It's the old Army game


Il film
Produzione: Famous Players - Lasky
Distribuzione: Paramount Pictures (24 Maggio 1926; © 25 Maggio 1926; LP22763)
Presentazione: Adolph Zukor; Jesse L. Lasky
Regista: Edward Sutherland
Sceneggiatura: Thomas J. Geraghty; J. Clarkson Miller
Fonte: Joseph Patrick McEvoy, It's the old Army game, pubblicazione indeterminata, nonché diversi numeri di W. C. Fields nelle Ziegfeld
: The drugstore, A peaceful morning e The family flivver
Fotografia: Alvin Wyckoff
Titoli: Ralph Spence
Riprese: girato tra il Gennaio e il Febbraio 1926
Prima mondiale: Karlton, PHILADELPHIA, e Granada, SAN FRANCISCO, 30 Maggio 1926
Note tecniche: Muto; b\n; 35 mm; 7 bobine (70'); 6,889 ft
Ulteriori versioni: secondo Leonard Maltin e la Time Out movie guide il film di William LeBaron It's a gift
          (USA, 1934 -  Paramount), sempre con W. C. Fields, sarebbe un'altra versione di It's the old Army
          game. Dalla trama e dal nome dei personaggi sembra piuttosto che Fields si limitò a utilizzarne alcune
Musica: partitura conservata al Department of Film della George Eastman House di Rochester
Titoli internazionali ed alternativi: cfr. curiosità II
Il cast
W. C. Fields (Elmer Prettywillie)
Louise Brooks (Mildred Marshall)
Blanche Ring (Tessie Overholt)
William Gaxton (George Parker)
Mary Foy (Sarah Pancoast)
Mickey Bennett (Mickey)
Jack Luden (Society bathers)
George Currie (L'artista)
Josephine Dunn
Reperibilità: Facets Video

Trama e note

Elmer Prettywillie è il proprietario di un drugstore in una cittadina di provincia, innamorato della propria commessa Marilyn, ma in questo frustrato dall'occhiuta Tessie Gilch (l'attrice Blanche Ring, la zia del regista). L'arrivo dell'immobiliarista Bill Parker movimenta l'azione: questi, infatti, innamorato di Marilyn, decide di stabilirsi nel drugstore aprendo una filiale della propria azienda. Gli affari di Elmer vanno a gonfie vele, ma Bill viene, inopinatamente, arrestato come truffatore. Gli abitanti della città, che avevano acquistato proprietà a New York, temendo di essere stati raggirati, affrontano Elmer (minacciano di incatramarlo e rotolarlo tra le piume): questi si reca subito nella città per appurare i fatti mentre si scopre che, invece, Bill è un galantuomo e le accuse contro di lui erano state ordite da concorrenti sleali.
Tutto si aggiusta e l'amore tra Bill e Marilyn trionfa.
La trama, piuttosto gratuita, è l'occasione per una serie di riuscite
gags da parte di Fields (la sadica cattiveria contro il moccioso di famiglia, l'automobile trainata dal mulo in piena New York, Elmer che scambia la folla festante per un'orda vendicatrice, le devastazioni durante il picnic ...), mentre Louise replica le caratterizzazioni precedenti mettendo, inoltre, generosamente in mostra le proprie tornite gambe da ballerina.
Il film rappresentava inoltre il mezzo per trasportare il talento di Fields dal teatro al cinema, ma la cosa non riuscì del tutto (secondo la produzione) come dichiarerà in seguito la Brooks nell'articolo
The other face of W. C. Fields in cui, peraltro, ritraendo a tutto tondo il carattere dell'attore, smaschererà alcuni pregiudizi su di lui (a cominciare dall'etilismo).
set il regista Eddie Sutherland si innamorò perdutamente della diciannovenne Louise: i suoi attacchi erano direttamente proporzionali ai rifiuti della donzella, ma, quando Louise pareva sempre più inespugnabile, le cose precipitarono verso il matrimonio.
