************* wx.FileConfig ************* Inheritance diagram for `wx.FileConfig`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.FileConfig | Description =========== `wx.FileConfig` implements `wx.ConfigBase `_ interface for storing and retrieving configuration information using plain text files. The files have a simple format reminiscent of Windows INI files with lines of the form ``key = value`` defining the keys and lines of special form ``[group]`` indicating the start of each group. This class is used by default for `wx.Config` on Unix platforms but may also be used explicitly if you want to use files and not the registry even under Windows. Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.ConfigBase `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(appName="", vendorName="", localFilename="", globalFilename="", style=wx.CONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE|wx.CONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE) Constructor. **Parameters:** * `appName` (string) * `vendorName` (string) * `localFilename` (string) * `globalFilename` (string) * `style` (long) | **Returns:** `wx.FileConfig `_