*********** wx.Toolbook *********** Inheritance diagram for `wx.Toolbook`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.Toolbook | Description =========== `wx.Toolbook` is a class similar to `wx.Notebook `_ but which uses a `wx.ToolBar `_ to show the labels instead of the tabs. There is no documentation for this class yet but its usage is identical to `wx.Notebook` (except for the features clearly related to tabs only), so please refer to that class documentation for now. Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.Control `_ * `wx.Control `_ * `wx.Window `_ * `wx.EvtHandler `_ * `wx.Object `_ Window Styles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ================================================== ================================================== Window Style Description ================================================== ================================================== ``wx.BK_DEFAULT`` Choose the default location for the labels depending on the current platform (currently always the top). ================================================== ================================================== Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `GetToolBar <#GetToolBar>`_ * `Realize <#Realize>`_ Properties Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `ToolBar <#ToolBar>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(parent, id, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.BK_DEFAULT, name="") | **Parameters:** * `parent` (`wx.Window `_) * `id` (int) * `pos` (`wx.Point `_) * `size` (`wx.Size `_) * `style` (long) * `name` (string) | **Returns:** `wx.Toolbook `_ -------- .. method:: GetToolBar() `No docstrings found for this method.` -------- .. method:: Realize() `No docstrings found for this method.` -------- Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. attribute:: ToolBar See `GetToolBar <#GetToolBar>`_