****************** wx.ChildFocusEvent ****************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.ChildFocusEvent`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.ChildFocusEvent | Description =========== A child focus event is sent to a (parent-)window when one of its child windows gains focus, so that the window could restore the focus back to its corresponding child if it loses it now and regains later. .. note:: Notice that child window is the direct child of the window receiving event. Use `FindFocus <../Widgets/wx.Window.html#FindFocus>`_ to retreive the window which is actually getting focus. Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.CommandEvent `_ * `wx.Event `_ * `wx.Object <../Widgets/wx.Object.html>`_ ================================================== ================================================== Event Name Description ================================================== ================================================== wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS(func) Process a ``wx.wxEVT_CHILD_FOCUS`` event. ================================================== ================================================== Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `GetWindow <#GetWindow>`_ Properties Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `Window <#Window>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(win=None) Constructor. **Parameters:** * `win` (`wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_): The direct child which is (or which contains the window which is) receiving the focus. | **Returns:** `wx.ChildFocusEvent `_ --------- .. method:: GetWindow() The window, or (grand)parent of the window which has just received the focus. | **Returns:** `wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_ .. note:: To get the actually focused control use `wx.Window.FindFocus <../Widgets/wxWindow.html#FindFocus>`_ -------- Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. attribute:: Window See `GetWindow <#GetWindow>`_