****************** wx.FindDialogEvent ****************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.FindDialogEvent`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.FindDialogEvent | Description =========== `wx.FindReplaceDialog <../Widgets/wx.FindReplaceDialog.html>`_ events. Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.CommandEvent `_ Event Handling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To process a command event from `wx.FindReplaceDialog <../Widgets/wx.FindReplaceDialog.html>`_, use these event handler macros to direct input to member functions that take a `wx.FindDialogEvent` argument. The id parameter is the identifier of the find dialog and you may usually specify -1 for it unless you plan to have several find dialogs sending events to the same owner window simultaneously. ================================================== ================================================== Event Name Description ================================================== ================================================== wx.EVT_FIND(id, func) Find button was pressed in the dialog. wx.EVT_FIND_NEXT(id, func) Find next button was pressed in the dialog. wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE(id, func) Replace button was pressed in the dialog. wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE_ALL(id, func) Replace all button was pressed in the dialog. wx.EVT_FIND_CLOSE(id, func) The dialog is being destroyed, any pointers to it cannot be used any longer. ================================================== ================================================== Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `GetDialog <#GetDialog>`_ * `GetFindString <#GetFindString>`_ * `GetFlags <#GetFlags>`_ * `GetReplaceString <#GetReplaceString>`_ * `SetFindString <#SetFindString>`_ * `SetFlags <#SetFlags>`_ * `SetReplaceString <#SetReplaceString>`_ Properties Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `Dialog <#Dialog>`_ * `FindString <#FindString>`_ * `Flags <#Flags>`_ * `ReplaceString <#ReplaceString>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(commandType=wx.wxEVT_NULL, id=0) Events for the `wx.FindReplaceDialog <../Widgets/wx.FindReplaceDialog.html>`_. **Parameters:** * `commandType` (eventtype) * `id` (int) | **Returns:** `wx.FindDialogEvent `_ -------- .. method:: GetDialog() Return the pointer to the dialog which generated this event. | **Returns:** `wx.FindReplaceDialog <../Widgets/wx.FindReplaceDialog.html>`_ -------- .. method:: GetFindString() Return the string to find (never empty). | **Returns:** `string` -------- .. method:: GetFlags() Get the currently selected flags: this is the combination of ``wx.FR_DOWN``, ``wx.FR_WHOLEWORD`` and ``wx.FR_MATCHCASE`` flags. | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: GetReplaceString() Return the string to replace the search string with (only for replace and replace all events). | **Returns:** `string` -------- .. method:: SetFindString(str) | **Parameters:** * `str` (string) -------- .. method:: SetFlags(flags) | **Parameters:** * `flags` (int) -------- .. method:: SetReplaceString(str) | **Parameters:** * `str` (string) -------- Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. attribute:: Dialog See `GetDialog <#GetDialog>`_ .. attribute:: FindString See `GetFindString <#GetFindString>`_ and `SetFindString <#SetFindString>`_ .. attribute:: Flags See `GetFlags <#GetFlags>`_ and `SetFlags <#SetFlags>`_ .. attribute:: ReplaceString See `GetReplaceString <#GetReplaceString>`_ and `SetReplaceString <#SetReplaceString>`_