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phoenix_title GenericTreeItem

This class holds all the information and methods for every single item in CustomTreeCtrl. This is a generic implementation of TreeItem.

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for class GenericTreeItem

Inheritance diagram of GenericTreeItem

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
AssignAttributes Assigns the item attributes (font, colours, etc...) for this item.
Attr Creates a new attribute (font, colours, etc...) for this item.
Check Checks/unchecks an item.
Collapse Collapses the item.
DeleteChildren Deletes the item children.
DeleteWindow Deletes the window associated to the item (if any).
Enable Enables/disables the item.
Expand Expands the item.
Get3StateValue Gets the state of a 3-state checkbox item.
GetAttributes Returns the item attributes (font, colours, etc...).
GetCheckedImage Returns the item check image.
GetChildren Returns the item’s children.
GetChildrenCount Gets the number of children of this item.
GetCurrentCheckedImage Returns the current item check image.
GetCurrentImage Returns the current item image.
GetData Returns the data associated to this item.
GetHeight Returns the height of the item, in pixels.
GetImage Returns the item image for a particular item state.
GetLeftImage Returns the leftmost image associated to this item, i.e. the image on the
GetParent Gets the item parent (another instance of GenericTreeItem or None for
GetSize Returns the item size.
GetText Returns the item text.
GetType Returns the item type.
GetValue Returns whether the item is checked or not.
GetVisited Returns whether an hypertext item was visited or not.
GetWidth Returns the width of the item, in pixels.
GetWindow Returns the window associated to the item (if any).
GetWindowEnabled Returns whether the associated window is enabled or not.
GetWindowSize Returns the associated window size.
GetX Returns the x position on an item, in logical coordinates.
GetY Returns the y position on an item, in logical coordinates.
HasChildren Returns whether the item has children or not.
HasPlus Returns whether the item has the plus button or not.
HitTest HitTest method for an item. Called from the main window CustomTreeCtrl.HitTest().
Insert Inserts an item in the item children list for this item.
Is3State Returns whether or not the checkbox item is a 3-state checkbox.
IsBold Returns whether the item font is bold or not.
IsChecked This is just a maybe more readable synonym for GetValue.
IsEnabled Returns whether the item is enabled or not.
IsExpanded Returns whether the item is expanded or not.
IsHyperText Returns whether the item is hypetext or not.
IsItalic Returns whether the item font is italic or not.
IsOk Returns whether the item is ok or not.
IsSelected Returns whether the item is selected or not.
IsSeparator Returns whether the item is meant to be an horizontal line separator or not.
OnSetFocus Handles the EVT_SET_FOCUS event for the window associated with the item.
Set3State Sets whether the item has a 3-state value checkbox assigned to it or not.
Set3StateValue Sets the checkbox item to the given state.
SetAttributes Sets the item attributes (font, colours, etc...).
SetBold Sets the item font bold.
SetData Sets the data associated to this item.
SetHasPlus Sets whether an item has the ‘plus’ button.
SetHeight Sets the item’s height.
SetHilight Sets the item focus/unfocus.
SetHyperText Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.
SetImage Sets the item image.
SetItalic Sets the item font italic.
SetLeftImage Sets the item leftmost image, i.e. the image associated to the item on the leftmost
SetText Sets the item text.
SetType Sets the item type.
SetVisited Sets whether an hypertext item was visited or not.
SetWidth Sets the item’s width.
SetWindow Sets the window associated to the item.
SetWindowEnabled Sets whether the associated window is enabled or not.
SetX Sets the x position on an item, in logical coordinates.
SetY Sets the y position on an item, in logical coordinates.

api Class API

class GenericTreeItem(object)

This class holds all the information and methods for every single item in CustomTreeCtrl. This is a generic implementation of TreeItem.


__init__(self, parent, text="", ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None, separator=False)

Default class constructor. For internal use: do not call it in your code!

  • parent – the tree item parent, an instance of GenericTreeItem (may be None for root items);
  • text (string) – the tree item text;
  • ct_type (integer) – the tree item kind. May be one of the following integers:

    ct_type Value Description
    0 A normal item
    1 A checkbox-like item
    2 A radiobutton-type item
  • wnd – if not None, a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item, an instance of Window;
  • image (integer) – an index within the normal image list specifying the image to use for the item in unselected state;
  • selImage (integer) – an index within the normal image list specifying the image to use for the item in selected state; if image > -1 and selImage is -1, the same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
  • data (object) – associate the given Python object data with the item;
  • separator (bool) – True if the item is a separator, False otherwise.


Regarding radiobutton-type items (with ct_type = 2), the following approach is used:

  • All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words, only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons must be unchecked.
  • If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become inactive.


Separator items should not have children, labels, data or an associated window. Other issues/features associated to separator items:

  • You can change the color of individual separators by using CustomTreeCtrl.SetItemTextColour(), or you can use CustomTreeCtrl.SetSeparatorColour() to change the color of all separators. The default separator colour is that returned by SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT);
  • Separators can be selected just like any other tree item;
  • Separators cannot have text;
  • Separators cannot have children;
  • Separators cannot be edited via the EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT event.

