**************** wx.html.HtmlCell **************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.html.HtmlCell`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.html.HtmlCell | Description =========== Internal data structure. It represents fragments of parsed HTML page, the so-called **cell** -- a word, picture, table, horizontal line and so on. It is used by `wx.html.HtmlWindow `_ and `wx.html.HtmlWinParser `_ to represent HTML page in memory. You can divide cells into two groups: *visible* cells with non-zero width and height and *helper* cells (usually with zero width and height) that perform special actions such as color or font change. .. seealso:: `wx.html.HtmlContainerCell `_ Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.Object <../Widgets/wx.Object.html>`_ Known Subclasses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `wx.html.HtmlColourCell `_, `wx.html.HtmlContainerCell `_, `wx.html.HtmlFontCell `_, `wx.html.HtmlWidgetCell `_, `wx.html.HtmlWordCell `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `ConvertToText <#ConvertToText>`_ * `Draw <#Draw>`_ * `DrawInvisible <#DrawInvisible>`_ * `Find <#Find>`_ * `FindCellByPos <#FindCellByPos>`_ * `GetAbsPos <#GetAbsPos>`_ * `GetCursor <#GetCursor>`_ * `GetDepth <#GetDepth>`_ * `GetDescent <#GetDescent>`_ * `GetFirstChild <#GetFirstChild>`_ * `GetFirstTerminal <#GetFirstTerminal>`_ * `GetHeight <#GetHeight>`_ * `GetId <#GetId>`_ * `GetLastTerminal <#GetLastTerminal>`_ * `GetLink <#GetLink>`_ * `GetMaxTotalWidth <#GetMaxTotalWidth>`_ * `GetMouseCursor <#GetMouseCursor>`_ * `GetNext <#GetNext>`_ * `GetParent <#GetParent>`_ * `GetPosX <#GetPosX>`_ * `GetPosY <#GetPosY>`_ * `GetRootCell <#GetRootCell>`_ * `GetWidth <#GetWidth>`_ * `IsBefore <#IsBefore>`_ * `IsFormattingCell <#IsFormattingCell>`_ * `IsLinebreakAllowed <#IsLinebreakAllowed>`_ * `IsTerminalCell <#IsTerminalCell>`_ * `Layout <#Layout>`_ * `ProcessMouseClick <#ProcessMouseClick>`_ * `SetCanLiveOnPagebreak <#SetCanLiveOnPagebreak>`_ * `SetId <#SetId>`_ * `SetLink <#SetLink>`_ * `SetNext <#SetNext>`_ * `SetParent <#SetParent>`_ * `SetPos <#SetPos>`_ Properties Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `Cursor <#Cursor>`_ * `Depth <#Depth>`_ * `Descent <#Descent>`_ * `FirstChild <#FirstChild>`_ * `FirstTerminal <#FirstTerminal>`_ * `Height <#Height>`_ * `Id <#Id>`_ * `LastTerminal <#LastTerminal>`_ * `Link <#Link>`_ * `MaxTotalWidth <#MaxTotalWidth>`_ * `MouseCursor <#MouseCursor>`_ * `Next <#Next>`_ * `Parent <#Parent>`_ * `PosX <#PosX>`_ * `PosY <#PosY>`_ * `RootCell <#RootCell>`_ * `Width <#Width>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: ConvertToText(sel) | **Parameters:** * `sel` (`wx.html.HtmlSelection`) | **Returns:** `string` -------- .. method:: Draw(dc, x, y, view_y1, view_y2, info) Renders the cell. **Parameters:** * `dc` (`wx.DC <../Widgets/wx.DC.html>`_): Device context to which the cell is to be drawn * `x`, `y` (int): Coordinates of parent's upper left corner (origin). You must add this to `GetPosX <#GetPosX>`_, `GetPosY <#GetPosY>`_ when passing coordinates to dc's methods. Example:: dc.DrawText("hello", x + self.GetPosX(), y + self.GetPosY()) * `view_y1` (int): y-coord of the first line visible in window. This is used to optimize rendering speed * `view_y2` (int): y-coord of the last line visible in window. This is used to optimize rendering speed * `info` (`wx.html.HtmlRenderingInfo`) -------- .. method:: DrawInvisible(dc, x, y, info) This method is called instead of `Draw <#Draw>`_ when the cell is certainly out of the screen (and thus invisible). This is not nonsense -- some tags (like `wx.html.HtmlColourCell `_ or font setter) must be drawn even if they are invisible! **Parameters:** * `dc` (`wx.DC <../Widgets/wx.DC.html>`_): Device context to which the cell is to be drawn * `x`, `y` (int): Coordinates of parent's upper left corner (origin). You must add this to `GetPosX`, `GetPosY` when passing coordinates to dc's methods. Example:: dc.DrawText("hello", x + self.GetPosX(), y + self.GetPosY()) * `info` (`wx.html.HtmlRenderingInfo`) -------- .. method:: Find(condition, param) Returns pointer to itself if this cell matches condition (or if any of the cells following in the list matches), ``None`` otherwise. (In other words if you call top-level container's `Find` it will return pointer to the first cell that matches the condition). It is recommended way how to obtain pointer to particular cell or to cell of some type (e.g. `wx.html.HtmlAnchorCell` reacts on ``wx.html.HTML_COND_ISANCHOR`` condition). **Parameters:** * `condition` (int): Unique integer identifier of condition, which may be one of: ====================================== =================================== Condition Flag Description ====================================== =================================== ``wx.html.HTML_COND_ISANCHOR`` Finds particular anchor. `param` is a string with name of the anchor. ``wx.html.HTML_COND_USER`` User-defined conditions start from this number. ====================================== =================================== * `param`: Optional parameters. | **Returns:** `wx.html.HtmlCell `_ -------- .. method:: FindCellByPos() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetAbsPos(rootCell=None) | **Parameters:** * `rootCell` (`wx.html.HtmlCell `_) | **Returns:** `wx.Point <../Widgets/wx.Point.html>`_ -------- .. method:: GetCursor(window) Returns cursor to show when mouse pointer is over the cell. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.html.HtmlWindowInterface`): interface to the parent HTML window | **Returns:** `wx.Cursor <../Widgets/wx.Cursor.html>`_ .. warning:: This method is deprecated. Use `GetMouseCursor <#GetMouseCursor>`_ instead. -------- .. method:: GetDepth() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetDescent() Returns descent value of the cell. See this image for explanation: .. image:: ../images/wxWidgets/descent.png | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: GetFirstChild() Returns pointer to the first cell in the list. You can then use child's `GetNext <#GetNext>`_ method to obtain pointer to the next cell in list. | **Returns:** `wx.html.HtmlCell `_ .. note:: This shouldn't be used by the end user. If you need some way of finding particular cell in the list, try `Find <#Find>`_ method instead. -------- .. method:: GetFirstTerminal() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetHeight() Returns height of the cell. | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: GetId() Returns unique cell identifier if there is any, empty string otherwise. | **Returns:** `string` -------- .. method:: GetLastTerminal() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetLink(x=0, y=0) Returns hypertext link if associated with this cell or ``None`` otherwise. **Parameters:** * `x, y` (int): Coordinates of position where the user pressed mouse button. These coordinates are used e.g. by COLORMAP. Values are relative to the upper left corner of **this** cell (i.e. from 0 to `GetWidth <#GetWidth>`_ or `GetHeight <#GetHeight>`_). | **Returns:** `wx.html.HtmlLinkInfo `_ .. note:: this makes sense only for visible tags. .. seealso:: `wx.html.HtmlLinkInfo `_ -------- .. method:: GetMaxTotalWidth() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetMouseCursor(window) Returns cursor to show when mouse pointer is over the cell. This function is new since wxPython version 2.7.0 (before `GetCursor` method served a similar purpose, which is now deprecated). **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.html.HtmlWindowInterface`): interface to the parent HTML window | **Returns:** `wx.Cursor <../Widgets/wx.Cursor.html>`_ -------- .. method:: GetNext() Returns pointer to the next cell in list. | **Returns:** `wx.html.HtmlCell `_ -------- .. method:: GetParent() Returns pointer to parent container. | **Returns:** `wx.html.HtmlContainerCell `_ -------- .. method:: GetPosX() Returns `X` position within parent (the value is relative to parent's upper left corner). The