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Core Classes

This is an alphabetical listing of all the classes defined in the Core module, together with a brief description of them (if available).

You can look up a class using the alphabetical listing of them.

Class Summary

Class Short Description
AcceleratorEntry An object used by an application wishing to create an accelerator table (see AcceleratorTable).
AcceleratorTable An accelerator table allows the application to specify a table of keyboard shortcuts for menu or button commands.
ActivateEvent An activate event is sent when a window or application is being activated or deactivated.
AffineMatrix2D A 3x2 matrix representing an affine 2D transformation.
AffineMatrix2DBase A 2x3 matrix representing an affine 2D transformation.
AnyButton A class for common button functionality used as the base for the various button classes.
App The wx.App class represents the application and is used to:
AppConsole This class is essential for writing console-only or hybrid apps without having to define USE_GUI=0 .
AppTraits The AppTraits class defines various configurable aspects of a App.
ArchiveFSHandler A file system handler for accessing files inside of archives.
ArtProvider ArtProvider class is used to customize the look of wxWidgets application.
AutoBufferedPaintDC This DC derivative can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT() event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing.
Bitmap This class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent bitmap, either monochrome or colour or colour with alpha channel support.
BitmapButton A bitmap button is a control that contains a bitmap.
BitmapDataObject BitmapDataObject is a specialization of DataObject for bitmap data.
BitmapToggleButton BitmapToggleButton is a ToggleButton that contains a bitmap instead of text.
BookCtrlBase A book control is a convenient way of displaying multiple pages of information, displayed one page at a time.
BookCtrlEvent This class represents the events generated by book controls ( Notebook, Listbook, Choicebook, Treebook, AuiNotebook).
BoxSizer The basic idea behind a box sizer is that windows will most often be laid out in rather simple basic geometry, typically in a row or a column or several hierarchies of either.
Brush A brush is a drawing tool for filling in areas.
BrushList A brush list is a list containing all brushes which have been created.
BufferedDC This class provides a simple way to avoid flicker: when drawing on it, everything is in fact first drawn on an in-memory buffer (a Bitmap) and then copied to the screen, using the associated DC, only once, when this object is destroyed.
BufferedPaintDC This is a subclass of BufferedDC which can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT() event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing.
BusyCursor This class makes it easy to tell your user that the program is temporarily busy.
Button A button is a control that contains a text string, and is one of the most common elements of a GUI.
ButtonLabel Helper class allowing to use either stock id or string labels.
CallLater A convenience class for Timer, that calls the given callable
CheckBox A checkbox is a labelled box which by default is either on (checkmark is visible) or off (no checkmark).
CheckListBox A CheckListBox is like a ListBox, but allows items to be checked or unchecked.
ChildFocusEvent A child focus event is sent to a (parent-)window when one of its child windows gains focus, so that the window could restore the focus back to its corresponding child if it loses it now and regains later.
Choice A choice item is used to select one of a list of strings.
ClientDC A ClientDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from outside an EVT_PAINT() handler.
Clipboard A class for manipulating the clipboard.
ClipboardTextEvent This class represents the events generated by a control (typically a TextCtrl but other windows can generate these events as well) when its content gets copied or cut to, or pasted from the clipboard.
CloseEvent This event class contains information about window and session close events.
CollapsiblePane A collapsible pane is a container with an embedded button-like control which can be used by the user to collapse or expand the pane’s contents.
CollapsiblePaneEvent This event class is used for the events generated by CollapsiblePane.
Colour A colour is an object representing a combination of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) intensity values, and is used to determine drawing colours.
ColourData This class holds a variety of information related to colour dialogs.
ColourDatabase wxWidgets maintains a database of standard RGB colours for a predefined set of named colours.
ColourDialog This class represents the colour chooser dialog.
ColourPickerCtrl This control allows the user to select a colour.
ColourPickerEvent This event class is used for the events generated by ColourPickerCtrl.
ComboBox A combobox is like a combination of an edit control and a listbox.
CommandEvent This event class contains information about command events, which originate from a variety of simple controls.
