****************** wx.MemoryFSHandler ****************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.MemoryFSHandler`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.MemoryFSHandler | Description =========== This `wx.FileSystem `_ handler can store arbitrary data in memory stream and make them accessible via URL. It is particularly suitable for storing bitmaps from resources or included XPM files so that they can be used with wxHTML. Filenames are prefixed with "memory:", e.g. "memory:myfile.html". Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.FileSystemHandler `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `AddFile <#AddFile>`_ * `AddFileWithMimeType <#AddFileWithMimeType>`_ * `RemoveFile <#RemoveFile>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: AddFile(filename, image, type) Add file to list of files stored in memory. Stored data (bitmap, text or raw data) will be copied into private memory stream and available under name "memory:" + `filename`. The `type` argument is one of ``wx.BITMAP_TYPE_XXX`` constants. **Parameters:** * `filename` (string) * `image` (`wx.Image `_) * `type` (long) .. note:: Note that you must use a `type` value (aka image format) that wxWidgets can save (e.g. JPG, PNG, see `wx.Image `_)! .. seealso:: `AddFileWithMimeType <#AddFileWithMimeType>`_ -------- .. method:: AddFileWithMimeType(filename, filename, filename) Like `AddFile <#AddFile>`_, but lets you explicitly specify added file's MIME type. This version should be used whenever you know the MIME type, because it makes accessing the files faster. This function is new since wxWidgets version 2.8.5 **Parameters:** * `filename` (string) * `textdata` (string) * `mimetype` (string) .. seealso:: `AddFile <#AddFile>`_ -------- .. method:: RemoveFile(filename) Remove file from memory FS and free occupied memory. **Parameters:** * `filename` (string)