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Source code for


Container for related ribbon panels, and a tab within a ribbon bar.

See Also

L{RibbonBar}, L{RibbonPanel}


import wx

from control import RibbonControl
from panel import RibbonPanel

from art import *

# As scroll buttons need to be rendered on top of a page's child windows, the
# buttons themselves have to be proper child windows (rather than just painted
# onto the page). In order to get proper clipping of a page's children (with
# regard to the scroll button), the scroll buttons are created as children of
# the ribbon bar rather than children of the page. This could not have been
# achieved by creating buttons as children of the page and then doing some Z-order
# manipulation, as self causes problems on win32 due to ribbon panels having the
# transparent flag set.

[docs]def GetSizeInOrientation(size, orientation): if orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL: return size.GetWidth() elif orientation == wx.VERTICAL: return size.GetHeight() elif orientation == wx.BOTH: return size.GetWidth() * size.GetHeight() return 0
[docs]class RibbonPageScrollButton(RibbonControl):
[docs] def __init__(self, sibling, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0): RibbonControl.__init__(self, sibling.GetParent(), id, pos, size, style=wx.BORDER_NONE) self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM) self._sibling = sibling self._flags = (style & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DIRECTION_MASK) | RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_FOR_PAGE self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnMouseEnter) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnMouseLeave) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
[docs] def OnEraseBackground(self, event): # Do nothing - all painting done in main paint handler pass
[docs] def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self) if self._art: self._art.DrawScrollButton(dc, self, wx.Rect(0, 0, *self.GetSize()), self._flags)
[docs] def OnMouseEnter(self, event): self._flags |= RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_HOVERED self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseLeave(self, event): self._flags &= ~RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_HOVERED self._flags &= ~RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseDown(self, event): self._flags |= RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE self.Refresh(False)
[docs] def OnMouseUp(self, event): if self._flags & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE: self._flags &= ~RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_ACTIVE self.Refresh(False) result = self._flags & RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DIRECTION_MASK if result in [RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DOWN, RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_RIGHT]: self._sibling.ScrollLines(1) elif result in [RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_UP, RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_LEFT]: self._sibling.ScrollLines(-1)
[docs]class RibbonPage(RibbonControl):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="", icon=wx.NullBitmap, style=0): """ Default class constructor. :param `parent`: Pointer to a parent window; :param `id`: Window identifier. If ``wx.ID_ANY``, will automatically create an identifier; :param `label`: Label of the new button; :param `icon`: the icon used for the page in the ribbon bar tab area; :param `style`: Window style. """ RibbonControl.__init__(self, parent, id, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.BORDER_NONE) self.CommonInit(label, icon) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
[docs] def CommonInit(self, label, icon): self.SetName(label) self.SetLabel(label) self._old_size = wx.Size(0, 0) self._icon = icon self._scroll_left_btn = None self._scroll_right_btn = None self._size_calc_array = None self._size_calc_array_size = 0 self._scroll_amount = 0 self._scroll_buttons_visible = False self._collapse_stack = [] self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM) self.GetParent().AddPage(self)
[docs] def SetArtProvider(self, art): """ Set the art provider to be used. Normally called automatically by L{RibbonBar} when the page is created, or the art provider changed on the bar. The new art provider will be propagated to the children of the page. Reimplemented from L{RibbonControl}. :param `art`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. """ self._art = art for child in self.GetChildren(): if isinstance(child, RibbonControl): child.SetArtProvider(art)