ConfigBase ConfigBase defines the basic interface of all config classes.
ConfigPathChanger A handy little class which changes the current path in a Config object and restores it in dtor.
ContextHelp This class changes the cursor to a query and puts the application into a ‘context-sensitive help mode’.
ContextHelpButton Instances of this class may be used to add a question mark button that when pressed, puts the application into context-help mode.
ContextMenuEvent This class is used for context menu events, sent to give the application a chance to show a context (popup) menu for a Window.
Control This is the base class for a control or “widget”.
ControlWithItems This is convenience class that derives from both Control and ItemContainer.
Cursor A cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click.
CustomDataObject CustomDataObject is a specialization of DataObjectSimple for some application-specific data in arbitrary (either custom or one of the standard ones).
DC A DC is a “device context” onto which graphics and text can be drawn.
DCBrushChanger DCBrushChanger is a small helper class for setting a brush on a DC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one.
DCClipper DCClipper is a helper class for setting a clipping region on a DC during its lifetime.
DCFontChanger DCFontChanger is a small helper class for setting a font on a DC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one.
DCOverlay Connects an overlay with a drawing DC.
DCPenChanger DCPenChanger is a small helper class for setting a pen on a DC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one.
DCTextColourChanger DCTextColourChanger is a small helper class for setting a foreground text colour on a DC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one.
DataFormat A DataFormat is an encapsulation of a platform-specific format handle which is used by the system for the clipboard and drag and drop operations.
DataObject A DataObject represents data that can be copied to or from the clipboard, or dragged and dropped.
DataObjectComposite DataObjectComposite is the simplest DataObject derivation which may be used to support multiple formats.
DataObjectSimple This is the simplest possible implementation of the DataObject class.
DateSpan This class is a “logical time span” and is useful for implementing program logic for such things as “add one month to the date” which, in general, doesn’t mean to add 60602431 seconds to it, but to take the same date the next month (to understand that this is indeed different consider adding one month to Feb, 15 – we want to get Mar, 15, of course).
DateTime DateTime class represents an absolute moment in time.
Dialog A dialog box is a window with a title bar and sometimes a system menu, which can be moved around the screen.
DialogLayoutAdapter This abstract class is the base for classes that help wxWidgets perform run-time layout adaptation of dialogs.
DirDialog This class represents the directory chooser dialog.
DirPickerCtrl This control allows the user to select a directory.
Display Determines the sizes and locations of displays connected to the system.
DragImage This class is used when you wish to drag an object on the screen, and a simple cursor is not enough.
DropFilesEvent This class is used for drop files events, that is, when files have been dropped onto the window.
DropSource This class represents a source for a drag and drop operation.
DropTarget This class represents a target for a drag and drop operation.
EraseEvent An erase event is sent when a window’s background needs to be repainted.
Event An event is a structure holding information about an event passed to a callback or member function.
EventBlocker This class is a special event handler which allows to discard any event (or a set of event types) directed to a specific window.
EventFilter A global event filter for pre-processing all the events generated in the program.
EventLoopActivator Makes an event loop temporarily active.
EventLoopBase Base class for all event loop implementations.
EvtHandler A class that can handle events from the windowing system.
FSFile This class represents a single file opened by FileSystem.
FileConfig FileConfig implements ConfigBase interface for storing and retrieving configuration information using plain text files.
FileCtrl This control allows the user to select a file.
FileCtrlEvent A file control event holds information about events associated with FileCtrl objects.
FileDataObject FileDataObject is a specialization of DataObject for file names.
FileDialog This class represents the file chooser dialog.
FileDirPickerEvent This event class is used for the events generated by FilePickerCtrl and by DirPickerCtrl.
FileDropTarget This is a drop target which accepts files (dragged from File Manager or Explorer).
FilePickerCtrl This control allows the user to select a file.
FileSystem This class provides an interface for opening files on different file systems.
FileSystemHandler Classes derived from FileSystemHandler are used to access virtual file systems.
FileTranslationsLoader Standard TranslationsLoader implementation.
