************************* wx.calendar.CalendarEvent ************************* Inheritance diagram for `wx.calendar.CalendarEvent`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.calendar.CalendarEvent | Description =========== The `wx.calendar.CalendarEvent` class is used together with `wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl <../calendar/wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl.html>`_. .. seealso:: `wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl <../calendar/wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl.html>`_ Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.DateEvent `_ * `wx.CommandEvent `_ * `wx.Event `_ * `wx.Object <../Widgets/wx.Object.html>`_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `GetWeekDay <#GetWeekDay>`_ * `SetWeekDay <#SetWeekDay>`_ Properties Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `WeekDay <#WeekDay>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(cal, type) Default constructor. **Parameters:** * `cal` (`wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl <../calendar/wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl.html>`_) * `type` (eventtype) | **Returns:** `wx.calendar.CalendarEvent `_ -------- .. method:: GetWeekDay() Returns the week day on which the user clicked in ``wx.calendar.EVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED`` handler. It doesn't make sense to call this function in other handlers. | **Returns:** `wx.DateTime.WeekDay <../Widgets/wx.DateTime.html#WeekDay>`_ -------- .. method:: SetWeekDay(day) Sets the week day carried by the event, normally only used by the library internally. **Parameters:** * `day` (`wx.DateTime.WeekDay <../Widgets/wx.DateTime.html#WeekDay>`_) -------- Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. attribute:: WeekDay See `GetWeekDay <#GetWeekDay>`_ and `SetWeekDay <#SetWeekDay>`_