
Inheritance diagram for wx.EncodingConverter:


This class is capable of converting strings between two 8-bit encodings/charsets. It can also convert from/to Unicode (but only if you compiled wxWidgets with wx.USE_WCHAR_T set to 1).

Only a limited subset of encodings is supported by wx.EncodingConverter: wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_1..15, wx.FONTENCODING_CP1250..1257 and wx.FONTENCODING_KOI8.

See also


Derived From

Class API


No docstrings available for this method.

CanConvert(encIn, encOut)

Returns True if (any text in) multibyte encoding encIn can be converted to another one (encOut) losslessly.

Do not call this method with wx.FONTENCODING_UNICODE as either parameter, it doesn’t make sense (always works in one sense and always depends on the text to convert in the other).


  • encIn (int)
  • encOut (int)




Convert string and return new string object.


  • input (string)




Similar to GetPlatformEquivalents, but this one will return ALL equivalent encodings, regardless of the platform, and including itself.

This platform’s encodings are before others in the array. And again, if enc is in the array, it is the very first item in it.


  • enc (int)


list of integers

GetPlatformEquivalents(enc, platform=wx.PLATFORM_CURRENT)

Return equivalents for given font that are used under given platform.

Supported platforms are:


wx.PLATFORM_CURRENT means the platform this binary was compiled for.

Equivalence is defined in terms of convertibility: two encodings are equivalent if you can convert text between them without losing information (it may - and will - happen that you lose special chars like quotation marks or em-dashes but you shouldn’t lose any diacritics and language-specific characters when converting between equivalent encodings).

Remember that this function does NOT check for presence of fonts in system. It only tells you what are most suitable encodings. (It usually returns only one encoding.)


  • enc (int)
  • platform (int)


list of integers


Please note the following:

  • Note that argument enc itself may be present in the returned array, so that you can, as a side-effect, detect whether the encoding is native for this platform or not.
  • Convert is not limited to converting between equivalent encodings, it can convert between two arbitrary encodings.
  • If enc is present in the returned array, then it is always the first item of it.
  • The returned array may contain no items at all.

Init(input_enc, output_enc, method=wx.CONVERT_STRICT)

Initialize conversion. Both output or input encoding may be wx.FONTENCODING_UNICODE, but only if wx.USE_ENCODING is set to 1. All subsequent calls to Convert will interpret its argument as a string in input_enc encoding and will output string in output_enc encoding. You must call this method before calling Convert.

You may call it more than once in order to switch to another conversion. method affects behaviour of Convert() in case input character cannot be converted because it does not exist in output encoding:

Methods Description
wx.CONVERT_STRICT follow behaviour of GNU Recode - just copy unconvertible characters to output and don’t change them (its integer value will stay the same)
wx.CONVERT_SUBSTITUTE try some (lossy) substitutions - e.g. replace unconvertible latin capitals with acute by ordinary capitals, replace en-dash or em-dash by ‘-‘ etc...

Both modes guarantee that output string will have same length as input string.


  • input_enc (int)
  • output_enc (int)
  • method (int)