FileType This class holds information about a given file type.
FileTypeInfo Container of information about FileType.
FilterFSHandler Filter file system handler.
FindDialogEvent FindReplaceDialog events.
FindReplaceData FindReplaceData holds the data for FindReplaceDialog.
FindReplaceDialog FindReplaceDialog is a standard modeless dialog which is used to allow the user to search for some text (and possibly replace it with something else).
FlexGridSizer A flex grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all table fields in one row having the same height and all fields in one column having the same width, but all rows or all columns are not necessarily the same height or width as in the GridSizer.
FocusEvent A focus event is sent when a window’s focus changes.
Font A font is an object which determines the appearance of text.
FontList A font list is a list containing all fonts which have been created.
FontMetrics Simple collection of various font metrics.
FontPickerCtrl This control allows the user to select a font.
FontPickerEvent This event class is used for the events generated by FontPickerCtrl.
Frame A frame is a window whose size and position can (usually) be changed by the user.
GBPosition This class represents the position of an item in a virtual grid of rows and columns managed by a GridBagSizer.
GBSizerItem The GBSizerItem class is used by the GridBagSizer for tracking the items in the sizer.
GBSpan This class is used to hold the row and column spanning attributes of items in a GridBagSizer.
GCDC GCDC is a device context that draws on a GraphicsContext.
GDIObject This class allows platforms to implement functionality to optimise GDI objects, such as Pen, Brush and Font.
Gauge A gauge is a horizontal or vertical bar which shows a quantity (often time).
GenericDirCtrl This control can be used to place a directory listing (with optional files) on an arbitrary window.
GenericDragImage This class is used when you wish to drag an object on the screen, and a simple cursor is not enough.
GenericProgressDialog This class represents a dialog that shows a short message and a progress bar.
GraphicsBitmap Represents a bitmap.
GraphicsBrush A GraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush.
GraphicsContext A GraphicsContext instance is the object that is drawn upon.
GraphicsFont A GraphicsFont is a native representation of a font.
GraphicsGradientStop Represents a single gradient stop in a collection of gradient stops as represented by GraphicsGradientStops.
GraphicsGradientStops Represents a collection of GraphicGradientStop values for use with CreateLinearGradientBrush and CreateRadialGradientBrush.
GraphicsMatrix A GraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix.
GraphicsObject This class is the superclass of native graphics objects like pens etc.
GraphicsPath A GraphicsPath is a native representation of a geometric path.
GraphicsPen A GraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen.
GraphicsRenderer A GraphicsRenderer is the instance corresponding to the rendering engine used.
GridBagSizer A Sizer that can lay out items in a virtual grid like a FlexGridSizer but in this case explicit positioning of the items is allowed using GBPosition, and items can optionally span more than one row and/or column using GBSpan.
GridSizer A grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all table fields having the same size, i.e.
HSVValue A simple class which stores hue, saturation and value as doubles in the range 0.0-1.0.
HScrolledWindow In the name of this class, “H” stands for “horizontal” because it can be used for scrolling columns of variable widths.
HVScrolledWindow This window inherits all functionality of both vertical and horizontal, variable scrolled windows.
HeaderColumn Represents a column header in controls displaying tabular data such as DataViewCtrl or Grid.
HeaderColumnSimple Simple container for the information about the column.
HelpControllerBase This is the abstract base class a family of classes by which applications may invoke a help viewer to provide on-line help.
HelpControllerHelpProvider HelpControllerHelpProvider is an implementation of HelpProvider which supports both context identifiers and plain text help strings.
HelpEvent A help event is sent when the user has requested context-sensitive help.
HelpProvider HelpProvider is an abstract class used by a program implementing context-sensitive help to show the help text for the given window.
Icon An icon is a small rectangular bitmap usually used for denoting a minimized application.
IconBundle This class contains multiple copies of an icon in different sizes.
IconLocation IconLocation is a tiny class describing the location of an (external, i.e.
IconizeEvent An event being sent when the frame is iconized (minimized) or restored.
IdManager IdManager is responsible for allocating and releasing window IDs.
