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How to transform the effort of reading into a joyful pastime"

On Friday, 6th May 2005 , at the auditorium of the forum theatre in the town of Omegna , took place the conference “How to transform the effort of reading into a joyful pastime”, promoted by the Direzione Didattica Omegna I.

The aim of the conference was to create, for the local families and teachers, a moment of careful reflection, dialogue, exchange of experiences and opinions, in order to produce a synergic power between school and family.

The same concept was explained by the headmistress Rita Nobile, who wanted to emphasize the importance of sharing values to improve the quality of school.

The conference’s guests were the psychologist and mother Catia Fornara, the veterinary surgeon and father Diego Manca and Aurora Martini, animator on reading activities for children.

Mrs. Fornara was the first one to speak and she underlined that the joy of reading starts at home with the parents help.

At school one can learn reading techniques but not how to be curious or interested in books.

The psychologist offered a recipe to reach this aim.

First ingredient: it is very important to read to your children by creating a daily ritual, for example by reading a story every evening.

Second ingredient: books must always be present at home. Today there are many books for sale, even for very young children; with these books they can play even when they are having a bath or as they like.

Last ingredient: reading must come before television.

Then the writer and veterinary surgeon Diego Manca told about his experience as a parent with a son who loved stories.

The father made up stories for his son and the child wanted to hear, every evening, the same stories without changing the words. This was because the child felt reassured.

The characters of his stories are animals, creatures that he knows well.

Diego Manca decided to write his stories and get them published.

Quoting a famous phrase of Rodari, a popular Italian writer for children, Manca wants to highlight how books are the only means to develop the imagination in children.

Parents must share reading with their children because this creates a feeling of safety in the child.

Many times children receive as a present useful but boring books, this can destroy curiosity in reading.

The approach to books must be free and not forced, for this purpose it’s useful to even read comics just for pleasure.

The last one to speak was Ms. Aurora Martini, head of the Civic Library in Verbania and promoter of “Il Battello a Vapore” event.

Ms. Martini is worried about the fact that very few Italian children read and this reflects the average Italian family.

A survey published in Italian newspaper “Il sole 24 ore” highlighted that in the last year only 41% of Italian adults read at least one book, this means that the remaining 59% haven’t read anything during the year.

To overcome this crisis, it is necessary from childhood to encourage the desire of reading before children become hooked on watching television.

It’s important that adults pass on with their actions the right values.

Reading involves creativity and imagination, it is not a passive activity but it requires hard work.

The child must be overseen by the family, he must not be left alone to his own devices but he must be encouraged to talk about what he has read.

Books are fundamental in the growing up of an individual because they help to develop means necessary to take part in an active and critical way in our civilized society.

Reading develops and enriches ones personal vocabulary and it offers an opportunity to use the Italian language with all its potential.

In fact it’s important to be able to express oneself precisely and to know how to use the right synonyms to give the right shade of meaning to our thoughts.

An adult with a limited vocabulary hasn’t got a wide vision of the world and he isn’t free to decide without the influence of the mass media.

If the average family appears to be lacking in love of reading, it’s up to the state run organizations and libraries to offer the possibility, to the young and future generations, of an awareness and serene maturation.

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   convegno_manca.jpg (30221 byte)  convegno_fornara.jpg (18296 byte)  articolo_conferenza.JPG (77175 byte) newspaper Informatore 14/05/05