********************* wx.WindowDestroyEvent ********************* Inheritance diagram for `wx.WindowDestroyEvent`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.WindowDestroyEvent | Description =========== This event is sent from the `wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_ when a window is destroyed. When a class derived from `wx.Window` is destroyed its destructor will have already run by the time this event is sent. Therefore this event will not usually be received at all. To receive this event `wx.EvtHandler.Connect <../Widgets/wx.EvtHandler.html#Connect>`_ must be used (using an event table macro will not work). Since it is received after the destructor has run, an object should not handle its own `wx.WindowDestroyEvent`, but it can be used to get notification of the destruction of another window. .. seealso:: `wx.WindowCreateEvent `_ Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.CommandEvent `_ * `wx.Event `_ * `wx.Object <../Widgets/wx.Object.html>`_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `GetWindow <#GetWindow>`_ Properties Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `Window <#Window>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(win=None) The ``wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY`` event is sent from the `wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_ destructor when the GUI window is destroyed. When a class derived from `wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_ is destroyed its destructor will have already run by the time this event is sent. Therefore this event will not usually be received at all by the window itself. Since it is received after the destructor has run, an object should not try to handle its own `wx.WindowDestroyEvent`, but it can be used to get notification of the destruction of another window. **Parameters:** * `win` (`wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_) | **Returns:** `wx.WindowDestroyEvent `_ -------- .. method:: GetWindow() Returns the window that this event refers to. | **Returns:** `wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_ -------- Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. attribute:: Window See `GetWindow <#GetWindow>`_