IdleEvent This class is used for idle events, which are generated when the system becomes idle.
Image This class encapsulates a platform-independent image.
ImageHandler This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data.
ImageList A ImageList contains a list of images, which are stored in an unspecified form.
InfoBar An info bar is a transient window shown at top or bottom of its parent window to display non-critical information to the user.
InitDialogEvent A InitDialogEvent is sent as a dialog or panel is being initialised.
InputStream InputStream is an abstract base class which may not be used directly.
InternetFSHandler A file system handler for accessing files from internet servers.
ItemContainer This class is an abstract base class for some wxWidgets controls which contain several items such as ListBox, CheckListBox, ComboBox or Choice.
ItemContainerImmutable ItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems each of which may be selected.
JoystickEvent This event class contains information about joystick events, particularly events received by windows.
KeyEvent This event class contains information about key press and release events.
KeyboardState Provides methods for testing the state of the keyboard modifier keys.
LanguageInfo Encapsulates a Language identifier together with OS-specific information related to that language.
LinuxDistributionInfo A structure containing informations about a Linux distribution as returned by the lsb_release utility.
ListBox A listbox is used to select one or more of a list of strings.
ListCtrl A list control presents lists in a number of formats: list view, report view, icon view and small icon view.
ListEvent A list event holds information about events associated with ListCtrl objects.
ListItem This class stores information about a ListCtrl item or column.
ListItemAttr Represents the attributes (color, font, .
ListView This class currently simply presents a simpler to use interface for the ListCtrl – it can be thought of as a façade for that complicated class.
Locale Locale class encapsulates all language-dependent settings and is a generalization of the C locale concept.
Log Log class defines the interface for the log targets used by wxWidgets logging functions as explained in the Log Classes Overview.
LogBuffer LogBuffer is a very simple implementation of log sink which simply collects all the logged messages in a string (except the debug messages which are output in the usual way immediately as we’re presumably not interested in collecting them for later).
LogChain This simple class allows you to chain log sinks, that is to install a new sink but keep passing log messages to the old one instead of replacing it completely as Log.SetActiveTarget does.
LogFormatter LogFormatter class is used to format the log messages.
LogGui This is the default log target for the GUI wxWidgets applications.
LogInterposer A special version of LogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
LogInterposerTemp A special version of LogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
LogNull This class allows you to temporarily suspend logging.
LogRecordInfo Information about a log record (unit of the log output).
LogStderr This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C file stream (not to be confused with C++ streams).
LogTextCtrl Using these target all the log messages can be redirected to a text control.
LogWindow This class represents a background log window: to be precise, it collects all log messages in the log frame which it manages but also passes them on to the log target which was active at the moment of its creation.
MDIChildFrame An MDI child frame is a frame that can only exist inside a MDIClientWindow, which is itself a child of MDIParentFrame.
MDIClientWindow An MDI client window is a child of MDIParentFrame, and manages zero or more MDIChildFrame objects.
MDIParentFrame An MDI (Multiple Document Interface) parent frame is a window which can contain MDI child frames in its client area which emulates the full desktop.
Mask This class encapsulates a monochrome mask bitmap, where the masked area is black and the unmasked area is white.
Matrix2D A simple container for 2x2 matrix.
MaximizeEvent An event being sent when a top level window is maximized.
MemoryDC A memory device context provides a means to draw graphics onto a bitmap.
MemoryFSHandler This FileSystem handler can store arbitrary data in memory stream and make them accessible via an URL.
Menu A menu is a popup (or pull down) list of items, one of which may be selected before the menu goes away (clicking elsewhere dismisses the menu).
MenuBar A menu bar is a series of menus accessible from the top of a frame.
MenuEvent This class is used for a variety of menu-related events.
MenuItem A menu item represents an item in a menu.
MessageDialog This class represents a dialog that shows a single or multi-line message, with a choice of OK, Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
MessageParameters Class representing message parameters.
MimeTypesManager This class allows the application to retrieve informations about all known MIME types from a system-specific location and the filename extensions to the MIME types and vice versa.
