*************** wx.HelpProvider *************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.HelpProvider`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.HelpProvider | Description =========== `wx.HelpProvider` is an abstract class used by a program implementing context-sensitive help to show the help text for the given window. The current help provider must be explicitly set by the application using `Set() <#Set>`_. .. seealso:: `wx.ContextHelp `_, `wx.ContextHelpButton `_ , `wx.SimpleHelpProvider `_, `wx.HelpControllerHelpProvider` , `wx.Window.SetHelpText `_, `wx.Window.GetHelpTextAtPoint `_ Known Subclasses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `wx.SimpleHelpProvider `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `AddHelp <#AddHelp>`_ * `AddHelpById <#AddHelpById>`_ * `Destroy <#Destroy>`_ * `Get <#Get>`_ * `GetHelp <#GetHelp>`_ * `RemoveHelp <#RemoveHelp>`_ * `Set <#Set>`_ * `ShowHelp <#ShowHelp>`_ * `ShowHelpAtPoint <#ShowHelpAtPoint>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__() `No docstrings found for this method.` -------- .. method:: AddHelp(window, text) This version associates the given text with the given window. May be used to set the same help string for all ``Cancel`` buttons in the application, for example. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.Window `_) * `text` (string) -------- .. method:: AddHelpById(id, text) This version associates the given text with all windows with this id. May be used to set the same help string for all ``Cancel`` buttons in the application, for example. **Parameters:** * `id` (int) * `text` (string) -------- .. method:: Destroy() `No docstrings found for this method.` -------- .. method:: Get(window) Returns pointer to help provider instance. Unlike some other classes, the help provider is not created on demand. This must be explicitly done by the application using `Set <#Set>`_. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.Window `_) | **Returns:** `wx.HelpProvider `_ -------- .. method:: GetHelp(window) Gets the help string for this window. Its interpretation is dependent on the help provider except that empty string always means that no help is associated with the window. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.Window `_) | **Returns:** `string` -------- .. method:: RemoveHelp(window) Removes the association between the window pointer and the help text, if it was previously set using `AddHelp <#AddHelp>`_. This is called by the `wx.Window `_ destructor. Without this, the table of help strings will fill up and when window pointers are reused, the wrong help string will be found. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.Window `_) .. note:: Note that this method may be called even for windows that don't have any associated help text. If that happens, its implementation should simply do nothing. -------- .. method:: Set(helpProvider) Get/set the current, application-wide help provider. Returns the previous one. **Parameters:** * `helpProvider` (`wx.HelpProvider `_) | **Returns:** `wx.HelpProvider `_ -------- .. method:: ShowHelp(window) Shows help for the given window. Override this function if the help doesn't depend on the exact position inside the window, otherwise you need to override `ShowHelpAtPoint <#ShowHelpAtPoint>`_. Returns ``True`` if help was shown, or ``False`` if no help was available for this window. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.Window `_) | **Returns:** `bool` -------- .. method:: ShowHelpAtPoint(window, origin) This function may be overridden to show help for the window when it should depend on the position inside the window. By default this method forwards to `ShowHelp <#ShowHelp>`_, so it is enough to only implement the latter if the help doesn't depend on the position. Returns ``True`` if help was shown, or ``False`` if no help was available for this window. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.Window `_): Window to show help text for. * `origin` (`wx.HelpEvent.Origin <../Events/wx.HelpEvent.html#Origin>`_): Help event origin. | **Returns:** `bool`