[docs] def AdjustRectToIncludeScrollButtons(self, rect): """ Expand a rectangle of the page to include external scroll buttons (if any). When no scroll buttons are shown, has no effect. :param `rect`: The rectangle to adjust. The width and height will not be reduced, and the x and y will not be increased. """ if self._scroll_buttons_visible: if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.VERTICAL: if self._scroll_left_btn: rect.SetY(rect.GetY() - self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetHeight()) rect.SetHeight(rect.GetHeight() + self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetHeight()) if self._scroll_right_btn: rect.SetHeight(rect.GetHeight() + self._scroll_right_btn.GetSize().GetHeight()) else: if self._scroll_left_btn: rect.SetX(rect.GetX() - self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetWidth()) rect.SetWidth(rect.GetWidth() + self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetWidth()) if self._scroll_right_btn: rect.SetWidth(rect.GetWidth() + self._scroll_right_btn.GetSize().GetWidth()) return rect
[docs] def OnEraseBackground(self, event): # All painting done in main paint handler to minimise flicker pass
[docs] def OnPaint(self, event): # No foreground painting done by the page itself, but a paint DC # must be created anyway. dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self) rect = wx.Rect(0, 0, *self.GetSize()) rect = self.AdjustRectToIncludeScrollButtons(rect) self._art.DrawPageBackground(dc, self, rect)
[docs] def GetMajorAxis(self): """ Get the direction in which ribbon panels are stacked within the page. This is controlled by the style of the containing L{RibbonBar}, meaning that all pages within a bar will have the same major axis. As well as being the direction in which panels are stacked, it is also the axis in which scrolling will occur (when required). :returns: ``wx.HORIZONTAL`` or ``wx.VERTICAL`` (never ``wx.BOTH``). """ if self._art and (self._art.GetFlags() & RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL): return wx.VERTICAL else: return wx.HORIZONTAL
[docs] def ScrollLines(self, lines): """ Scroll the page by some amount up / down / left / right. When the page's children are too big to fit in the onscreen area given to the page, scroll buttons will appear, and the page can be programatically scrolled. Positive values of will scroll right or down, while negative values will scroll up or left (depending on the direction in which panels are stacked). A line is equivalent to a constant number of pixels. Reimplemented from `wx.Window`. :param `lines`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. :returns: ``True`` if the page scrolled at least one pixel in the given direction, ``False`` if it did not scroll. :see: L{GetMajorAxis}, L{ScrollPixels} """ return self.ScrollPixels(lines * 8)
[docs] def ScrollPixels(self, pixels): """ Scroll the page by a set number of pixels up / down / left / right. When the page's children are too big to fit in the onscreen area given to the page, scroll buttons will appear, and the page can be programatically scrolled. Positive values of will scroll right or down, while negative values will scroll up or left (depending on the direction in which panels are stacked). :param `pixels`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. :returns: ``True`` if the page scrolled at least one pixel in the given direction, ``False`` if it did not scroll. :see: L{GetMajorAxis}, L{ScrollLines} """ if pixels < 0: if self._scroll_amount == 0: return False if self._scroll_amount < -pixels: pixels = -self._scroll_amount elif pixels > 0: if self._scroll_amount == self._scroll_amount_limit: return False if self._scroll_amount + pixels > self._scroll_amount_limit: pixels = self._scroll_amount_limit - self._scroll_amount else: return False self._scroll_amount += pixels for child in self.GetChildren(): x, y = child.GetPosition() if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.HORIZONTAL: x -= pixels else: y -= pixels child.SetPosition(wx.Point(x, y)) self.ShowScrollButtons() self.Refresh() return True