MirrorDC MirrorDC is a simple wrapper class which is always associated with a real DC object and either forwards all of its operations to it without changes (no mirroring takes place) or exchanges x and y coordinates which makes it possible to reuse the same code to draw a figure and its mirror – i.e.
MouseCaptureChangedEvent An mouse capture changed event is sent to a window that loses its mouse capture.
MouseCaptureLostEvent A mouse capture lost event is sent to a window that had obtained mouse capture, which was subsequently lost due to an “external” event (for example, when a dialog box is shown or if another application captures the mouse).
MouseEvent This event class contains information about the events generated by the mouse: they include mouse buttons press and release events and mouse move events.
MouseState Represents the mouse state.
MoveEvent A move event holds information about TopLevelWindow move change events.
MultiChoiceDialog This class represents a dialog that shows a list of strings, and allows the user to select one or more.
NativeFontInfo NativeFontInfo is platform-specific font representation: this class should be considered as an opaque font description only used by the native functions, the user code can only get the objects of this type from somewhere and pass it somewhere else (possibly save them somewhere using ToString and restore them using FromString)
NavigationKeyEvent This event class contains information about navigation events, generated by navigation keys such as tab and page down.
NonOwnedWindow Common base class for all non-child windows.
Notebook This class represents a notebook control, which manages multiple windows with associated tabs.
NotifyEvent This class is not used by the event handlers by itself, but is a base class for other event classes (such as BookCtrlEvent).
Object This is the root class of many of the wxWidgets classes.
OutputStream OutputStream is an abstract base class which may not be used directly.
Overlay Creates an overlay over an existing window, allowing for manipulations like rubberbanding, etc.
PageSetupDialog This class represents the page setup common dialog.
PageSetupDialogData This class holds a variety of information related to PageSetupDialog.
PaintDC A PaintDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from within an EVT_PAINT() event handler.
PaintEvent A paint event is sent when a window’s contents needs to be repainted.
Panel A panel is a window on which controls are placed.
Pen A pen is a drawing tool for drawing outlines.
PenList There is only one instance of this class: ThePenList
PickerBase Base abstract class for all pickers which support an auxiliary text control.
PlatformInfo This class holds informations about the operating system, the toolkit and the basic architecture of the machine where the application is currently running.
Point A Point is a useful data structure for graphics operations.
PopupTransientWindow A PopupWindow which disappears automatically when the user clicks mouse outside it or if it loses focus in any other way.
PopupWindow A special kind of top level window used for popup menus, combobox popups and such.
Position This class represents the position of an item in any kind of grid of rows and columns such as GridBagSizer, or HVScrolledWindow.
PostScriptDC This defines the wxWidgets Encapsulated PostScript device context, which can write PostScript files on any platform.
PowerEvent The power events are generated when the system power state changes, e.g.
PreviewCanvas A preview canvas is the default canvas used by the print preview system to display the preview.
PreviewControlBar This is the default implementation of the preview control bar, a panel with buttons and a zoom control.
PreviewFrame This class provides the default method of managing the print preview interface.
PrintData This class holds a variety of information related to printers and printer device contexts.
PrintDialog This class represents the print and print setup common dialogs.
PrintDialogData This class holds information related to the visual characteristics of PrintDialog.
PrintPreview Objects of this class manage the print preview process.
Printer This class represents the Windows or PostScript printer, and is the vehicle through which printing may be launched by an application.
PrinterDC A printer device context is specific to MSW and Mac, and allows access to any printer with a Windows or Macintosh driver.
Printout This class encapsulates the functionality of printing out an application document.
Process The objects of this class are used in conjunction with the Execute function.
ProcessEvent A process event is sent to the EvtHandler specified to Process when a process is terminated.
ProgressDialog If supported by the platform this class will provide the platform’s native progress dialog, else it will simply be the `` GenericProgressDialog `` .
PropagateOnce Helper class to temporarily lower propagation level.
PropagationDisabler Helper class to temporarily change an event to not propagate.
PyApp The App class represents the application itself when USE_GUI=1 .