AssignAttributes(self, attr)

Assigns the item attributes (font, colours, etc...) for this item.

Parameters:attr – an instance of TreeItemAttr.


Creates a new attribute (font, colours, etc...) for this item.

Returns:An instance of TreeItemAttr.

Check(self, checked=True)

Checks/unchecks an item.

Parameters:checked (bool) – True to check an item, False to uncheck it.


This is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.


Collapses the item.

DeleteChildren(self, tree)

Deletes the item children.

Parameters:tree – the main CustomTreeCtrl instance.


Deletes the window associated to the item (if any).

Enable(self, enable=True)

Enables/disables the item.

Parameters:enable (bool) – True to enable the item, False to disable it.


Expands the item.


Gets the state of a 3-state checkbox item.

Returns:CHK_UNCHECKED when the checkbox is unchecked, CHK_CHECKED when it is checked and CHK_UNDETERMINED when it’s in the undetermined state.
Raise :Exception when the item is not a 3-state checkbox item.


This method raises an exception when the function is used with a 2-state checkbox item.


This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like items.


Returns the item attributes (font, colours, etc...).

Returns:An instance of TreeItemAttr.

GetCheckedImage(self, which=TreeItemIcon_Checked)

Returns the item check image.

Parameters:which (integer) – can be one of the following bits:

Item State Description
TreeItemIcon_Checked To get the checkbox checked item image
TreeItemIcon_NotChecked To get the checkbox unchecked item image
TreeItemIcon_Undetermined To get the checkbox undetermined state item image
TreeItemIcon_Flagged To get the radiobutton checked image
TreeItemIcon_NotFlagged To get the radiobutton unchecked image
Returns:An integer index that can be used to retrieve the item check image inside a ImageList.


This method is meaningful only for radio & check items.


Returns the item’s children.

Returns:A Python list containing instances of GenericTreeItem, representing this item’s children.

GetChildrenCount(self, recursively=True)

Gets the number of children of this item.

Parameters:recursively (bool) – if True, returns the total number of descendants, otherwise only one level of children is counted.


Returns the current item check image.

Returns:An integer index that can be used to retrieve the item check image inside a ImageList.


Returns the current item image.

Returns:An integer index that can be used to retrieve the item image inside a ImageList.


Returns the data associated to this item.

Returns:A Python object representing the item data, or None if no data has been assigned to this item.


Returns the height of the item, in pixels.

GetImage(self, which=TreeItemIcon_Normal)

Returns the item image for a particular item state.

Parameters:which (integer) – can be one of the following bits:

Item State Description
TreeItemIcon_Normal To get the normal item image
TreeItemIcon_Selected To get the selected item image (i.e. the image which is shown when the item is currently selected)
TreeItemIcon_Expanded To get the expanded image (this only makes sense for items which have children - then this image is shown when the item is expanded and the normal image is shown when it is collapsed)
TreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded To get the selected expanded image (which is shown when an expanded item is currently selected)
Returns:An integer index that can be used to retrieve the item image inside a ImageList.


Returns the leftmost image associated to this item, i.e. the image on the leftmost part of the client area of CustomTreeCtrl.

Returns:An integer index that can be used to retrieve the item leftmost image inside a ImageList.


Gets the item parent (another instance of GenericTreeItem or None for root items.

Returns:An instance of GenericTreeItem or None for root items.

GetSize(self, x, y, theButton)

Returns the item size.

  • x (integer) – the current item’s x position;
  • y (integer) – the current item’s y position;
  • theButton – an instance of the main CustomTreeCtrl.

A tuple of (x, y) dimensions, in pixels, representing the item’s width and height.


Returns the item text.

Returns:A string containing the item text.


Returns the item type.

See also

SetType and __init__ for a description of valid item types.


Returns whether the item is checked or not.


This is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.


Returns whether an hypertext item was visited or not.


Returns the width of the item, in pixels.


Returns the window associated to the item (if any).

Returns:An instance of any Window derived class, excluding top-level windows.


Returns whether the associated window is enabled or not.

Returns:True if the associated window is enabled, False if it is disabled.
Raise :Exception when the item has no associated window.


Returns the associated window size.


Returns the x position on an item, in logical coordinates.


Returns the y position on an item, in logical coordinates.


Returns whether the item has children or not.

Returns:True if the item has children, False otherwise.


Returns whether the item has the plus button or not.

Returns:True if the item has a ‘plus’ mark, False otherwise.

HitTest(self, point, theCtrl, flags=0, level=0)

HitTest method for an item. Called from the main window CustomTreeCtrl.HitTest().

  • point – the point to test for the hit (an instance of Point);
  • theCtrl – the main CustomTreeCtrl tree;
  • flags (integer) – a bitlist of hit locations;
  • level (integer) – the item’s level inside the tree hierarchy.