Per saperne di più: It's the old Army ame
Bibliografia Thomas Gladysz: It's the old Army game
Recensioni su Louise Brooks: americane (70) ; inglesi (1)
Bibliografia italiana
Bibliografia europea
  1. [RCI1] Anonimo, Reviews of the week, "Kinematograph Weekly", November 11, 1926 - INGHILTERRA
  2. Anonimo, It's the old Army game, "The Bioscope", November 18, 1926 - INGHILTERRA
Bibliografia internazionale
  1. Anonimo, Louise Brooks has leading role, "Mansfield News", February 7, 1926
  2. Anonimo, It's the old Army game, "Exhibitor's Herald", May 1, 1926
  3. [RCA1] Anonimo, W.C. Fields, comedian Howard film star, "Atlanta Constitution", May 23, 1926
  4. [RCA2] Anonimo, Movies on view this week, "Indianapolis Star", May 23, 1926
  5. R. G. T., The new pictures, "Indianapolis Star", May 24, 1926
  6. Anonimo, Lotsa comedy found in picture at State, "Dayton Journal", May 24, 1926
  7. [RCA3] Anonimo, Pictures playing Atlanta this week, "Weekly Film Review", May 26, 1926
  8. [RCA4] Anonimo, Fields stars in new film, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", May 28, 1926
  9. Anonimo, Old Army game is coming to Granada, "Santa Barbara Daily News", May 29, 1926
  10. P. S. Harrison, It's the old Army game - with W.C. Fields and Louise Brooks, "Harrison's Reports, May 29, 1926
  11. [RCA5] Anonimo, W. C. Fields starred in old Army game, "Modesto News-Herald", May 30, 1926
  12. [RCA6] Anonimo, The old Army game featured at Olympia, "Miami Herald", November 27, 1927
  13. Anonimo, W.C. Fields starred in Paramount film, "Salt Lake Telegram", May 31, 1926
  14. [RCA7] Anonimo, Attractions at theaters tersely told, "Santa Barbara Daily News", May 31, 1926
  15. E. D. B., W.C. Fields as screen wag is great, "San Francisco Call and Post", May 31, 1926
  16. A. F. Gillaspey, Fields makes debut as star, "San Francisco Bulletin", May 31, 1926
  17. [RCA8] Carl Helm, Army game is amusing picture, "San Francisco Examiner", May 31, 1926
  18. M. W., W.C. Fields is a scream in his new comedy at Valentine, "Toledo Times", May 31, 1926
  19. [RCA9] Anonimo, Hilarious comedy is featured at Strand, "Modesto News-Herald", June 1, 1926
  20. H. W. M., Films, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", June 1, 1926
  21. Anonimo, W.C. Fields stars in new picture at Metropolitan, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated News", June 4, 1926
  22. * Anonimo, Makes debut in first star role, "Los Angeles Times", June 4, 1926. Altro breve accenno nell'articolo Fields at
    , rubrica Cinematic fare, del 6 Giugno
  23. Anonimo, It's the old Army game with W.C. Fields on Keith screen first half of coming week, "Ottawa Citizen", June 5, 1926 -
  24. Eleanor Barnes, Comedy runs high in Fields film at Metropolitan, "Los Angeles Daily Illustrated News", June 5, 1926
  25. [RCA10] Jimmy Starr, New comedy in Old Army game, "Los Angeles Record", June 5, 1926
  26. Anonimo, Comedian runs into a deer, "Helena Independent", June 6, 1926
  27. [RCA11] Betty Craig, Many attractions are booked for the week, "Denver Post", June 6, 1926
  28. [RCA12] Betty Craig, Great variety to be found in Denver's movie programs, "Denver Post", June 7, 1926
  29. R. M. M., At B. F. Keith's, "Ottawa Citizen", June 8, 1926 - CANADA
  30. Anonimo, W.C. Fields in laughter riot at the Regent, "San Mateo Times", June 9, 1926
  31. Anonimo, Great comedy at the California, "San Jose Evening News", June 9, 1926
  32. Anonimo, Gorgeous comedy at California, "San Jose Evening News", June 10, 1926
  33. [RCA13] Josephine Hughston, old Army game at California Is a laughing success, "San Jose Mercury Herald", June 10, 1926
  34. [RCA14] Anonimo, Fields hits fun high-water mark, "Stockton Daily Record", June 11, 1926
