_COLWIDTHS, colSizes) return retVal def Restore(self): listCtrl, obj = self._window, self._pObject retVal = ListBoxHandler.Restore(self) if not listCtrl.InReportView(): return retVal colSizes = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_LISTCTRL_COLWIDTHS) if colSizes is None: return False count = listCtrl.GetColumnCount() for col, size in enumerate(colSizes): if col < count: listCtrl.SetColumnWidth(col, size) return retVal def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_LISTCTRL_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class CheckListBoxHandler(ListBoxHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring checked and selected items in `wx.CheckListBox`. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.CheckListBox` (only for checked items. For selected items see L{ListBoxHandler}). """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): ListBoxHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): checkList, obj = self._window, self._pObject checked = [] for index in xrange(checkList.GetCount()): if checkList.IsChecked(index): checked.append(index) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_CHECKLIST_CHECKED, checked) return ListBoxHandler.Save(self) def Restore(self): checkList, obj = self._window, self._pObject checked = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_CHECKLIST_CHECKED) count = checkList.GetCount() if checked is not None: for index in checked: if index < count: checkList.Check(index) return ListBoxHandler.Restore(self) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_CHECKLISTBOX_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ChoiceComboHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring `wx.Choice`, `wx.ComboBox` and `wx.combo.OwnerDrawnComboBox` selection. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.Choice`; - `wx.ComboBox`; - `wx.combo.OwnerDrawnComboBox`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): combo, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = combo.GetStringSelection() obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_CHOICECOMBO_SELECTION, value) return True def Restore(self): combo, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_CHOICECOMBO_SELECTION) if value is not None: if value in combo.GetStrings(): combo.SetStringSelection(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_CHOICECOMBO_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class FoldPanelBarHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring of L{foldpanelbar.FoldPanelBar}. This class handles the following wxPython widgets - L{foldpanelbar.FoldPanelBar """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): fpb, obj = self._window, self._pObject expanded = [fpb.GetFoldPanel(i).IsExpanded() for i in xrange(fpb.GetCount())] obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FOLDPANELBAR_EXPANDED, expanded) return True def Restore(self): fpb, obj = self._window, self._pObject expanded = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FOLDPANELBAR_EXPANDED) if expanded is None: return False else: for idx, expand in enumerate(expanded): panel = fpb.GetFoldPanel(idx) if expand: fpb.Expand(panel) else: fpb.Collapse(panel) return True def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_FOLDPANELBAR_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class RadioBoxHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.RadioBox` state. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.RadioBox`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): radio, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_RADIOBOX_SELECTION, radio.GetSelection()) return True def Restore(self): radio, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_RADIOBOX_SELECTION) if value is not None: if value < radio.GetCount(): radio.SetSelection(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_RADIOBOX_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class RadioButtonHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.RadioButton` state. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.RadioButton`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): radio, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_RADIOBUTTON_VALUE, radio.GetValue()) return True def Restore(self): radio, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_RADIOBUTTON_VALUE) if value is not None: radio.SetValue(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_RADIOBUTTON_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ScrolledWindowHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.ScrolledWindow` / `wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel` scroll position. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.ScrolledWindow`; - `wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): scroll, obj = self._window, self._pObject scrollPos = scroll.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_SCROLLEDWINDOW_POS_H, scrollPos) scrollPos = scroll.