See also

CustomTreeCtrl.HitTest() method for the flags explanation.

Insert(self, child, index)

Inserts an item in the item children list for this item.

  • child – an instance of GenericTreeItem;
  • index (integer) – the index at which we should insert the new child.


Returns whether or not the checkbox item is a 3-state checkbox.

Returns:True if this checkbox is a 3-state checkbox, False if it’s a 2-state checkbox item.


This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like items.


Returns whether the item font is bold or not.

Returns:True if the item has bold text, False otherwise.


This is just a maybe more readable synonym for GetValue. Returns whether the item is checked or not.


This is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.


Returns whether the item is enabled or not.

Returns:True if the item is enabled, False if it is disabled.


Returns whether the item is expanded or not.

Returns:True if the item is expanded, False if it is collapsed.


Returns whether the item is hypetext or not.


Returns whether the item font is italic or not.

Returns:True if the item has italic text, False otherwise.


Returns whether the item is ok or not.


This method always returns True, it has been added for backward compatibility with the wxWidgets C++ implementation.


Returns whether the item is selected or not.

Returns:True if the item is selected, False otherwise.


Returns whether the item is meant to be an horizontal line separator or not.

Returns:True if this item is a separator, False otherwise.

OnSetFocus(self, event)

Handles the EVT_SET_FOCUS event for the window associated with the item.

Parameters:event – a FocusEvent event to be processed.

Set3State(self, allow)

Sets whether the item has a 3-state value checkbox assigned to it or not.

Parameters:allow (bool) – True to set an item as a 3-state checkbox, False to set it to a 2-state checkbox.
Returns:True if the change was successful, False otherwise.


This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like items.

Set3StateValue(self, state)

Sets the checkbox item to the given state.

Parameters:state (integer) – can be one of: CHK_UNCHECKED (check is off), CHK_CHECKED (check is on) or CHK_UNDETERMINED (check is mixed).
Raise :Exception when the item is not a 3-state checkbox item.


This method raises an exception when the checkbox item is a 2-state checkbox and setting the state to CHK_UNDETERMINED .


This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like items.

SetAttributes(self, attr)

Sets the item attributes (font, colours, etc...).

Parameters:attr – an instance of TreeItemAttr.

SetBold(self, bold)

Sets the item font bold.

Parameters:bold (bool) – True to have a bold font item, False otherwise.

SetData(self, data)

Sets the data associated to this item.

Parameters:data (object) – can be any Python object.

SetHasPlus(self, has=True)

Sets whether an item has the ‘plus’ button.

Parameters:has (bool) – True to set the ‘plus’ button on the item, False otherwise.

SetHeight(self, h)

Sets the item’s height.

Parameters:h (integer) – an integer specifying the item’s height, in pixels.

SetHilight(self, set=True)

Sets the item focus/unfocus.

Parameters:set (bool) – True to set the focus to the item, False otherwise.

SetHyperText(self, hyper=True)

Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.

Parameters:hyper (bool) – True to set hypertext behaviour, False otherwise.

SetImage(self, image, which)

Sets the item image.

  • image (integer) – an index within the normal image list specifying the image to use;
  • which (integer) – the image kind.

See also

GetImage for a description of the which parameter.

SetItalic(self, italic)

Sets the item font italic.

Parameters:italic (bool) – True to have an italic font item, False otherwise.

SetLeftImage(self, image)

Sets the item leftmost image, i.e. the image associated to the item on the leftmost part of the CustomTreeCtrl client area.

Parameters:image (integer) – an index within the left image list specifying the image to use for the item in the leftmost part of the client area.

SetText(self, text)

Sets the item text.

Parameters:text (string) – the new item label.
Raise :Exception if the item is a separator.

SetType(self, ct_type)

Sets the item type.

Parameters:ct_type (integer) – may be one of the following integers:

ct_type Value Description
0 A normal item
1 A checkbox-like item
2 A radiobutton-type item


Regarding radiobutton-type items (with ct_type = 2), the following approach is used:

  • All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words, only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons must be unchecked.
  • If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become inactive.

SetVisited(self, visited=True)

Sets whether an hypertext item was visited or not.

Parameters:visited (bool) – True to set a hypertext item as visited, False otherwise.

SetWidth(self, w)

Sets the item’s width.

Parameters:w (integer) – an integer specifying the item’s width, in pixels.

SetWindow(self, wnd)

Sets the window associated to the item.

Parameters:wnd – a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item, any subclass of Window.
Raise :Exception if the input item is a separator and wnd is not None.

SetWindowEnabled(self, enable=True)

Sets whether the associated window is enabled or not.

Parameters:enable (bool) – True to enable the associated window, False to disable it.
Raise :Exception when the item has no associated window.

SetX(self, x)

Sets the x position on an item, in logical coordinates.

Parameters:x (integer) – an integer specifying the x position of the item.

SetY(self, y)

Sets the y position on an item, in logical coordinates.

Parameters:y (integer) – an integer specifying the y position of the item.