********* wx.FSFile ********* Inheritance diagram for `wx.FSFile`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.FSFile | Description =========== This class represents a single file opened by `wx.FileSystem `_. It provides more information than `wx.Window`'s input stream (stream, filename, mime type, anchor). .. note:: Any pointer returned by a method of `wx.FSFile` is valid only as long as the `wx.FSFile` object exists. For example a call to `GetStream()` doesn't *create* the stream but only returns the pointer to it. In other words after 10 calls to `GetStream()` you will obtain ten identical pointers. .. seealso:: `wx.FileSystemHandler `_, `wx.FileSystem `_ Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.Object `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `DetachStream <#DetachStream>`_ * `GetAnchor <#GetAnchor>`_ * `GetLocation <#GetLocation>`_ * `GetMimeType <#GetMimeType>`_ * `GetModificationTime <#GetModificationTime>`_ * `GetStream <#GetStream>`_ Properties Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `Anchor <#Anchor>`_ * `Location <#Location>`_ * `MimeType <#MimeType>`_ * `ModificationTime <#ModificationTime>`_ * `Stream <#Stream>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(stream, loc, mimetype, anchor, modif) Constructor. Usually not used by the user. **Parameters:** * `stream` (`wx.InputStream `_) * `loc` (string) * `mimetype` (string) * `anchor` (string) * `modif` (`wx.DateTime `_) | **Returns:** `wx.FSFile `_ -------- .. method:: DetachStream() Detaches the stream from the `wx.FSFile` object. That is, the stream obtained with `GetStream() <#GetStream>`_ will continue its existance after the `wx.FSFile` object is deleted. You will have to delete the stream yourself. -------- .. method:: GetAnchor() Returns anchor (if present). Usually an anchor is presented only if the MIME type is 'text/html'. But it may have some meaning with other files. | **Returns:** `string` -------- .. method:: GetLocation() Returns full location of the file, including path and protocol. | **Returns:** `string` -------- .. method:: GetMimeType() Returns the MIME type of the content of this file. It is either extension-based (see `wx.MimeTypesManager `_) or extracted from HTTP protocol Content-Type header. | **Returns:** `string` .. seealso:: `wx.MimeTypesManager `_ -------- .. method:: GetModificationTime() Returns time when this file was modified. | **Returns:** `wx.DateTime `_ -------- .. method:: GetStream() Returns pointer to the stream. You can use the returned stream to directly access data. You may suppose that the stream provide `Seek` and `GetSize` functionality (even in the case of the HTTP protocol which doesn't provide this by default. | **Returns:** `wx.InputStream `_ -------- Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. attribute:: Anchor See `GetAnchor <#GetAnchor>`_ .. attribute:: Location See `GetLocation <#GetLocation>`_ .. attribute:: MimeType See `GetMimeType <#GetMimeType>`_ .. attribute:: ModificationTime See `GetModificationTime <#GetModificationTime>`_ .. attribute:: Stream See `GetStream <#GetStream>`_