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_SCROLLEDWINDOW_POS_V, scrollPos) return True def Restore(self): scroll, obj = self._window, self._pObject hpos = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_SCROLLEDWINDOW_POS_H) vpos = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_SCROLLEDWINDOW_POS_V) if hpos: scroll.SetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL, hpos) if vpos: scroll.SetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL, vpos, True) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_SCROLLEDWINDOW_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class SliderHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.Slider` / L{knobctrl.KnobCtrl} thumb position. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.Slider`; - L{knobctrl.KnobCtrl}. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): slider, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_SLIDER_VALUE, slider.GetValue()) return True def Restore(self): slider, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_SLIDER_VALUE) if issubclass(slider.__class__, wx.Slider): minVal, maxVal = slider.GetMin(), slider.GetMax() else: # KnobCtrl minVal, maxVal = slider.GetMinValue(), slider.GetMaxValue() if value is not None: if value >= minVal and value <= maxVal: slider.SetValue(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_SLIDER_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class SpinHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.SpinButton` / `wx.SpinCtrl` value. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.SpinCtrl`; - `wx.SpinButton`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): spin, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_SPIN_VALUE, spin.GetValue()) return True def Restore(self): spin, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_SPIN_VALUE) if value is not None: minVal, maxVal = spin.GetMin(), spin.GetMax() if value >= minVal and value <= maxVal: spin.SetValue(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_SPIN_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class SplitterHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.SplitterWindow` splitter position. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.SplitterWindow`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): splitter, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_SPLITTER_POSITION, splitter.GetSashPosition()) print 'sash on save: %s' % splitter.GetSashPosition() return True def Restore(self): splitter, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_SPLITTER_POSITION) print 'sash on restore: %s' % value if value is None: return False if not splitter.IsSplit(): return False width, height = splitter.GetClientSize() minPaneSize = splitter.GetMinimumPaneSize() direction = splitter.GetSplitMode() if direction == wx.SPLIT_HORIZONTAL: # Top and bottom panes if value > height - minPaneSize: return False else: # Left and right panes if value > width - minPaneSize: return False print 'sash on restore 2: %s' % value splitter.SetSashPosition(value) return True def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_SPLITTER_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class TextCtrlHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.TextCtrl` entered string. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.TextCtrl`; - `wx.SearchCtrl`; - `wx.lib.expando.ExpandoTextCtrl`; - `wx.lib.masked.TextCtrl`; - `wx.lib.masked.ComboBox`; - `wx.lib.masked.IpAddrCtrl`; - `wx.lib.masked.TimeCtrl`; - `wx.lib.masked.NumCtrl`; """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): text, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_TEXTCTRL_VALUE, text.GetValue()) return True def Restore(self): text, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_TEXTCTRL_VALUE) if value is not None: text.ChangeValue(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TEXTCTRL_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ToggleButtonHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.ToggleButton` and friends state. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.ToggleButton`; - `wx.lib.buttons.GenToggleButton`; - `wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapToggleButton`; - `wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapTextToggleButton`; - L{shapedbutton.SToggleButton}; - L{shapedbutton.SBitmapToggleButton}; - L{shapedbutton.SBitmapTextToggleButton}. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): toggle, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TOGGLEBUTTON_TOGGLED, toggle.GetValue()) return True def Restore(self): toggle, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TOGGLEBUTTON_TOGGLED) if value is not None: toggle.SetValue(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TOGGLEBUTTON_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class TreeCtrlHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.TreeCtrl` expansion state, selections and checked items state (meaningful only for L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl}). This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.TreeCtrl`; - `wx.GenericDirCtrl`; - L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl}; - L{hypertreelist.HyperTreeList}; """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject) self._isTreeList = isinstance(pObject.GetWindow(), wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl)
