Beggars of life


Il film
Produzione: Paramount Famous Players Lasky Corp.
Distribuzione: Paramount Famous Players Lasky Corp. (22 Settembre 1928; © 21 Settembre 1928; LP25642)
Presentazione: Adolph Zukor; Jesse L. Lasky
Supervisione: Benjamin Glazer
Regista: William Wellman
Sceneggiatura: Benjamin Glazer e Jim Tully
Fonte: Jim Tully, Beggars of life, New York, 1924
Titoli: Julian Johnson
Fotografia: Henry Gerrard
Montaggio: Alyson Shaffer
Riprese: girato tra il 18 Maggio e il 18 Giugno 1928
Prima mondiale: Paramount, NEW YORK, e Metropolitan, LOS ANGELES, 23 Settembre 1928
Note tecniche: Muto con sequenze parlate; accompagnamento musicale ed effetti sonori Movietone; b\n; 35
          mm; 9 bobine (80'); 7,560 ft. Esiste la versione muta, 7,504 ft.
Musica: partitura conservata al Museum of Modern Art di New York e al Department of Film della George
          Eastman House di Rochester
Titoli internazionali ed alternativi: cfr. curiosità II

Il cast

Wallace Beery (Oklahoma Red)
Louise Brooks (Nancy)
Richard Arlen (Jim)
Edgar Washington Blue (Mose)
H. A. Morgan (Skinny)
Andy Clark (Skelly)
Mike Donlin (Bill)
Roscoe Karns (Hopper)
Robert Perry (Arkansas Snake)
Johnnie Morris (Rubin)
George Kotsonaros (Baldy)
Jacques Chapin (Ukie)
Robert Brower (Blind Sims)
Frank Brownlee (Il fattore)
Reperibilità: Facets Video

Trama e note

Il vagabondo Jim, introducendosi in una fattoria dove cerca ospitalità e un pasto caldo, si accorge che il proprietario giace morto: l'assassina è la sua figliastra, Nancy. Questa era stata riscattata da un orfanatrofio, ma il sordido patrigno voleva farne la propria amante. La mattina, dopo un tentativo di stupro, questa si era ribellata sanguinosamente. Jim, forse già innamorato, decide di aiutarla e Nancy, vestita da uomo, fugge con lui. La ragazza si adatta ad una vita da vagabonda, ma gli inizi sono duri: il tentativo di prendere un treno al volo si conclude con un capitombolo, così come quello di farsi portare da un carro all'insaputa del conducente. I due decidono di trascorrere la notte in un pagliaio dove si scambiano le prime confidenze: Jim sta cercando di arrivare in Canada dove iniziare una nuova vita così come Nancy che desidera solo un luogo che possa chiamare casa.
Il giorno dopo si imbattono in una comune di vagabondi guidati dai rivali Oklahoma Red e Arkansas Snake; Nancy, nonostante gli abiti maschili, viene riconosciuta e rischia di diventare la concubina del gruppo, ma il sopraggiungere dei poliziotti sulle tracce della ragazza mette in fuga i vagabondi che si rifugiano su un vagone.
Qui viene improvvisata una Corte di Giustizia che sentenzia il peggio: Jim sarà gettato dal treno in corsa, Nancy dovrà soggiacere alle voglie di tutti. Ma questa, astutamente, mette zizzania tra i due capi e , nella confusione, Jim si impossessa dell'arma di Oklahoma Red e capovolge la situazione. Ma i poliziotti setacciano il treno: Oklahoma stacca il vagone dalla motrice e, quando arresta la sua corsa, il gruppo può disperdersi. I due protagonisti, Black Moses e un moribondo si rifugiano in una baracca; più tardi li raggiunge Oklahoma Red. Nancy rifiuta di seguire quest'ultimo in Canada pur di restare con Jim: Oklahoma, colpito da questa dichiarazione d'amore, finge di distrarsi e fa fuggire i due (Nancy ha intanto indossato abiti femminili). Non solo: insieme a Black Moses riveste con i vecchi indumenti di Nancy il barbone ora deceduto e inscena la sua falsa morte. Infatti i poliziotti sono intanto arrivati con il resto del treno che si era staccato; Oklahoma incendia una parte di questo e, davanti ai loro occhi, finge di non riuscire a salvare dalle fiamme la falsa "Nancy". Ora la ragazza ricercata è ufficialmente morta. Il rude Oklahoma è invece ucciso a morte dagli agenti: il suo sacrificio sarà ignorato da Nancy e Jim che vediamo intanto dirigersi verso il Canada e una nuova vita.
