***************** wx.ColourDatabase ***************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.ColourDatabase`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.ColourDatabase | Description =========== wxWidgets maintains a database of standard RGB colours for a predefined set of named colours (such as "BLACK", "LIGHT GREY"). The application may add to this set if desired by using `AddColour <#AddColour>`_ and may use it to look up colours by names using `Find <#Find>`_ or find the names for the standard colour suing `FindName <#FindName>`_. There is one predefined instance of this class called `wx.TheColourDatabase`. .. seealso:: `wx.Colour `_ Remarks ^^^^^^^ The standard database contains at least the following colours: * AQUAMARINE * BLACK * BLUE * BLUE VIOLET * BROWN * CADET BLUE * CORAL * CORNFLOWER BLUE * CYAN, DARK GREY * DARK GREEN * DARK OLIVE GREEN * DARK ORCHID * DARK SLATE BLUE * DARK SLATE GREY DARK TURQUOISE * DIM GREY * FIREBRICK * FOREST GREEN * GOLD * GOLDENROD * GREY * GREEN * GREEN YELLOW * INDIAN RED * KHAKI * LIGHT BLUE * LIGHT GREY * LIGHT STEEL BLUE * LIME GREEN * MAGENTA * MAROON * MEDIUM AQUAMARINE * MEDIUM BLUE * MEDIUM FOREST GREEN * MEDIUM GOLDENROD * MEDIUM ORCHID * MEDIUM SEA GREEN * MEDIUM SLATE BLUE * MEDIUM SPRING GREEN * MEDIUM TURQUOISE * MEDIUM VIOLET RED * MIDNIGHT BLUE * NAVY * ORANGE * ORANGE RED * ORCHID * PALE GREEN * PINK * PLUM * PURPLE * RED * SALMON * SEA GREEN * SIENNA * SKY BLUE * SLATE BLUE * SPRING GREEN * STEEL BLUE * TAN * THISTLE * TURQUOISE * VIOLET * VIOLET RED * WHEAT * WHITE * YELLOW * YELLOW GREEN Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `AddColour <#AddColour>`_ * `Append <#Append>`_ * `Find <#Find>`_ * `FindName <#FindName>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__() `No docstrings found for this method.` -------- .. method:: AddColour(colourName, colour) Adds a colour to the database. If a colour with the same name already exists, it is replaced. **Parameters:** * `colourName` (string) * `colour` (`wx.Colour `_) -------- .. method:: Append(name, red, green, blue) | **Parameters:** * `name` (string) * `red` (int) * `green` (int) * `blue` (int) -------- .. method:: Find(colourName) Finds a colour given the name. Returns an invalid colour object (that is, such that its `Ok `_ method returns ``False``) if the colour wasn't found in the database. **Parameters:** * `colourName` (string) | **Returns:** `wx.Colour `_ -------- .. method:: FindName(colour) Finds a colour name given the colour. Returns an empty string if the colour is not found in the database. **Parameters:** * `colour` (`wx.Colour `_) | **Returns:** `string`