[docs] def GetItemChildren(self, item=None, recursively=False): """ Return the children of item as a list. :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item; :param `recursively`: whether to recurse into the item hierarchy or not. """ if not item: item = self._window.GetRootItem() if not item: return [] children = [] child, cookie = self._window.GetFirstChild(item) while child and child.IsOk(): children.append(child) if recursively: children.extend(self.GetItemChildren(child, True)) child, cookie = self._window.GetNextChild(item, cookie) return children
[docs] def GetIndexOfItem(self, item): """ Return the index of item. :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item; """ parent = self._window.GetItemParent(item) if parent: parentIndices = self.GetIndexOfItem(parent) ownIndex = self.GetItemChildren(parent).index(item) return parentIndices + (ownIndex,) else: return ()
[docs] def GetItemIdentity(self, item): """ Return a hashable object that represents the identity of the item. By default this returns the position of the item in the tree. You may want to override this to return the item label (if you know that labels are unique and don't change), or return something that represents the underlying domain object, e.g. a database key. :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item; """ return self.GetIndexOfItem(item)
[docs] def GetExpansionState(self): """ Returns list of expanded items. Expanded items are coded as determined by the result of L{TreeCtrlHandler.GetItemIdentity}. """ root = self._window.GetRootItem() if not root: return [] if self._window.HasFlag(wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT): return self.GetExpansionStateOfChildren(root) else: return self.GetExpansionStateOfItem(root)
[docs] def SetExpansionState(self, listOfExpandedItems): """ Expands all tree items whose identity, as determined by L{TreeCtrlHandler.GetItemIdentity}, is present in the list and collapses all other tree items. :param `listOfExpandedItems`: a list of expanded `wx.TreeCtrl` or L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items. """ root = self._window.GetRootItem() if not root: return if self._window.HasFlag(wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT): self.SetExpansionStateOfChildren(listOfExpandedItems, root) else: self.SetExpansionStateOfItem(listOfExpandedItems, root)
[docs] def GetSelectionState(self): """ Returns a list of selected items. Selected items are coded as determined by the result of L{TreeCtrlHandler.GetItemIdentity}. """ root = self._window.GetRootItem() if not root: return [] if self._window.HasFlag(wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT): return self.GeSelectionStateOfChildren(root) else: return self.GetSelectionStateOfItem(root)
[docs] def SetSelectionState(self, listOfSelectedItems): """ Selects all tree items whose identity, as determined by L{TreeCtrlHandler.GetItemIdentity}, is present in the list and unselects all other tree items. :param `listOfSelectedItems`: a list of selected `wx.TreeCtrl` or L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items. """ root = self._window.GetRootItem() if not root: return if self._window.HasFlag(wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT): self.SetSelectedStateOfChildren(listOfSelectedItems, root) else: self.SetSelectedStateOfItem(listOfSelectedItems, root)
[docs] def GetCheckedState(self): """ Returns a list of checked items. Checked items are coded as determined by the result of L{TreeCtrlHandler.GetItemIdentity}. :note: This is meaningful only for L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} and L{hypertreelist.HyperTreeList}. """ root = self._window.GetRootItem() if not root: return [] if self._window.HasFlag(wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT): return self.GetCheckedStateOfChildren(root) else: return self.GetCheckedStateOfItem(root)
[docs] def SetCheckedState(self, listOfCheckedItems): """ Checks all tree items whose identity, as determined by L{TreeCtrlHandler.GetItemIdentity}, is present in the list and unchecks all other tree items. :param `listOfCheckedItems`: a list of checked L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items. :note: This is meaningful only for L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} and L{hypertreelist.HyperTreeList}. """ root = self._window.GetRootItem() if not root: return if self._window.HasFlag(wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT): self.SetCheckedStateOfChildren(listOfCheckedItems, root) else: self.SetCheckedStateOfItem(listOfCheckedItems, root)
[docs] def GetExpansionStateOfItem(self, item): """ Returns the expansion state of a tree item. :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ listOfExpandedItems = [] if self._window.IsExpanded(item): listOfExpandedItems.append(self.GetItemIdentity(item)) listOfExpandedItems.extend(self.GetExpansionStateOfChildren(item)) return listOfExpandedItems
[docs] def GetExpansionStateOfChildren(self, item): """ Returns the expansion state of the children of a tree item. :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ listOfExpandedItems = [] for child in self.GetItemChildren(item): listOfExpandedItems.extend(self.GetExpansionStateOfItem(child)) return listOfExpandedItems
[docs] def GetCheckedStateOfItem(self, item): """ Returns the checked/unchecked state of a tree item. :param `item`: a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ listOfCheckedItems = [] if self._window.IsChecked(item): listOfCheckedItems.append(self.GetItemIdentity(item)) listOfCheckedItems.extend(self.GetCheckedStateOfChildren(item)) return listOfCheckedItems