PyEventBinder Instances of this class are used to bind specific events to event handlers.
PyOnDemandOutputWindow A class that can be used for redirecting Python’s stdout and
PySimpleApp This class is deprecated. Please use wx.App instead.
PySingleChoiceDialog This class represents a dialog that shows a list of strings, and allows the user to select one.
RGBValue A simple class which stores red, green and blue values as 8 bit integers in the range of 0-255.
RadioBox A radio box item is used to select one of number of mutually exclusive choices.
RadioButton A radio button item is a button which usually denotes one of several mutually exclusive options.
RealPoint A RealPoint is a useful data structure for graphics operations.
Rect A class for manipulating rectangles.
RefCounter This class is used to manage reference-counting providing a simple interface and a counter.
Region A Region represents a simple or complex region on a device context or window.
RegionIterator This class is used to iterate through the rectangles in a region, typically when examining the damaged regions of a window within an OnPaint call.
SVGFileDC A SVGFileDC is a device context onto which graphics and text can be drawn, and the output produced as a vector file, in SVG format (see the W3C SVG Specifications <>).
ScreenDC A ScreenDC can be used to paint on the screen.
ScrollBar A ScrollBar is a control that represents a horizontal or vertical scrollbar.
ScrollEvent A scroll event holds information about events sent from stand-alone scrollbars (see ScrollBar) and sliders (see Slider).
ScrollWinEvent A scroll event holds information about events sent from scrolling windows.
Scrolled The Scrolled class manages scrolling for its client area, transforming the coordinates according to the scrollbar positions, and setting the scroll positions, thumb sizes and ranges according to the area in view.
SearchCtrl A search control is a composite control with a search button, a text control, and a cancel button.
SetCursorEvent A SetCursorEvent is generated from Window when the mouse cursor is about to be set as a result of mouse motion.
SettableHeaderColumn Adds methods to set the column attributes to HeaderColumn.
ShowEvent An event being sent when the window is shown or hidden.
SimpleHelpProvider SimpleHelpProvider is an implementation of HelpProvider which supports only plain text help strings, and shows the string associated with the control (if any) in a tooltip.
SingleInstanceChecker SingleInstanceChecker class allows to check that only a single instance of a program is running.
Size A Size is a useful data structure for graphics operations.
SizeEvent A size event holds information about size change events of Window.
Sizer Sizer is the abstract base class used for laying out subwindows in a window.
SizerFlags Container for sizer items flags providing readable names for them.
SizerItem The SizerItem class is used to track the position, size and other attributes of each item managed by a Sizer.
Slider A slider is a control with a handle which can be pulled back and forth to change the value.
SpinButton A SpinButton has two small up and down (or left and right) arrow buttons.
SpinCtrl SpinCtrl combines TextCtrl and SpinButton in one control.
SpinCtrlDouble SpinCtrlDouble combines TextCtrl and SpinButton in one control and displays a real number.
SpinDoubleEvent This event class is used for the events generated by SpinCtrlDouble.
SpinEvent This event class is used for the events generated by SpinButton and SpinCtrl.
SplitterEvent This class represents the events generated by a splitter control.
SplitterWindow This class manages up to two subwindows.
StandardPaths StandardPaths returns the standard locations in the file system and should be used by applications to find their data files in a portable way.
StaticBitmap A static bitmap control displays a bitmap.
StaticBox A static box is a rectangle drawn around other windows to denote a logical grouping of items.
StaticBoxSizer StaticBoxSizer is a sizer derived from BoxSizer but adds a static box around the sizer.
StaticLine A static line is just a line which may be used in a dialog to separate the groups of controls.
StaticText A static text control displays one or more lines of read-only text.
StatusBar A status bar is a narrow window that can be placed along the bottom of a frame to give small amounts of status information.
StatusBarPane A status bar pane data container used by StatusBar.
StdDialogButtonSizer This class creates button layouts which conform to the standard button spacing and ordering defined by the platform or toolkit’s user interface guidelines (if such things exist).
StreamBase This class is the base class of most stream related classes in wxWidgets.