returned value is meaningful only if parent's `Layout <#Layout>`_ was called before! | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: GetPosY() Returns `Y` position within parent (the value is relative to parent's upper left corner). The returned value is meaningful only if parent's `Layout <#Layout>`_ was called before! | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: GetRootCell() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetWidth() Returns width of the cell. | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: IsBefore(cell) | **Parameters:** * `cell` (`wx.html.HtmlCell `_) | **Returns:** `bool` -------- .. method:: IsFormattingCell() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: IsLinebreakAllowed() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: IsTerminalCell() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: Layout(w) This method performs two actions: * Adjusts the cell's width according to the fact that maximal possible width is `w`. This has sense when working with horizontal lines, tables etc... * Prepares layout based on actual width `w`. It must be called before displaying cells structure because `GetPosX <#GetPosX>`_ and `GetPosY <#GetPosY>`_ are undefined (or invalid) before calling `Layout`. **Parameters:** * `w` (int) -------- .. method:: ProcessMouseClick(window, pos, event) This function is simple event handler. Each time the user clicks mouse button over a cell within `wx.html.HtmlWindow `_ this method of that cell is called. Default behavior is to call `wx.html.HtmlWindow.LoadPage `_. **Parameters:** * `window` (`wx.html.HtmlWindowInterface`): interface to the parent HTML window. * `pos` (`wx.Point <../Widgets/wx.Point.html>`_): coordinates of mouse click (this is relative to cell's origin). * `event` (`wx.MouseEvent <../Events/wx.MouseEvent.html>`_): mouse event that triggered the call. | **Returns:** `bool` -------- .. method:: SetCanLiveOnPagebreak(can) | **Parameters:** * `can` (bool) -------- .. method:: SetId(id) Sets unique cell identifier. Default value is no identifier, i.e. empty string. **Parameters:** * `id` (string) -------- .. method:: SetLink(link) Sets the hypertext link associated with this cell. Default value is `wx.html.HtmlLinkInfo `_ ("", "") -- i.e., no link. **Parameters:** * `link` (`wx.html.HtmlLinkInfo `_) -------- .. method:: SetNext(cell) Sets the next cell in the list. This shouldn't be called by user -- it is to be used only by `wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.InsertCell `_. **Parameters:** * `cell` (`wx.html.HtmlCell `_) -------- .. method:: SetParent(p) Sets parent container of this cell. This is called from `wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.InsertCell `_. **Parameters:** * `p` (`wx.html.HtmlContainerCell `_) -------- .. method:: SetPos(x, y) Sets the cell's position within parent container. **Parameters:** * `x` (int) * `y` (int) -------- Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. attribute:: Cursor See `GetCursor <#GetCursor>`_ .. attribute:: Depth See `GetDepth <#GetDepth>`_ .. attribute:: Descent See `GetDescent <#GetDescent>`_ .. attribute:: FirstChild See `GetFirstChild <#GetFirstChild>`_ .. attribute:: FirstTerminal See `GetFirstTerminal <#GetFirstTerminal>`_ .. attribute:: Height See `GetHeight <#GetHeight>`_ .. attribute:: Id See `GetId <#GetId>`_ and `SetId <#SetId>`_ .. attribute:: LastTerminal See `GetLastTerminal <#GetLastTerminal>`_ .. attribute:: Link See `GetLink <#GetLink>`_ and `SetLink <#SetLink>`_ .. attribute:: MaxTotalWidth See `GetMaxTotalWidth <#GetMaxTotalWidth>`_ .. attribute:: MouseCursor See `GetMouseCursor <#GetMouseCursor>`_ .. attribute:: Next See `GetNext <#GetNext>`_ and `SetNext <#SetNext>`_ .. attribute:: Parent See `GetParent <#GetParent>`_ and `SetParent <#SetParent>`_ .. attribute:: PosX See `GetPosX <#GetPosX>`_ .. attribute:: PosY See `GetPosY <#GetPosY>`_ .. attribute:: RootCell See `GetRootCell <#GetRootCell>`_ .. attribute:: Width See `GetWidth <#GetWidth>`_