[docs] def GetCheckedStateOfChildren(self, item): """ Returns the checked/unchecked state of the children of a tree item. :param `item`: a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ listOfCheckedItems = [] for child in self.GetItemChildren(item): listOfCheckedItems.extend(self.GetCheckedStateOfItem(child)) return listOfCheckedItems
[docs] def GetSelectionStateOfItem(self, item): """ Returns the selection state of a tree item. :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ listOfSelectedItems = [] if self._window.IsSelected(item): listOfSelectedItems.append(self.GetItemIdentity(item)) listOfSelectedItems.extend(self.GetSelectionStateOfChildren(item)) return listOfSelectedItems
[docs] def GetSelectionStateOfChildren(self, item): """ Returns the selection state of the children of a tree item. :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ listOfSelectedItems = [] for child in self.GetItemChildren(item): listOfSelectedItems.extend(self.GetSelectionStateOfItem(child)) return listOfSelectedItems
[docs] def SetExpansionStateOfItem(self, listOfExpandedItems, item): """ Sets the expansion state of a tree item (expanded or collapsed). :param `listOfExpandedItems`: a list of expanded `wx.TreeCtrl` or L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items; :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ if self.GetItemIdentity(item) in listOfExpandedItems: self._window.Expand(item) self.SetExpansionStateOfChildren(listOfExpandedItems, item) else: self._window.Collapse(item)
[docs] def SetExpansionStateOfChildren(self, listOfExpandedItems, item): """ Sets the expansion state of the children of a tree item (expanded or collapsed). :param `listOfExpandedItems`: a list of expanded `wx.TreeCtrl` or L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items; :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ for child in self.GetItemChildren(item): self.SetExpansionStateOfItem(listOfExpandedItems, child)
[docs] def SetCheckedStateOfItem(self, listOfCheckedItems, item): """ Sets the checked/unchecked state of a tree item. :param `listOfCheckedItems`: a list of checked L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items; :param `item`: a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ if self.GetItemIdentity(item) in listOfCheckedItems: self._window.CheckItem2(item, True) else: self._window.CheckItem2(item, False) self.SetCheckedStateOfChildren(listOfCheckedItems, item)
[docs] def SetCheckedStateOfChildren(self, listOfCheckedItems, item): """ Sets the checked/unchecked state of the children of a tree item. :param `listOfCheckedItems`: a list of checked L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items; :param `item`: a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ for child in self.GetItemChildren(item): self.SetCheckedStateOfItem(listOfCheckedItems, child)
[docs] def SetSelectedStateOfItem(self, listOfSelectedItems, item): """ Sets the selection state of a tree item. :param `listOfSelectedItems`: a list of selected `wx.TreeCtrl` or L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items; :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ if self.GetItemIdentity(item) in listOfSelectedItems: if self._isTreeList: self._window.SelectItem(item, unselect_others=False) else: self._window.SelectItem(item) self.SetSelectedStateOfChildren(listOfSelectedItems, item)
[docs] def SetSelectedStateOfChildren(self, listOfSelectedItems, item): """ Sets the selection state of the children of a tree item. :param `listOfSelectedItems`: a list of selected `wx.TreeCtrl` or L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} items; :param `item`: a `wx.TreeCtrl` item or a L{customtreectrl.CustomTreeCtrl} item. """ for child in self.GetItemChildren(item): self.SetSelectedStateOfItem(listOfSelectedItems, child)
def Save(self): tree, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_TREECTRL_EXPANSION, self.GetExpansionState()) if issubclass(tree.__class__, (HTL.HyperTreeList, CT.CustomTreeCtrl)): obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_TREECTRL_CHECKED_ITEMS, self.GetCheckedState()) manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_TREE_LIST_SELECTIONS == 0: # We don't want to save selected items return True obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_TREECTRL_SELECTIONS, self.GetSelectionState()) return True def Restore(self): tree, obj = self._window, self._pObject expansion = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_TREECTRL_EXPANSION) selections = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_TREECTRL_SELECTIONS) if expansion is not None: self.SetExpansionState(expansion) manager = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() if manager.GetManagerStyle() & PM_SAVE_RESTORE_TREE_LIST_SELECTIONS: # We want to restore selected items if selections is not None: self.SetSelectionState(selections) if not issubclass(tree.