Il film, che viene considerato la miglior prova drammatica della Brooks in terra americana, è ricco di retroscena che vengono descritti con il consueto, ironico distacco dall'attrice nell'articolo
On location with Billy Wellman. In Italia, che si sappia, l'unico a notarlo fu Francesco Savio nel suo Visione privata, dove elogia in modo esplicito la caratterizzazione di Louise (al contrario di Richard Arlen). E' sintomatico il fatto che Savio, nell'introduzione al suo libro, citi proprio il lavoro di ricerca e valorizzazione del film muto operato dalla Cinemateque Française guidata da Henri Langlois e sia stato il primo in Europa a rivalutare l'attrice americana (in un articolo del 1951 su Cinema nuova serie).
Per saperne di più: Beggars of life
Bibliografia Thomas Gladysz: Beggars of life
Didascalie Louise Brooks: didascalie A girl in every port (Orig. INGLESE)
Bibliografia italiana
  1. * Dario Minutolo, Film americani muti, "Immagine. Note di storia del cinema", nr. 1, Inverno 1986
Bibliografia europea
  1. Anonimo, Pick of pictures, "Picturegoer", June, 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  2. Anonimo, Art souvenir of Richard Arlen and Louise Brooks in Beggars of life, "Picture Show", June 20, 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  3. Beggars of life, "Mid-Week Pictorial", September 29, 1929 - INGHILTERRA
  4. [RCI1] Anonimo, Beggars of life (Paramount), "Kinematograph Weekly", September 6, 1928 - INGHILTERRA
  5. [RCI2] Anonimo, Beggars of life, "The Bioscope", September 12, 1928 - INGHILTERRA
  6. [RCI3] Lionel Collier, Beggars of life, "Kinematograph Weekly", September 13, 1928 - INGHILTERRA
  7. [RCF1] René Olivet, On verra cette semaine a Paris, "Cinémonde", 26 Decembre 1929 - FRANCIA
  8. Anonimo, Les mendiants de la vie au Paramount, "L'Ouevre", 27 Decembre 1929 - FRANCIA
  9. *[RCF2] R. P. - B., Les mendiants de la vie, "Le Figaro", 29 Decembre 1929 - FRANCIA
  10. Jean Lenauer, Les mendiants de la vie, "Pour Vous", 2 Janvier 1930 - FRANCIA
  11. Philippe Soupault, La suprematie americaine en peril, "L'Europe nouvelle", 4 Janvier 1930 - FRANCIA
  12. René Bizet, Les mendiants de la vie, "Pour Vous", 9 Janvier 1930 - FRANCIA
  13. *[RCF3] Jean - George Auriol, Les mendiants de la vie, "La Revue du Cinéma", nr. 7 , 1er Fevrier 1930 - FRANCIA
  14. Jan Star, Les films du mois, "Cinèmagazine", Fevrier 1930 - FRANCIA
  15. "El Sol", 9 de Febrero de 1930 - SPAGNA
  16. [+] Alain Jomy - Yves Kovacs, "Cinématexte", nr. 1, Fevrier 1963
  17. * Jean Mitry, in Id., Histoire du cinéma, II, Histoire du cinéma muet 1923 - 1930, III, Editions Universitaire, 1973
  18. * Georges Sadoul, in Id., Histoire général du cinéma, VI, L'art muet, Denoël, 1975 - FRANCIA
  19. * Gerard Langlois, William Wellman, "L'Avant-Scene", X, 1979 - FRANCIA
  20. Anonimo, "City Limits", September 1982 - INGHILTERRA
  21. *[!] David Robinson, The immortal rediscovery, "The Times", September 24, 1982 - INGHILTERRA
  22. *[!] Geoff Brown, Glimpse of star on sultry splendour, "The Times", September 25, 1982 - INGHILTERRA
  23. * Steve Jenkins, "Monthly Film Bulletin", December 1982
  24. * Jean - Pierre Bleys, Les mendiants de la vie, in AA. VV. (sous la direction de Bernard Rapp - Jean Claude Lamy), Dictionnaire
              des films
    , Larousse, 1995, 2002²
Bibliografia internazionale
  1. Anonimo, Film of tramp life, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle", July 12, 1926
  2. Jim Tully, Beggars of life, Grosset & Dunlop, 1927
  3. Elena Brinkley, Louise Brooks, Richard Arlen cast in Beggars of life, "Hollywood Daily Citizen", February 3, 1928
  4. * Anonimo, Hollywood stars, "Washington Post", February 4, 1928
