********************* wx.PyBitmapDataObject ********************* Inheritance diagram for `wx.PyBitmapDataObject`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.PyBitmapDataObject | Description =========== `wx.PyBitmapDataObject` is a version of `wx.BitmapDataObject `_ that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class. To be able to provide bitmap data on demand derive from this class and overload `GetBitmap `_. Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.BitmapDataObject `_ * `wx.DataObjectSimple `_ * `wx.DataObject `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(bitmap=wx.NullBitmap) `wx.PyBitmapDataObject` is a version of `wx.BitmapDataObject `_ that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class. To be able to provide bitmap data on demand derive from this class and overload `GetBitmap `_. **Parameters:** * `bitmap` (`wx.Bitmap `_) | **Returns:** `wx.PyBitmapDataObject `_