__class__, (HTL.HyperTreeList, CT.CustomTreeCtrl)): return (expansion is not None and selections is not None) checked = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_TREECTRL_CHECKED_ITEMS) if checked is not None: self.SetCheckedState(checked) return (expansion is not None and selections is not None and checked is not None) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TREECTRL_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class TreeListCtrlHandler(TreeCtrlHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl` / L{hypertreelist.HyperTreeList} expansion state, selections, column widths and checked items state (meaningful only for L{hypertreelist.HyperTreeList}). This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl`; - L{hypertreelist.HyperTreeList}. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): TreeCtrlHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): treeList, obj = self._window, self._pObject colSizes = [] for col in xrange(treeList.GetColumnCount()): colSizes.append(treeList.GetColumnWidth(col)) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TREELISTCTRL_COLWIDTHS, colSizes) return TreeCtrlHandler.Save(self) def Restore(self): treeList, obj = self._window, self._pObject colSizes = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TREELISTCTRL_COLWIDTHS) retVal = False count = treeList.GetColumnCount() if colSizes is not None: retVal = True for col, size in enumerate(colSizes): if col < count: treeList.SetColumnWidth(col, size) return (retVal and TreeCtrlHandler.Restore(self)) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TREELISTCTRL_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class CalendarCtrlHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl` date. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.lib.calendar.CalendarCtrl`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): calend, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_CALENDAR_DATE, wxDate2PyDate(calend.GetDate())) return True def Restore(self): calend, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_CALENDAR_DATE) if value is not None: calend.SetDate(PyDate2wxDate(value)) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_CALENDAR_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class CollapsiblePaneHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.CollapsiblePane` state. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.CollapsiblePane`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): collPane, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_COLLAPSIBLE_STATE, collPane.IsCollapsed()) return True def Restore(self): collPane, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_COLLAPSIBLE_STATE) if value is not None: collPane.Collapse(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_COLLAPSIBLE_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class DatePickerHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.DatePickerCtrl` / `wx.GenericDatePickerCtrl` date. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.DatePickerCtrl`; - `wx.GenericDatePickerCtrl`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): datePicker, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveCtrlValue(PERSIST_DATEPICKER_DATE, wxDate2PyDate(datePicker.GetValue())) return True def Restore(self): datePicker, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreCtrlValue(PERSIST_DATEPICKER_DATE) if value is not None: datePicker.SetValue(PyDate2wxDate(value)) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_DATEPICKER_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class MediaCtrlHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `` movie position, volume and playback rate. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - ``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): mediaCtrl, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_MEDIA_POS, mediaCtrl.Tell()) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_MEDIA_VOLUME, mediaCtrl.GetVolume()) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_MEDIA_RATE, mediaCtrl.GetPlaybackRate()) return True def Restore(self): mediaCtrl, obj = self._window, self._pObject position = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_MEDIA_POS) volume = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_MEDIA_VOLUME) rate = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_MEDIA_RATE) if position is not None: mediaCtrl.Seek(position) if volume is not None: mediaCtrl.SetVolume(volume) if rate is not None: mediaCtrl.SetPlaybackRate(rate) return (osition is not None and volume is not None and rate is not None) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_MEDIA_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ColourPickerHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.ColourPickerCtrl` / `wx.lib.colourselect.ColourSelect` colour. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.ColourPickerCtrl`; - `wx.lib.colourselect.ColourSelect`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): colPicker, obj = self._window, self._pObject obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_COLOURPICKER_COLOUR, colPicker.GetColour().Get(includeAlpha=True)) return True def Restore(self): colPicker, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_COLOURPICKER_COLOUR) if value is not None: colPicker.SetColour(wx.Colour(*value)) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_COLOURPICKER_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class FileDirPickerHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.FilePickerCtrl` / `wx.DirPickerCtrl` path. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.FilePickerCtrl`; - `wx.DirPickerCtrl`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): picker, obj = self._window, self._pObject path = picker.GetPath() if issubclass(picker.__class__, wx.FileDialog): if picker.GetWindowStyleFlag() & wx.FD_MULTIPLE: path = picker.GetPaths() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FILEDIRPICKER_PATH, path) return True def Restore(self): picker, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FILEDIRPICKER_PATH) if value is not None: if issubclass(picker.__class__, wx.FileDialog): if type(value) == types.ListType: value = value[-1] picker.SetPath(value) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_FILEDIRPICKER_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class FontPickerHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.FontPickerCtrl` font. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.FontPickerCtrl`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): picker, obj = self._window, self._pObject font = picker.GetSelectedFont() if not font.IsOk(): return False fontData = CreateFont(font) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FONTPICKER_FONT, fontData) return True def Restore(self): picker, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FONTPICKER_FONT) if value is not None: font = wx.Font(*value) if font.IsOk(): picker.SetSelectedFont(font) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_FONTPICKER_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class FileHistoryHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.FileHistory` list of file names. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.FileHistory`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): history, obj = self._window, self._pObject paths = [] for indx in xrange(history.GetCount()): paths.append(history.GetHistoryFile(indx)) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FILEHISTORY_PATHS, paths) return True def Restore(self): history, obj = self._window, self._pObject value = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FILEHISTORY_PATHS) if value is not None: count = history.GetMaxFiles() for indx, path in enumerate(value): if indx < count: history.AddFileToHistory(path) return True return False def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_FILEHISTORY_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ToolBarHandler(AbstractHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring the L{auibar.AuiToolBar} items state. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - L{auibar.AuiToolBar}. :todo: Find a way to handle `wx.ToolBar` UI settings as it has been done for L{auibar.AuiToolBar}: currently `wx.ToolBar` doesn't seem to have easy access to the underlying toolbar tools. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): AbstractHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): bar, obj = self._window, self._pObject toolCount = bar.GetToolCount() if toolCount == 0: # Nothing to save return False checkRadioItems = {} for indx in xrange(toolCount): tool = bar.FindToolByIndex(indx) if tool is not None: if tool.GetKind() in [AUI.ITEM_CHECK, AUI.ITEM_RADIO]: checkRadioItems[tool.GetId()] = tool.GetState() & AUI.AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_TOOLBAR_CHECKRADIO_ITEMS, checkRadioItems) return True def Restore(self): bar, obj = self._window, self._pObject toolCount = bar.GetToolCount() if toolCount == 0: # Nothing to save return False checkRadioItems = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_TOOLBAR_CHECKRADIO_ITEMS) if checkRadioItems is None: return False for indx in xrange(toolCount): tool = bar.FindToolByIndex(indx) if tool is not None: toolId = tool.GetId() if toolId in checkRadioItems: if tool.GetKind() in [AUI.ITEM_CHECK, AUI.ITEM_RADIO]: state = checkRadioItems[toolId] if state & AUI.AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED: tool.SetState(tool.GetState() | AUI.AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED) else: tool.SetState(tool.GetState() & ~AUI.AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED) return True def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TOOLBAR_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class FileDirDialogHandler(TLWHandler, FileDirPickerHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.DirDialog` / `wx.FileDialog` path. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.DirDialog`; - `wx.FileDialog`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): TLWHandler.