  5. Elena Brinkley, Wallace Beery may play in outside looking in, "Hollywood Daily Citizen", February 17, 1928
  6. * Anonimo, Tully sells two stories to make one, "Washington Post", March 4, 1928
  7. * Anonimo, Beery's next, "Washington Post", April 15, 1928
  8. *[!] Anonimo, Jim Tully, noted writer, tells of old hobo jungle, "Washington Post", June 24, 1928
  9. [RCA1] Anonimo, Director and star are famous after decade and joint efforts in making new Paramount film, "Mansfield
              News", June 28, 1928
  10. Anonimo, All hobo cast for Beggars of life, "Zanesville Signal", July 1, 1928
  11. * Nelson B. Bell, Behind the screens, "Washington Post", July 5, 1928
  12. Anonimo, New pictures, "Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World", July 7, 1928
  13. The Looker-on, Only movietones is outlook for near future in films, "Reno Gazette", July 28, 1928
  14. Anonimo, Beggar and better, "Motion Picture Classic", August, 1928
  15. Anonimo, Real beggars of life always chase rainbows, "Mansfield News", August 1, 1928
  16. Anonimo, Wreck freight train for hobo picture, "Zanesville Signal", August 5, 1928
  17. *[!][RCA2] Anonimo, More than you have known before about a Mr. Beery, "Washington Post", August 19, 1928
  18. Anonimo, Beggars of life, "National Board of Review Magazine", September, 1928
  19. Anonimo, At the Jayhawk, "Topeka Daily State Journal", September 1, 1928
  20. [RCA3] Anonimo, Crimson playgoer, "The Crimson", September 21, 1928
  21. W. E. G., The screen, "Boston Herald", September 22, 1928
  22. [RCA4] Kelcey Allen, The screen, "Women's Wear Daily", September 22, 1928
  23. [RCA5] J. C. M., The current cinema, "New Yorker", September 22, 1928
  24. [RCA6] Anonimo, Hobohemia in sound picture, Shea's Buffalo, "Buffalo Courier-Express", September 23, 1928
  25. Anonimo, Beggars of life in Paramount theater, "New Yorker Volkszeitung", September 23, 1928
  26. [RCA7] P. G., Beery scores in character role in Beggars of life, "Morning Telegraph", September 23, 1928
  27. [RCA8] Anonimo, Week's offerings at Buffalo's playhouses, "Buffalo Courier-Express", September 24, 1928
  28. Anonimo, He's a serious Wallace Beery, "Buffalo Evening News", September 24, 1928
  29. [RCA9] Anonimo, Capitol, "Lansing State Journal", September 24, 1928
  30. [RCA10] Anonimo, New motion pictures, "New York Post", September 24, 1928
  31. [RCA11] Anonimo, New photoplay bills, "Toledo Blade", September 24, 1928
  32. E. H. B., Capitol, "Lansing Capital News", September 24, 1928
  33. [RCA12] John S. Cohen Jr., The new photoplays, "New York Sun", September 24, 1928
  34. Martin Dickstein, The cinema circuit, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle", September 24, 1928
  35. *[RCA13] Mordaunt Hall, The freight hoppers, "New York Times", September 24, 1928
  36. [RCA14] Quinn Martin, The new films, "The World", September 24, 1928
  37. [RCA15] Bland Johanson, Wallace Beery comes into his own, "Daily Mirror", September 24, 1928
  38. [RCA16] Richard Watts Jr., On the screen, "New York Herald Tribune", September 24, 1928
  39. [RCA17] Katherine Zimmerman, Beery scores in character role in Beggars of  life, "New York Telegram", September 24, 1928
  40. [RCA18] Sid., Beggars of life, "Variety", September 26, 1928
  41. Anonimo, Opinions on pictures, "Motion Picture News", September 26, 1928
  42. Anonimo, Music and the movies, "Musical Courier", September 27, 1928
  43. Anonimo, Hobo jargon is an amazing lenguage, "Ottawa Citizen", September 29, 1928 - CANADA
  44. [RCC1] Anonimo, Wallace Beery in startling Tully drama at the Imperial, "Ottawa Citizen", September 29, 1928 - CANADA