  35. [RCA15] W. R. S., Views and reviews, "Film Mercury", June 11, 1926
  36. Anonimo, Fields has screaming comedy in his new film, The old Army game, "Sandusky Star-Journal", June 12, 1926
  37. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Providence Journal", June 13, 1926
  38. Anonimo, Stage-music-photoplay, "Detroit Saturday Night", June 19, 1926
  39. Anonimo, Old Army game mirth maker at American, "Oakland Post-Enquirer", June 19, 1926
  40. Anonimo, What's needed, Florida has, sometimes, "Washington Times", June 19, 1926
  41. [RCA16] Star-News Critic, Plenty of comedy on Raymond bill, "Pasadena Star-News", June 19, 1926
  42. Anonimo, Mr. Fields on travel, "Washington Herald", June 20, 1926
  43. [RCA17] Anonimo, The new movies in review, "Detroit News", June 20, 1926
  44. *[RCA18] Anonimo, W.C. Fields is starred in The ol' Army game, "Washington Post", June 20, 1926
  45. Anonimo, Blanche Ring is favorite in film, "Pasadena Star-News", June 21, 1926
  46. *[RCA19] Anonimo, Offerings at the theaters. Palace, "Washington Post", June 21, 1926
  47. [RCA20] Anonimo, Palace - It's the old Army game, "Washington Star", June 21, 1926
  48. [RCA21] Irvin., Fine comedy film showing at Palace, "Washington Herald", June 21, 1926
  49. [RCA22] Ella H. McCormick, Reel players, "Detroit Free Press", June 21, 1926
  50. [RCA23] Ward W. Marsh, Fields whole show in Allen, "Cleveland Plain Dealer", June 21, 1926
  51. E. L. P., Blame this one on the director, "Washington Times", June 21, 1926
  52. [RCA24] Charles J. Richardson, W.C. Fields in true comedy, "Detroit Times", June 21, 1926
  53. Anonimo, W.C. Fields is very versatile comedian, "Pasadena Star-News", June 22, 1926
  54. Anonimo, Louise Brooks leads in coral gables film, "Miami Herald", June 25, 1926
  55. [RCA25] Anonimo, It's the old Army game on screen at Missouri today, "St. Louis Globe-Democrat", June 27, 1926
  56. [RCA26] Carl B. Adams, Photoplay reviews, "Cincinnati Enquirer", December 20, 1926
  57. [RCA27] Frank Aston, Old Army game, "Cincinnati Post", June 28, 1927
  58. [RCA28] Frances V. Feldkamp, Movie reviews, "St. Louis Globe-Democrat", June 28, 1926
  59. [RCA29] Nie., New films, "St. Louis Post-Dispatch", June 28, 1926
  60. [RCA30] Polly Parsons, Realm of silent drama, "Milwaukee Sentinel", June 28, 1926
  61. [RCA31] Peggy Patton, Fields pleases in comedy film, "Wisconsin News", June 28, 1926
  62. It's the old Army game - this soda business, "Motion Picture Classic", July 1926
  63. Anonimo, Tower theater programs, "Chicago Evening Post", July 3, 1926
  64. [RCA32] T. O. Service, Service talks, "Exhibitor's Herald", July 3, 1926
  65. Anonimo, The old Army game, "Austin Statesman", July 4, 1926
  66. Anonimo, Theater, Musik & Kunst, "New Yorker Volkszeitung", July 4, 1926
  67. Anonimo, "New York Graphic", July 5?, 1926
  68. Anonimo, Extra attractions are coming for holiday at Keith-Albee, "Youngstown Vindicator", July 4, 1926
  69. [RCA33] Quinn Martin, The new film, "The World", July 5, 1926
  70. [RCA34] H. E. Cherrington, It's old Army game, and who could be a more likable fakir than W. C. Fields, "Columbus Dispatch",
              July 5, 1926
  71. C. A. G., Grand, "Ohio State Journal", July 5, 1926
  72. [RCA35] Eileen Creelman, Fields, new film star, is most of  old Army game, "New York American, July 5, 1926
  73. C. H., Our Mary, grimy and ragged, needs no plot, "Daily Oklahoman", July 5, 1926
  74. *[RCA36] Mordaunt Hall, A clattering farce, "New York Times", July 5, 1926
  75. *[RCA37] Dorothy Herzog, It's the old Army game, "Daily Mirror", July 5, 1926
  76. [RCA38] Roscoe McGowen, Fields-Brooks picture lacks real sunshine, "Daily News", July 5, 1926