SysColourChangedEvent This class is used for system colour change events, which are generated when the user changes the colour settings using the control panel.
SystemOptions SystemOptions stores option/value pairs that wxWidgets itself or applications can use to alter behaviour at run-time.
SystemSettings SystemSettings allows the application to ask for details about the system.
TextAttr TextAttr represents the character and paragraph attributes, or style, for a range of text in a TextCtrl or RichTextCtrl.
TextCompleter Base class for custom text completer objects.
TextCompleterSimple A simpler base class for custom completer objects.
TextCtrl A text control allows text to be displayed and edited.
TextDataObject TextDataObject is a specialization of DataObjectSimple for text data.
TextDropTarget A predefined drop target for dealing with text data.
TextEntry Common base class for single line text entry fields.
TimeSpan TimeSpan class represents a time interval.
TimeZone Class representing a time zone.
Timer The Timer class allows you to execute code at specified intervals.
TimerEvent TimerEvent object is passed to the event handler of timer events (see Timer.SetOwner ).
TimerRunner Starts the timer in its constructor, stops in the dtor.
TipWindow Shows simple text in a popup tip window on creation.
Tm Contains broken down date-time representation.
ToggleButton ToggleButton is a button that stays pressed when clicked by the user.
ToolBar A toolbar is a bar of buttons and/or other controls usually placed below the menu bar in a Frame.
ToolBarToolBase A toolbar tool represents one item on the toolbar.
ToolTip This class holds information about a tooltip associated with a window (see Window.SetToolTip ).
TopLevelWindow TopLevelWindow is a common base class for Dialog and Frame.
Trackable Add-on base class for a trackable object.
Translations This class allows to get translations for strings.
TranslationsLoader Abstraction of translations discovery and loading.
TreeCtrl A tree control presents information as a hierarchy, with items that may be expanded to show further items.
TreeEvent A tree event holds information about events associated with TreeCtrl objects.
TreeItemId An opaque reference to a tree item.
UIActionSimulator UIActionSimulator is a class used to simulate user interface actions such as a mouse click or a key press.
URLDataObject URLDataObject is a DataObject containing an URL and can be used e.g.
UpdateUIEvent This class is used for pseudo-events which are called by wxWidgets to give an application the chance to update various user interface elements.
VScrolledWindow In the name of this class, “V” may stand for “variable” because it can be used for scrolling rows of variable heights; “virtual”, because it is not necessary to know the heights of all rows in advance – only those which are shown on the screen need to be measured; or even “vertical”, because this class only supports scrolling vertically.
Validator Validator is the base class for a family of validator classes that mediate between a class of control, and application data.
VarHScrollHelper This class provides functions wrapping the VarScrollHelperBase class, targeted for horizontal-specific scrolling.
VarHVScrollHelper This class provides functions wrapping the VarHScrollHelper and VarVScrollHelper classes, targeted for scrolling a window in both axis.
VarScrollHelperBase This class provides all common base functionality for scroll calculations shared among all variable scrolled window implementations as well as automatic scrollbar functionality, saved scroll positions, controlling target windows to be scrolled, as well as defining all required virtual functions that need to be implemented for any orientation specific work.
VarVScrollHelper This class provides functions wrapping the VarScrollHelperBase class, targeted for vertical-specific scrolling.
VersionInfo VersionInfo contains version information.
VideoMode Determines the sizes and locations of displays connected to the system.
VisualAttributes Struct containing all the visual attributes of a control.
Window Window is the base class for all windows and represents any visible object on screen.
WindowCreateEvent This event is sent just after the actual window associated with a Window object has been created.
WindowDC A WindowDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the whole area of a window (client and decorations).
WindowDestroyEvent This event is sent as early as possible during the window destruction process.
WindowDisabler This class disables all windows of the application (may be with the exception of one of them) in its constructor and enables them back in its destructor.
WithImages A mixin class to be used with other classes that use a ImageList.
WrapSizer A wrap sizer lays out its items in a single line, like a box sizer – as long as there is space available in that direction.