  45. [RCA19] Anonimo, Pictures playing Atlanta this week, "Weekly Film Review", September 29, 1928
  46. P. S. Harrison, Beggars of life - with Wallace Beery, Richard Arlen and Louise Brooks, "Harrison's Reports, September 29, 1928
  47. [RCA20] J. E. P., Beggars of life, "Billboard", September 29, 1928
  48. [RCA21] Anonimo, Beggars of  life, "Film Daily", September 30, 1928
  49. Anonimo, 'Hobohemia' described in Tully's Beggars of life, "Lima News", September 30, 1928
  50. [RCA22] Anonimo, Jim Tully story, Beggars of  life, opens at Granada, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", September 30, 1928
  51. *[!] Mordaunt Hall, Hobo yarn is rather tame, "New York Times", September 30, 1928
  52. *[RCA23] Norbert Lusk, Far reaching movie is made, "Los Angeles Times", September 30, 1928
  53. P. H. W., Beggars of life full of hoboes and slow trains, "Santa Barbara Daily News", October 1, 1928
  54. [RCA24] G. W. Lynn, Santa Barbara screen gossip, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", October 1, 1928
  55. [RCA25] Anonimo, Film features, "Baltimore Sun", October 2, 1928
  56. Anonimo, In Lima theaters, "Lima News", October 2, 1928
  57. G. W. Lynn, Santa Barbara screen gossip, "Santa Barbara Morning Press", October 2, 1928
  58. Norman Clark, Hobohemia is shown at Valencia, "Baltimore News", October 5, 1928
  59. [RCA26] Anonimo, Tully's big tramp life at Texas, "San Antonio Express", October 7, 1928
  60. Anonimo, Tramp life classic scores at Texas, "San Antonio Express", October 8, 1928
  61. [RCA27] Anonimo, New pictures, "Time", October 8, 1928
  62. [RCA28] Anita Mueller, Screen in review, "St. Louis Globe-Democrat", October 8, 1928
  63. [RCA29] Nie., The week's new films, "St. Louis Post-Dispatch", October 8, 1928
  64. Anonimo, At the movies, "Bismarck Tribune", October 12, 192
  65. [RCA30] Anonimo, At the theaters, "Providence Journal", October 15, 1928
  66. [RCA31] W. Ward Marsh, Beggars of life. State, "Cleveland Plain Dealer", October 15, 1928
  67. Anonimo, Tale of hobos life is interesting story, "Toronto Star", October 16, 1928 - CANADA
  68. Anonimo, At the theaters, "Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune", October 16, 1928
  69. *[!] Mae Tinee, Movie reveals gay cat's life, far from gay, "Chicago Tribune", October 18, 1928
  70. T. O. Service, Service talks, "Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World", October 20, 1928
  71. Anonimo, The screen, "Indianapolis Daily Star", October 22, 1928
  72. Anonimo, Jim Tully yarn is good movie at Wisconsin, "Milwaukee Leader", October 22, 1928
  73. [RCA32] Harold Heffernan, The new movies in review, "Detroit News", October 22, 1928
  74. [RCA33] Peggy Patton, Wisconsin film is different, "Wisconsin News", October 22, 1928
  75. L. D. J., At the Capitol, "Des Moines Register", February 25, 1929
  76. [RCA34] Ella H. McCormick, Reel players, "Detroit Free Press", October 22, 1928
  77. Charles Richardson, New pictures are varied, "Detroit Times", October 22, 1928
  78. Anonimo, Wallace Beery stars: Beggars of life, "Hollywood Filmograph", October 27, 1928
  79. [RCA35] Donald Beaton, As they appeal to a youth, "Film Spectator", October 27, 1928
  80. [RCA36] Welford Beaton, "Film Spectator", nr. 6, October 27, 1928. Ripubblicato in Anthony Slide (ed. by), Selected film criticism,
              III, 1921 - 1930, Scarecrow Press, 1982
  81. [RCA37] Harrison Carroll, Dick Arlen gives fine portrayal in film at Met[ropolitan], "Los Angeles Evening Herald", October 27, 1928
  82. [RCA38] Llewellyn Miller, Bum film at Metropolitan, "Los Angeles Record", October 27, 1928
  83. [RCA39] Louella O. Parson, Story of hoboes offered at Met[ropolitan], "Los Angeles Examiner", October 27, 1928