[docs] def SetSizeWithScrollButtonAdjustment(self, x, y, width, height): """ Set the size of the page and the external scroll buttons (if any). When a page is too small to display all of its children, scroll buttons will appear (and if the page is sized up enough, they will disappear again). Slightly counter-intuively, these buttons are created as siblings of the page rather than children of the page (to achieve correct cropping and paint ordering of the children and the buttons). When there are no scroll buttons, this function behaves the same as `SetSize`, however when there are scroll buttons, it positions them at the edges of the given area, and then calls `SetSize` with the remaining area. This is provided as a separate function to `SetSize` rather than within the implementation of `SetSize`, as iteracting algorithms may not expect `SetSize` to also set the size of siblings. :param `x`: MISSING DESCRIPTION; :param `y`: MISSING DESCRIPTION; :param `width`: MISSING DESCRIPTION; :param `height`: MISSING DESCRIPTION. """ if self._scroll_buttons_visible: if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.HORIZONTAL: if self._scroll_left_btn: w = self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetWidth() self._scroll_left_btn.SetPosition(wx.Point(x, y)) x += w width -= w if self._scroll_right_btn: w = self._scroll_right_btn.GetSize().GetWidth() width -= w self._scroll_right_btn.SetPosition(wx.Point(x + width, y)) else: if self._scroll_left_btn: h = self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetHeight() self._scroll_left_btn.SetPosition(wx.Point(x, y)) y += h height -= h if self._scroll_right_btn: h = self._scroll_right_btn.GetSize().GetHeight() height -= h self._scroll_right_btn.SetPosition(wx.Point(x, y + height)) if width < 0: width = 0 if height < 0: height = 0 self.SetDimensions(x, y, width, height)
[docs] def DoSetSize(self, x, y, width, height, sizeFlags=wx.SIZE_AUTO): # When a resize triggers the scroll buttons to become visible, the page is resized. # This resize from within a resize event can cause (MSW) wxWidgets some confusion, # and report the 1st size to the 2nd size event. Hence the most recent size is # remembered internally and used in Layout() where appropiate. if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.HORIZONTAL: self._size_in_major_axis_for_children = width else: self._size_in_major_axis_for_children = height RibbonControl.DoSetSize(self, x, y, width, height, sizeFlags)
[docs] def OnSize(self, event): new_size = event.GetSize() temp_dc = wx.MemoryDC() invalid_rect = self._art.GetPageBackgroundRedrawArea(temp_dc, self, self._old_size, new_size) self.Refresh(True, invalid_rect) self._old_size = wx.Size(*new_size) x, y = new_size if x > 0 and y > 0: self.Layout() else: # Simplify other calculations by pretending new size is zero in both # X and Y new_size = wx.Size(0, 0) # When size == 0, no point in doing any layout event.Skip()
[docs] def RemoveChild(self, child): # Remove all references to the child from the collapse stack try: self._collapse_stack.remove(child) except ValueError: pass # ... and then proceed as normal RibbonControl.RemoveChild(self, child)
[docs] def Realize(self): """ Perform a full re-layout of all panels on the page. Should be called after panels are added to the page, or the sizing behaviour of a panel on the page changes (i.e. due to children being added to it). Usually called automatically when L{RibbonBar.Realize} is called. Will invoke L{RibbonPanel.Realize} for all child panels. Reimplemented from L{RibbonControl}. """ status = True self._collapse_stack = [] for child in self.GetChildren(): if not isinstance(child, RibbonControl): continue if not child.Realize(): status = False child.SetSize(wx.Size(*child.GetMinSize())) x, y = self.GetSize() if x > 0 and y > 0: status = self.Layout() and status return status
[docs] def Layout(self): if len(self.GetChildren()) == 0: return True origin_ = wx.Point(self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_LEFT_SIZE), self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_TOP_SIZE)) major_axis = self.GetMajorAxis() if self._scroll_buttons_visible: if major_axis == wx.HORIZONTAL: origin_.x -= self._scroll_amount if self._scroll_left_btn: origin_.x -= self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetWidth() else: origin_.y -= self._scroll_amount if self._scroll_left_btn: origin_.y -= self._scroll_left_btn.GetSize().GetHeight() origin = wx.Point(*origin_) if major_axis == wx.HORIZONTAL: gap = self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PANEL_X_SEPARATION_SIZE) minor_axis_size = self.GetSize().GetHeight() - origin.y - self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_BOTTOM_SIZE) else: gap = self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PANEL_Y_SEPARATION_SIZE) minor_axis_size = self.GetSize().GetWidth() - origin.x - self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_RIGHT_SIZE) for iteration in xrange(1, 3): for child in self.GetChildren(): w, h = child.GetSize() if major_axis == wx.HORIZONTAL: child.SetDimensions(origin.x, origin.y, w, minor_axis_size) origin.x += w + gap else: child.SetDimensions(origin.x, origin.y, minor_axis_size, h) origin.y += h + gap if iteration == 1: if major_axis == wx.HORIZONTAL: available_space = self._size_in_major_axis_for_children - self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_RIGHT_SIZE) - origin.x + gap else: available_space = self._size_in_major_axis_for_children - self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_BOTTOM_SIZE) - origin.y + gap if self._scroll_buttons_visible: available_space -= self._scroll_amount if self._scroll_right_btn != None: available_space += GetSizeInOrientation(self._scroll_right_btn.GetSize(), major_axis) if available_space > 0: if self._scroll_buttons_visible: self.HideScrollButtons() break result = self.ExpandPanels(major_axis, available_space) if not result: break elif available_space < 0: if self._scroll_buttons_visible: # Scroll buttons already visible - not going to be able to downsize any more self._scroll_amount_limit = -available_space if self._scroll_amount > self._scroll_amount_limit: self.ScrollPixels(self._scroll_amount_limit - self._scroll_amount) else: result = self.CollapsePanels(major_axis, -available_space) if not result: self._scroll_amount = 0 self._scroll_amount_limit = -available_space self.ShowScrollButtons() break else: break origin = wx.Point(*origin_) # Reset the origin return True
[docs] def Show(self, show=True): if self._scroll_left_btn: self._scroll_left_btn.Show(show) if self._scroll_right_btn: self._scroll_right_btn.Show(show) return RibbonControl.Show(self, show)
[docs] def GetIcon(self): """ Get the icon used for the page in the ribbon bar tab area (only displayed if the ribbon bar is actually showing icons). """ return self._icon
[docs] def HideScrollButtons(self): self._scroll_amount = 0 self._scroll_amount_limit = 0 self.ShowScrollButtons()
[docs] def ShowScrollButtons(self): show_left = True show_right = True reposition = False if self._scroll_amount == 0: show_left = False if self._scroll_amount >= self._scroll_amount_limit: show_right = False self._scroll_amount = self._scroll_amount_limit self._scroll_buttons_visible = show_left or show_right if show_left: if self._scroll_left_btn == None: temp_dc = wx.MemoryDC() if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.HORIZONTAL: direction = RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_LEFT size = self._art.GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(temp_dc, self.GetParent(), direction) size.SetHeight(self.GetSize().GetHeight()) else: direction = RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_UP size = self._art.GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(temp_dc, self.GetParent(), direction) size.SetWidth(self.GetSize().GetWidth()) self._scroll_left_btn = RibbonPageScrollButton(self, -1, self.GetPosition(), size, direction) if not self.IsShown(): self._scroll_left_btn.Hide() reposition = True else: if self._scroll_left_btn != None: self._scroll_left_btn.Destroy() self._scroll_left_btn = None reposition = True if show_right: if self._scroll_right_btn == None: temp_dc = wx.MemoryDC() if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.HORIZONTAL: direction = RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_RIGHT size = self._art.GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(temp_dc, self.GetParent(), direction) size.SetHeight(self.GetSize().GetHeight()) else: direction = RIBBON_SCROLL_BTN_DOWN size = self._art.GetScrollButtonMinimumSize(temp_dc, self.GetParent(), direction) size.SetWidth(self.GetSize().GetWidth()) initial_pos = self.GetPosition() + wx.Point(*self.GetSize()) - wx.Point(*size) self._scroll_right_btn = RibbonPageScrollButton(self, -1, initial_pos, size, direction) if not self.IsShown(): self._scroll_right_btn.Hide() reposition = True else: if self._scroll_right_btn != None: self._scroll_right_btn.Destroy() self._scroll_right_btn = None reposition = True if reposition: self.GetParent().RepositionPage(self)
[docs] def ExpandPanels(self, direction, maximum_amount): expanded_something = False while maximum_amount > 0: smallest_size = 10000 smallest_panel = None for panel in self.GetChildren(): if not isinstance(panel, RibbonPanel): continue if panel.IsSizingContinuous(): size = GetSizeInOrientation(panel.GetSize(), direction) if size < smallest_size: smallest_size = size smallest_panel = panel else: current = panel.GetSize() size = GetSizeInOrientation(current, direction) if size < smallest_size: larger = panel.GetNextLargerSize(direction) if larger != current and GetSizeInOrientation(larger, direction) > size: smallest_size = size smallest_panel = panel if smallest_panel != None: if smallest_panel.IsSizingContinuous(): size = wx.Size(*smallest_panel.GetSize()) amount = maximum_amount if amount > 32: # For "large" growth, grow self panel a bit, and then re-allocate # the remainder (which may come to self panel again anyway) amount = 32 if direction & wx.HORIZONTAL: size.x += amount if direction & wx.VERTICAL: size.y += amount smallest_panel.SetSize(size) maximum_amount -= amount self._collapse_stack.append(smallest_panel) expanded_something = True else: current = smallest_panel.GetSize() larger = smallest_panel.GetNextLargerSize(direction) delta = larger - current if GetSizeInOrientation(delta, direction) <= maximum_amount: smallest_panel.SetSize(wx.Size(*larger)) maximum_amount -= GetSizeInOrientation(delta, direction) self._collapse_stack.append(smallest_panel) expanded_something = True else: break else: break if expanded_something: self.Refresh() return True else: return False