  77. [RCA39] Cap La Roe, Grand, "Columbus Citizen", July 5, 1926
  78. [RCA40] David H. Strauss, W. C. Fields's old Army game holiday offering at Strand, "Morning Telegraph", July 5, 1926 (+ July
  79. *[RCA41] Harriette Underhill, Strand picture is collection of W. C. Fileds sketches, "New York Herald Tribune", July 5, 1926
  80. [RCA42] Anonimo, New photoplays, "New York Post", July 6, 1926
  81. [RCA43] Rose Pelswick, New pictures on Broadway, "New York Evening Journal", July 6, 1926
  82. [RCA44] Katherine Zimmerman, Unreeling the films, "New York Telegram", July 6, 1926
  83. [RCA45] Anonimo, Picture plays and players, "New York Sun", July 7, 1926
  84. [RCA46] Anonimo, It's the old Army game, "Variety", July 7, 1926
  85. Anonimo, Keith Albee features, "Youngstown Telegram", July 7, 1926
  86. [RCA47] Hubert B. Mewhinney, TONIGHT - At Austin theaters, "Austin Statesman", July 7, 1926
  87. [RCA48] Anonimo, Fields' first comedy showing at Mosque, "Newark Star-Eagle", July 10, 1926
  88. Martin Dickstein, Slow motion, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle", July 11, 1926
  89. R. V. S., W.C. Fields funny as ever in The old Army game, "Baltimore Sun", July 11, 1926
  90. [RCA49] Anonimo, Stage and screen, "Kalamazoo Gazette", July 12, 1926
  91. Martin Dickstein, The cinema circuit, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle", July 12, 1926
  92. [RCA50] Anonimo, W. C. Fields and pole film at Mosque, "Newark Star-Eagle", July 12, 1926
  93. Anonimo, Patrons pleased with Strand program, "Musical Courier", July 15, 1926
  94. [RCA51] Anonimo, The low down on the picture, "Motion Pictures Today", July 17, 1926
  95. Anonimo, Quick stuff on pictures for busy showman, "Motion Pictures Today", July 17, 1926
  96. [RCA52] O. C., The current cinema, "New Yorker", July 17, 1926
  97. [RCA53] Roy Chartier, Film: It's the old Army game, "Billboard", July 17, 1926
  98. [RCA54] C. S. Sewell, Field's clowning and host of good gags makes his first starring film thoroughly amusing, "Moving
              Picture World", July 17, 1926
  99. [RCA55] Anonimo, The old Army game, Galax play, features W.C. Fields, "Birmingham News", July 18, 1926
  100. [RCA56] Anonimo, W. C. Fields in It's the old Army game, "Film Daily", July 18, 1926
  101. Anonimo, With the producers and players, "New York Times", July 18, 1926
  102. [RCA57] Anonimo, Stage and screen, "Flint Journal", July 19, 1926
  103. [RCA58] Anonimo, It's old Army game is a riot from start, "Lansing State Journal", July 19, 1926
  104. [RCA59] Anonimo, New pictures, "Time", July 19, 1926
  105. [RCA60] Anonimo, The old Army game billed at Capitol, "Sacramento Bee", July 21, 1926
  106. [RCA61] Anonimo, Comedy features bill at Capitol, "Sacramento Union", July 22, 1926
  107. Anonimo, Pre-release reviews of features, "Motion Picture News", July 24, 1926
  108. T. M. C., W.C. Fields' latest here this week, "Baltimore Sun", July 25, 1926
  109. [RCA62] L. M. W., Stage and screen, "Ann Arbor Times News", July 26, 1926
  110. [RCA63] Anonimo, Plenty of comedy in Met film drama, "Baltimore American", July 27, 1926
  111. [RCA64] C. S. Sewell, It's the old Army game - Paramount, "Moving Picture World", July 27, 1926
  112. Anonimo, It's the old Army game at the California, "Salinas Daily Index", July 29, 1926
  113. [RCA65] Robert E. Sherwood, The silent drama, "Life", July 29, 1926
  114. Anonimo, Old Army game shows at Garden, "Battle Creek Enquirer and Evening News", July 31, 1926
  115. Carl Sandburg, It's the old Army game has plenty of background, "Chicago Daily News", August 2, 1926
  116. Anonimo, U.C. theater will show old Army game, "Berkeley Daily Gazzette", August 3, 1926