  84. [RCA40] Ken Taylor, Wallie Beery is lure of the open highway, "Los Angeles Evening Express", October 27, 1928
  85. * Anonimo, Collie just pined away for Richard, "Los Angeles Times", October 28, 1928. Altro accenno nella rubrica Current films
  86. *[RCA41] Anonimo, Beggars of  life tells of hobos, "Los Angeles Times", October 29, 1928
  87. Anonimo, Theaters, "Minneapolis Star", October 29, 1929
  88. Anonimo, Movies, "Minneapolis Tribune", October 29, 1929
  89. Richard E. Hays, Guest star has excellent role in duffy comedy, "Seattle Daily Times", October 29, 1928
  90. Myrtle Gebhart, The saga of the hobo, "Picture-Play", November, 1928
  91. Anonimo, Let's go to the movies, "Kansas City Star", November 4, 1928
  92. * Mae Tinee, Awards and honorable mention for dozen films, "Chicago Tribune", November 4, 1928
  93. Anonimo, Previews, "Daily Oklahoman", November 4, 1928
  94. * Anonimo, Coming attractions. Metropolitan, "Washington Post", November 8, 1928
  95. [RCA42] Anonimo, Wallace Beery in heavy role, "Sacramento Union", November 8, 1928
  96. Anonimo, Warfield: Beggars of life, "The Argonaut", November 10, 1928
  97. [RCA43] Frederick James Smith, Sugar-coated literature, "Liberty", November 10, 1928
  98. Anonimo, Jim Tully's tramps as actors, "Washington Times", November 10, 1928
  99. Anonimo, Louise had her own train of tank cars, "Washington Times", November 10, 1928
  100. K. T. K., Asbestos, "New Orleans Times-Picayune", November 10, 1928
  101. [RCA44] Anonimo, Beggars of life on Tudor screen as sound movie, "New Orleans Times-Picayune", November 11, 1928
  102. *[RCA45] Anonimo, This week screen plays. Metropolitan-Wallace Beery in Beggar's life, with sound, "Washington Post",
              November 11, 1928
  103. Anonimo, Beggars of life scores at new Tudor, "New Orleans Item", November 12, 1928
  104. [RCA46] Anonimo, Wallace Beery in Tully's yarn, "Washington Herald", November 12, 1928
  105. [RCA47] Anonimo, Opening attractions in Washington theaters, "Washington Star", November 12, 1928
  106. [RCA48] W. J. Bahmer, This week in the movies, "Pittsburgh Post Gazzette", November 12, 1928
  107. C. W., Tramp story of Tully filmed, "Washington Times", November 12, 1928
  108. [RCA49] A. Fulton Gillaspey, Murray stars in Warfield stage review, "San Francisco Bulletin", November 12, 1928
  109. [RCA50] Ada Hanifin, Charlie Murray hit at Warfield, "San Francisco Examiner", November 12, 1928
  110. [RCA51] Fred Johnson, Charlie Murray Warfield comic, "San Francisco Call and Post", November 12, 1928
  111. [RCA52] J. P., Charlie Murray in Warfield 'Idea', "San Francisco News", November 12, 1928
  112. *[RCA53] Anonimo, The new week's bills. Metropolitan, "Washington Post", November 12, 1928
  113. Anonimo, Secluded border region screens hobo jungle, "Appleton Post-Cresent", November 13, 1928
  114. Anonimo, Hobo romance with Beery, "Pittsburgh Post Gazzette", November 13, 1928
  115. Anonimo, Hobo life as Jim Tully sees it, now on screen, "Stockton Daily Record", November 17, 1928
  116. Anonimo, Beggars of life pleases at Loews, "Montreal Gazette", November 19, 1928 - CANADA
  117. Anonimo, Louise Brooks does changling act in Beggars of life, "Salinas Index Journal", November 22, 1928
  118. [RCA54] J. O. C., Palace, "Memphis Commercial Appeal", November 27, 1928
  119. [RCA55] Anonimo, Girl hobo is heroine in Tully film at California, "San Jose Mercury Herald", November 18, 1928
  120. [RCA56] Anonimo, Realism marks Tully picture at California, "San Diego Sun", December 1, 1928
  121. T. T. J., Beery star of Tully Picture, "San Diego Sun", December 1, 1928