[docs] def CollapsePanels(self, direction, minimum_amount): collapsed_something = False while minimum_amount > 0: largest_size = 0 largest_panel = None if self._collapse_stack: # For a more consistent panel layout, try to collapse panels which # were recently expanded. largest_panel = self._collapse_stack[-1] self._collapse_stack.pop(len(self._collapse_stack)-1) else: for panel in self.GetChildren(): if not isinstance(panel, RibbonPanel): continue if panel.IsSizingContinuous(): size = GetSizeInOrientation(panel.GetSize(), direction) if size > largest_size: largest_size = size largest_panel = panel else: current = panel.GetSize() size = GetSizeInOrientation(current, direction) if size > largest_size: smaller = panel.GetNextSmallerSize(direction) if smaller != current and GetSizeInOrientation(smaller, direction) < size: largest_size = size largest_panel = panel if largest_panel != None: if largest_panel.IsSizingContinuous(): size = largest_panel.GetSize() amount = minimum_amount if amount > 32: # For "large" contraction, reduce self panel a bit, and # then re-allocate the remainder of the quota (which may # come to this panel again anyway) amount = 32 if direction & wx.HORIZONTAL: size.x -= amount if direction & wx.VERTICAL: size.y -= amount largest_panel.SetSize(size) minimum_amount -= amount collapsed_something = True else: current = largest_panel.GetSize() smaller = largest_panel.GetNextSmallerSize(direction) delta = current - smaller largest_panel.SetSize(smaller) minimum_amount -= GetSizeInOrientation(delta, direction) collapsed_something = True else: break if collapsed_something: self.Refresh() return True else: return False
[docs] def DismissExpandedPanel(self): """ Dismiss the current externally expanded panel, if there is one. When a ribbon panel automatically minimises, it can be externally expanded into a floating window. When the user clicks a button in such a panel, the panel should generally re-minimise. Event handlers for buttons on ribbon panels should call this method to achieve this behaviour. :returns: ``True`` if a panel was minimised, ``False`` otherwise. """ for panel in self.GetChildren(): if not isinstance(panel, RibbonPanel): continue if panel.GetExpandedPanel() != None: return panel.HideExpanded() return False
[docs] def GetMinSize(self): minSize = wx.Size(-1, -1) for child in self.GetChildren(): child_min = child.GetMinSize() minSize.x = max(minSize.x, child_min.x) minSize.y = max(minSize.y, child_min.y) if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.HORIZONTAL: minSize.x = -1 if minSize.y != -1: minSize.y += self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_TOP_SIZE) + self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_BOTTOM_SIZE) else: if minSize.x != -1: minSize.x += self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_LEFT_SIZE) + self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_RIGHT_SIZE) minSize.y = -1 return minSize
[docs] def DoGetBestSize(self): best = wx.Size(0, 0) count = 0 if self.GetMajorAxis() == wx.HORIZONTAL: best.y = -1 for child in self.GetChildren(): child_best = child.GetBestSize() if child_best.x != -1: best.IncBy(child_best.x, 0) best.y = max(best.y, child_best.y) count += 1 if count > 1: best.IncBy((count - 1) * self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PANEL_X_SEPARATION_SIZE), 0) else: best.x = -1 for child in self.GetChildren(): child_best = child.GetBestSize() best.x = max(best.x, child_best.x) if child_best.y != -1: best.IncBy(0, child_best.y) count += 1 if count > 1: best.IncBy(0, (count - 1) * self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PANEL_Y_SEPARATION_SIZE)) if best.x != -1: best.x += self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_LEFT_SIZE) + self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_RIGHT_SIZE) if best.y != -1: best.y += self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_TOP_SIZE) + self._art.GetMetric(RIBBON_ART_PAGE_BORDER_BOTTOM_SIZE) return best
[docs] def GetDefaultBorder(self): return wx.BORDER_NONE