  117. [RCA66] Anonimo, W.C. Fields starred in It's the old Army game, "Waukesha Daily Freeman", August 5, 1926
  118. Anonimo, Army game closes at Quimby tonight, "Times Recorder", August 7, 1926
  119. Anonimo, W.C. Fields coming in bright comedy The old Army game, "Portland Oregonian", August 8, 1926
  120. [RCA67] Anonimo, W.C. Fields, comedian, aids The old Army game, "Portland Oregonian", August 16, 1926
  121. [RCA68] J. M. L., Richmond Roof Orchestra substitute on lyric bill, "Richmond Times-Dispatch", August 17, 1926
  122. Anonimo, W.C. Fields in a film monolog at Majestic, "Grand Rapids Press", August 23, 1926
  123. Frederick James Smith, Celluloid critic: not so bright, "Motion Picture Classic", September, 1926
  124. Anonimo, The old Army game, "Screenland", September, 1926
  125. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Cedar Rapids Republican", September 17, 1926
  126. Anonimo, The old Army game at Strand, "Youngstown Vindicator", September 26, 1926
  127. [RCA69] Anonimo, It's the old Army game, "Motion Picture", October 1926
  128. Anonimo, It's the old Army game, "Movie Times", December 1, 1926 - GIAPPONE
  129. Anonimo, W.C. Fields in It's the old Army game, "Movie Times", December 1, 1926 - GIAPPONE
  130. "La Prensa", 23 Enero 1927 - ARGENTINA
  131. [RCA70] Anonimo, At the movies, "Stevens Point Daily Journal", March 17, 1927
  132. Anonimo, Hudson, "Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telelgram", December 17, 1927
  133. Anonimo, It's the old Army game, Hudson Play, "Richmond Item", December 18, 1927
  134. Donald Deschner, in Id., The films of W. C. Fields, Citadel Press, 1966
  135. A. H. Weiler, Cheryl Crawford to make first film, "New York Times", March 12, 1970
  136. Vincent Canby, The fight to preserve old films, good and bad, "New York Times", October 30, 1977
  137. Mervyn Rothstein, Exhibition recalls New York's silent film era, "New York Times", November 4, 1983
  138. Ronald J. Fields, in Id., W.C. Fields: a life in film, St. Martins, 1984
  139. * Jerry Vermilye, It's the old Army game, in Id., The film of the Twenties, Citadel Press, 1985
  140. * Robert B. Connelly, It's the old Army game, in Id., The motion picture guide, X, Silent film 1910 - 1936, Cinebooks, 1986
  141. Anthony Chase, Louise Brooks, a rare film treat, "Buffalo News", April 22, 1990
  142. * Tony Rayns, It's the old Army game, in John Pym (edited by), Time Out movie guide 2002, Penguin Books, 2001 (10th ed.)
  143. James Curtis, in Id., W.C. Fields, Knopf, 2003

Index ] Pagina superiore ] Louise Brooks, A girl in every port ] [ Louise Brooks, It's the old Army game ] Louise Brooks, It pays to advertise ] Louise Brooks, documentari ] Louise Brooks, Evening clothes ] Louise Brooks, King of gamblers ] Louise Brooks, God's gift to women ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, The show off ] Louise Brooks, A social celebrity ] Louise Brooks, The street of forgotten men ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen I ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen II ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen III ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen V ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VI ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VII ] Louise Brooks, The American Venus ] Louise Brooks, Windy Riley goes Hollywood ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Rolled stockings ] Louise Brooks, Empty saddles ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, The Canary murder case ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Just another blonde ] Louise Brooks, Beggars of life ] Louise Brooks, The city gone wild ]