  122. Anonimo, Wallace Beery puts on crown of Hobohemia, "San Diego Union", December 2, 1928
  123. Anonimo, New offerings in theaters, "Syracuse Post-Standard", December 3, 1928
  124. [RCA57] D. W., Gay act good picture at Oakland, "Oakland Post Enquirer", December 3, 1928
  125. Anonimo, Amusements, "Calgary Daily Herald", December 8, 1928 - CANADA
  126. [RCA58] Anonimo, Wallace Beery has new role in film at U.C., "Berkeley Daily Gazzette", December 13, 1928
  127. [RCA59] B. A. D., Beggars of life is pleasing at Liberty, "Zanesville Signal", December 13, 1928
  128. Anonimo, Tramp's life at the Palace, "Wichita Beacon", December 16, 1928
  129. Anonimo, Jungle scene background for film of tramps, "San Mateo Times", December 19, 1928
  130. Anonimo, Beggars of life will be shown last times tonight, "Sheboygan Press", December 20, 1928
  131. [RCA60] Anonimo, Picture parade, "Motion Picture", January, 1929
  132. [RCA61] Norbert Lusk, The screen in review: the heart of a hobo, "Picture-Play", January, 1929
  133. [RCA62] Anonimo, At Majestic, "Lima News", January 27, 1929
  134. Anonimo, At the Strand, "Tulsa Tribune", March 10, 1929
  135. Anonimo, Wallace Beery, rex on Sunday, in noted drama, "Bakersfield Californian", March 16, 1929
  136. Anonimo, New silent film stars Beery at Wigham, "Reno Gazette", March 16, 1929
  137. Anonimo, Secrets of Hobohemia torn open in picture, "Salinas Index Journal", April 18, 1929
  138. Anonimo, "Daily Northwestern", May 4, 1929
  139. [RCSa1] Anonimo, The cinemas, "Cape Times", November 25, 1929
  140. Frank N. Magill, Beggars of life, in Id., Magill's survey of cinema, I, Silent films, Scarecrow Press, 1982
  141. Frank T. Thompson, in Id., William Wellman, Scarecrow Press, 1983
  142. * Jerry Vermilye, Beggars of life, in Id., The film of the Twenties, Citadel Press, 1985
  143. * John Douglas Eames, Beggars of life, in Id., The Paramount story, Octopus Books, 1985
  144. *[!] Jay Robert Nash - Stanley Ralph Ross, Beggars of life, in Iid., The motion picture guide, I, Cinebooks, 1985
  145. Jay Carr, A collector's item, "Boston Globe", April 30, 1989
  146. Sam Rubin, Rubin's classic clinic 5 from Grapevine, "Classic Images", May 1998
  147. * Tony Rayns, Beggars of life, in John Pym (edited by), Time Out movie guide 2002, Penguin Books, 2001 (10th ed.)
  148. * Mick Martin - Marsha Porter, Beggars of life, in Iid., Video movie guide 2002, Ballantine Books, 2001
  149. Robert Koehler, Contract players: par stable touted an eclectic array of talent, "Variety", July 15, 2002

Index ] Pagina superiore ] Louise Brooks, A girl in every port ] Louise Brooks, It's the old Army game ] Louise Brooks, It pays to advertise ] Louise Brooks, documentari ] Louise Brooks, Evening clothes ] Louise Brooks, King of gamblers ] Louise Brooks, God's gift to women ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, The show off ] Louise Brooks, A social celebrity ] Louise Brooks, The street of forgotten men ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen I ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen II ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen III ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen V ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VI ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VII ] Louise Brooks, The American Venus ] Louise Brooks, Windy Riley goes Hollywood ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Rolled stockings ] Louise Brooks, Empty saddles ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, The Canary murder case ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Just another blonde ] [ Louise Brooks, Beggars of life ] Louise Brooks, The city gone wild ]