.. include:: headings.inc .. currentmodule:: lib.agw.customtreectrl .. highlight:: python .. _lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **TreeTextCtrl** ========================================================================================================================================== Control used for in-place edit. This is a subclass of :class:`lib.expando.ExpandoTextCtrl` as :class:`CustomTreeCtrl` supports multiline text items. .. note:: To add a newline character in a multiline item, press ``Shift`` + ``Enter`` as the ``Enter`` key alone is consumed by :class:`CustomTreeCtrl` to finish the editing and ``Ctrl`` + ``Enter`` is consumed by the platform for tab navigation. | |class_hierarchy| Inheritance Diagram ===================================== Inheritance diagram for class **TreeTextCtrl** .. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram of TreeTextCtrl

| |super_classes| Known Superclasses ================================== :class:`lib.expando.ExpandoTextCtrl` | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.__init__` Default class constructor. :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.AcceptChanges` Accepts/rejects the changes made by the user. :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.Finish` Finish editing. :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.item` Returns the item currently edited. :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.OnChar` Handles the ``EVT_CHAR`` event for :class:`TreeTextCtrl`. :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.OnKeyUp` Handles the ``EVT_KEY_UP`` event for :class:`TreeTextCtrl`. :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.OnKillFocus` Handles the ``EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for :class:`TreeTextCtrl`. :meth:`~lib.agw.customtreectrl.TreeTextCtrl.StopEditing` Suddenly stops the editing. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: TreeTextCtrl(ExpandoTextCtrl) Control used for in-place edit. This is a subclass of :class:`lib.expando.ExpandoTextCtrl` as :class:`CustomTreeCtrl` supports multiline text items. .. note:: To add a newline character in a multiline item, press ``Shift`` + ``Enter`` as the ``Enter`` key alone is consumed by :class:`CustomTreeCtrl` to finish the editing and ``Ctrl`` + ``Enter`` is consumed by the platform for tab navigation. .. method:: __init__(self, owner, item=None) Default class constructor. For internal use: do not call it in your code! :param `owner`: the control parent (an instance of :class:`CustomTreeCtrl`); :param `item`: an instance of :class:`GenericTreeItem`. :raise: `Exception` when the item has an associated image but the parent :class:`CustomTreeCtrl` does not have a :class:`ImageList` assigned. .. method:: AcceptChanges(self) Accepts/rejects the changes made by the user. :return: ``True`` if the changes to the item text have been accepted, ``False`` if they have been rejected (i.e., vetoed by the user). .. method:: Finish(self) Finish editing. .. method:: item(self) Returns the item currently edited. :return: An instance of :class:`GenericTreeItem`. .. method:: OnChar(self, event) Handles the ``EVT_CHAR`` event for :class:`TreeTextCtrl`. :param `event`: a :class:`KeyEvent` event to be processed. .. method:: OnKeyUp(self, event) Handles the ``EVT_KEY_UP`` event for :class:`TreeTextCtrl`. :param `event`: a :class:`KeyEvent` event to be processed. .. method:: OnKillFocus(self, event) Handles the ``EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for :class:`TreeTextCtrl`. :param `event`: a :class:`FocusEvent` event to be processed. .. method:: StopEditing(self) Suddenly stops the editing.