__init__(self, pObject) FileDirPickerHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): tlw = TLWHandler.Save(self) fdp = FileDirPickerHandler.Save(self) return (tlw and fdp) def Restore(self): tlw = TLWHandler.Restore(self) fdp = FileDirPickerHandler.Restore(self) return (tlw and fdp) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_FILEDIRPICKER_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class FindReplaceHandler(TLWHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.FindReplaceDialog` data (search string, replace string and flags). This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.FindReplaceDialog`. :todo: Find a way to properly save and restore dialog data (`wx.ColourDialog`, `wx.FontDialog` etc...). """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): TLWHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): findDialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject data = findDialog.GetData() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FINDREPLACE_FLAGS, data.GetFlags()) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FINDREPLACE_SEARCH, data.GetFindString()) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FINDREPLACE_REPLACE, data.GetReplaceString()) return TLWHandler.Save(self) def Restore(self): findDialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject flags = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FINDREPLACE_FLAGS) search = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FINDREPLACE_SEARCH) replace = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FINDREPLACE_REPLACE) data = findDialog.GetData() if flags is not None: data.SetFlags(flags) if search is not None: data.SetFindString(search) if replace is not None: data.SetReplaceString(replace) retVal = TLWHandler.Restore(self) return (flags is not None and search is not None and replace is not None and retVal) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_FINDREPLACE_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class FontDialogHandler(TLWHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.FontDialog` data (effects, symbols, colour, font, help). This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.FontDialog`. :todo: Find a way to properly save and restore dialog data (`wx.ColourDialog`, `wx.FontDialog` etc...). """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): TLWHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): fontDialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject data = fontDialog.GetFontData() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_EFFECTS, data.GetEnableEffects()) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_SYMBOLS, data.GetAllowSymbols()) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_COLOUR, data.GetColour().Get(includeAlpha=True)) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_FONT, CreateFont(data.GetChosenFont())) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_HELP, data.GetShowHelp()) return TLWHandler.Save(self) def Restore(self): fontDialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject data = fontDialog.GetFontData() effects = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_EFFECTS) symbols = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_SYMBOLS) colour = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_COLOUR) font = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_FONT) help = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_HELP) if effects is not None: data.EnableEffects(effects) if symbols is not None: data.SetAllowSymbols(symbols) if colour is not None: data.SetColour(wx.Colour(*colour)) if font is not None: data.SetInitialFont(wx.Font(*font)) if help is not None: data.SetShowHelp(help) return (effects is not None and symbols is not None and colour is not None and \ font is not None and help is not None and TLWHandler.Restore(self)) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_FONTDIALOG_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ColourDialogHandler(TLWHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.ColourDialog` data (colour, custom colours and full choice in the dialog). This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.ColourDialog`; - L{cubecolourdialog.CubeColourDialog}. :todo: Find a way to properly save and restore dialog data (`wx.ColourDialog`, `wx.FontDialog` etc...). """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): TLWHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): colDialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject data = colDialog.GetColourData() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_COLOURDIALOG_COLOUR, data.GetColour().Get(includeAlpha=True)) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_COLOURDIALOG_CHOOSEFULL, data.GetChooseFull()) customColours = [] for indx in xrange(15): colour = data.GetCustomColour(indx) if not colour.IsOk() or colour == wx.WHITE: break customColours.append(colour.Get(includeAlpha=True)) obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_COLOURDIALOG_CUSTOMCOLOURS, customColours) return TLWHandler.Save(self) def Restore(self): colDialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject data = colDialog.GetColourData() colour = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_COLOURDIALOG_COLOUR) chooseFull = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_COLOURDIALOG_CHOOSEFULL) customColours = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_COLOURDIALOG_CUSTOMCOLOURS) if colour is not None: data.SetColour(wx.Colour(*colour)) if chooseFull is not None: data.SetChooseFull(chooseFull) if customColours is not None: for indx, colour in enumerate(customColours): data.SetCustomColour(indx, colour) return (colour is not None and chooseFull is not None and customColours is not None \ and TLWHandler.Restore(self)) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_COLOURDIALOG_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class ChoiceDialogHandler(TLWHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.MultiChoiceDialog` / `wx.SingleChoiceDialog` choices. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.SingleChoiceDialog`; - `wx.MultiChoiceDialog`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): TLWHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): dialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject if issubclass(dialog.__class__, wx.SingleChoiceDialog): selections = dialog.GetSelection() selections = (selections >= 0 and [selections] or [[]])[0] else: selections = dialog.GetSelections() obj.SaveValue(PERSIST_CHOICEDIALOG_SELECTIONS, selections) return True def Restore(self): dialog, obj = self._window, self._pObject selections = obj.RestoreValue(PERSIST_CHOICEDIALOG_SELECTIONS) if selections is None: return False if issubclass(dialog.__class__, wx.SingleChoiceDialog): if selections: dialog.SetSelection(selections[-1]) else: dialog.SetSelections(selections) return True def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_CHOICEDIALOG_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class TextEntryHandler(TLWHandler, TextCtrlHandler): """ Supports saving/restoring a `wx.TextEntryDialog` string. This class handles the following wxPython widgets: - `wx.TextEntryDialog`; - `wx.PasswordEntryDialog`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pObject): TLWHandler.__init__(self, pObject) TextCtrlHandler.__init__(self, pObject)
def Save(self): tlw = TLWHandler.Save(self) txt = TextCtrlHandler.Save(self) return (tlw and txt) def Restore(self): tlw = TLWHandler.Restore(self) txt = TextCtrlHandler.Restore(self) return (tlw and txt) def GetKind(self): return PERSIST_TLW_KIND # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
HANDLERS = { "BookHandler": (wx.BookCtrlBase, wx.aui.AuiNotebook, AUI.AuiNotebook, FNB.FlatNotebook, LBK.LabelBook, LBK.FlatImageBook), "TLWHandler": (wx.TopLevelWindow, ), "CheckBoxHandler": (wx.CheckBox, ), "ListBoxHandler": (wx.ListBox, wx.VListBox, wx.HtmlListBox, wx.SimpleHtmlListBox, wx.gizmos.EditableListBox), "ListCtrlHandler": (wx.ListCtrl, wx.ListView), #ULC.UltimateListCtrl (later) "ChoiceComboHandler": (wx.Choice, wx.ComboBox, wx.combo.OwnerDrawnComboBox), "RadioBoxHandler": (wx.RadioBox, ), "RadioButtonHandler": (wx.RadioButton, ), "ScrolledWindowHandler": (wx.ScrolledWindow, scrolled.ScrolledPanel), "SliderHandler": (wx.Slider, KC.KnobCtrl), "SpinHandler": (wx.SpinButton, wx.SpinCtrl, FS.FloatSpin), "SplitterHandler": (wx.SplitterWindow, ), "TextCtrlHandler": (wx.TextCtrl, wx.SearchCtrl, expando.ExpandoTextCtrl, masked.TextCtrl, masked.ComboBox, masked.IpAddrCtrl, masked.TimeCtrl, masked.NumCtrl), "ToggleButtonHandler": (wx.ToggleButton, buttons.GenToggleButton, buttons.GenBitmapToggleButton, buttons.GenBitmapTextToggleButton), "TreeCtrlHandler": (wx.TreeCtrl, wx.GenericDirCtrl, CT.CustomTreeCtrl), "TreeListCtrlHandler": (HTL.HyperTreeList, wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl), "CalendarCtrlHandler": (calendar.CalendarCtrl, ), "CollapsiblePaneHandler": (wx.CollapsiblePane, ), "DatePickerHandler": (wx.DatePickerCtrl, wx.GenericDatePickerCtrl), "MediaCtrlHandler": (, ), "ColourPickerHandler": (wx.ColourPickerCtrl, csel.ColourSelect), "FileDirPickerHandler": (wx.FilePickerCtrl, wx.DirPickerCtrl), "FontPickerHandler": (wx.FontPickerCtrl, ), "FileHistoryHandler": (wx.FileHistory, ), "MenuBarHandler": (wx.MenuBar, FM.FlatMenuBar), "ToolBarHandler": (AUI.AuiToolBar, ) } STANDALONE_HANDLERS = { "TreebookHandler": (wx.Treebook, ), "CheckListBoxHandler": (wx.CheckListBox, ), "FileDirDialogHandler": (wx.DirDialog, wx.FileDialog), "FindReplaceHandler": (wx.FindReplaceDialog, ), "FontDialogHandler": (wx.FontDialog, ), "ColourDialogHandler": (wx.ColourDialog, CCD.CubeColourDialog), "ChoiceDialogHandler": (wx.SingleChoiceDialog, wx.MultiChoiceDialog), "TextEntryHandler": (wx.TextEntryDialog, wx.PasswordEntryDialog), } if hasSB: HANDLERS["ToggleButtonHandler"] += (SB.SToggleButton, SB.SBitmapToggleButton, SB.SBitmapTextToggleButton) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]def FindHandler(pObject): """ Finds a suitable handler for the input Persistent Object depending on the widget kind. :param `pObject`: an instance of L{persistencemanager.PersistentObject} class. """ window = pObject.GetWindow() klass = window.__class__ if hasattr(window, "_persistentHandler"): # if control has a handler, just return it return window._persistentHandler for handler, subclasses in STANDALONE_HANDLERS.items(): for subclass in subclasses: if issubclass(klass, subclass): return eval(handler)(pObject) for handler, subclasses in HANDLERS.items(): for subclass in subclasses: if issubclass(klass, subclass): return eval(handler)(pObject) raise Exception("Unsupported persistent handler (class=%s, name=%s)"%(klass, window.GetName())) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]def HasCtrlHandler(control): """ Is there a suitable handler for this control :param `control`: the control instance to check if a handler for it exists. """ klass = control.__class__ if hasattr(control, "_persistentHandler"): # if control has a handler, just return it return True for handler, subclasses in STANDALONE_HANDLERS.items(): for subclass in subclasses: if issubclass(klass, subclass): return True for handler, subclasses in HANDLERS.items(): for subclass in subclasses: if issubclass(klass, subclass): return True return False