Bibliografia Die Büchse der Pandora II


Come riporta Louise nella prima pagina della sua autobiografia, i fratelli Brooks erano quattro, Martin (1905), Louise, Theodore (1912) e June (1914). Il più interessante dei quattro pare essere Theo: Barry Paris, il biografo di Louise, li descrive come caratteri opposti: Louise incendiaria e Theo paziente e calmo, Louise a miccia corta, Theo a lenta combustione. Tuttavia, il sostanziale disinteresse per le opinioni degli altri, ed il sarcasmo, in Louise acre, in Theo atarassico, mi sembra li accomunino più di quanto sembri a Barry Paris.  Interessante, a questo proposito, un  aneddoto raccontato dalla  divertita cognata di Louise, Margaret, su Theo e Leonard, un suo sfortunato vicino afflitto da terribili mostruosità facciali, che veniva fuggito da tutti: "(...) Cercava sempre di incontrare Theo e attaccare discorso.  Theo non lo evitava mai, si era sempre  dimostrato amichevole. Una volta Theo era giù all'angolo mentre parlava ad un tizio importante (...) Improvvisamente Leonard sbucò e disse 'Ciao, Theo!' e Theo disse 'Ciao, Leonard, come va oggi?' e gli fece una gran cerimonia. Dopo un po' che Leonard se ne era andato, il pezzo grosso si rivolse disgustato a Theo e disse 'Chi era quella creatura dall'aspetto orribile?' e Theo disse 'Mio padre'". Tale risposta fa il paio con quella del padre, Leonard Brooks, nei confronti della moglie: ripresentatasi questa a Wichita dopo una lunga assenza ("Leonard, I am home. I have come home to stay") fu così accolta: "Well, that's just fine, make yourself at home, we have plenty of room".
Theo era un giornalista dell'Eagle di Wichita, concorrente acerrimo del Beacon. Stranamente, Louise ebbe migliore stampa dal Wichita Beacon che non dal giornale del fratello.

Bibliografia europea 1956 - 2003

  1. Jerzy Toeplitz, in  Id., Historia sztuki filmovej, III, 1928 - 1933, Wydawnictwa Artystycze i Filmowe, 1959. Pubblicato in lingua
              tedesca come
    * Geschichte des films, I, Henschelverlag, 1984 - POLONIA
  2. * Carlos Fernandez Cuenca, La caja de Pandora, in Id., El cine aleman (Elementos de filmografia critica 1896 - 1960),
              Filmoteca Nacional de España, 1961 - SPAGNA
  3. Anonimo, Famous Hollywood thrillers, "The Times", March 9, 1961 - INGHILTERRA
  4. Ulrich Gregor, Lulu im Kino von Asta Nielsen bis Nadja Tiller, "Theater heute", Marz 1962 - GERMANIA
  5. * Jean Mitry, in Id., Dictionnaire du cinéma, Larousse, 1963 - FRANCIA
  6. Jean Mitry, in Id., Esthétique et psicologie du cinéma, Ed. Universitaires 1963 - FRANCIA
  7. * Maurice Bardeche - Robert Brasillach, in Iid., Histoire du cinéma, I, Le muet, Le Sept Couleurs, 1964 - FRANCIA
  8. *[!] Freddy Buache, in Id., G. W. Pabst, Serdoc, 1965 - FRANCIA
  9. *Georges Sadoul, Loulou, in Id., Dictionnaire des films, Edition du Seuil, 1965 (ed. it. I film, I, A-L, Sansoni, 1968, con successive,
              postume, edizioni, francesi e italiane) - FRANCIA
  10. *[!] Raymond Borde - Freddy Buache - Francis Courtade, Loulou, in Iid., Le cinéma realiste allemande, Serdoc, 1965 - FRANCIA
  11. *[!] Barthelemy Amengual, Loulou, in Id., G. W. Pabst, Seghers, 1966 - FRANCIA
  12. Patrick Brion, Biofilmographie de G.W. Pabst e Sylvie Pierre, Le considérable talent de G. W. Pabst , "Cahiers du Cinéma", nr.
              193, Septembre 1967 - FRANCIA. Il secondo articolo ripubblicato come
    El considerable talento de G. W. Pabst, "Filmoteca",
              nr. 16, 1972 - 1973 - SPAGNA
  13. * Gerhard Lamprecht, Die Büchse der Pandora, in Id., Deutsche Stummfilme 1927 - 1931, Deutsche Kinemathek eV Berlin, 1967-
              1968 - GERMANIA
  14. *[!] Carlos Fernandez Cuenca, in Id., G. W. Pabst, Filmoteca Nacional de España, 1967 - SPAGNA
  15. * Yves Aubry - Jacques Petat, La seule qui nous reste, in Iid., G. W. Pabst, "Anthologie du Cinéma",IV, L'Avant - Scene, 1968 -
  16. * Roman Gubern, in Id., Historia del cinema, Dánae, 1969 (ed. it. Storia del cinema, I, Marotta, 1972) - SPAGNA
  17. [!] Viktor Sidler, Die Büchse der Pandora, "Cinéma" (Zurich), nnr. 66 - 67, 1971. Il numero 76, 1973, avrà una doppia copertina
              dedicata a Louise Brooks - Lulu ed uno scritto dello stesso Sidler, Kino, con
    numerose foto tratte dal film - SVIZZERA
  18. * Jean Mitry, in Id., Histoire du cinéma, III, Histoire du cinéma muet 1923 - 1930, Editions Universitaires, 1973 - FRANCIA
  19. Dieter von Krusche, Reclams Filmführer, Reclam, 1973
  20. *[!] Tony Rayns, Pandora's box, "Monthly Film Bullettin", nr. 484, May 1974 - INGHILTERRA
  21. David Robinson, A Buñuel might-have-been, "The Times", August 2, 1974 - INGHILTERRA
  22. *[!] Georges Sadoul, in Id., Histoire général du cinéma, VI, Denoël, 1975 - FRANCIA
  23. * AA. VV., Die Büchse der Pandora, in Iid., The Oxford companion to film, Oxford University Press, 1976 - INGHILTERRA
  24. * Jean - Loup Passek, Loulou, in Id., Vingt ans de cinéma allemand 1913 - 1933, Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges
              Pompidou, 1978 - FRANCIA
  25. [+] "National Film Theatre", February 1978
  26. [+] "Filmdokumentation 1978", Osterreichisches Filmarchiv, 1979 - AUSTRIA
  27. "Obliques", 2e trimestre 1979 - FRANCIA
  28. Jean-Michel Palmier, in Id., L'expressionisme et les arts. Peinture, théâtre, cinéma, Payot, 1980 - FRANCIA
  29. * Anonimo, Loulou, "Le Film Français", nr. 1794, 11 Janvier 1980 - FRANCIA
  30. G. V. (Gérard Vaugeois), "L'Humanité", 17 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  31. * Jean Michel Palmier, La boîte à Pandore de Pabst, "Les Nouvelles Littéraires", 21 - 28 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  32. "La Croix", 21 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  33. "France-soir", 21 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  34. "Les Echos", 21 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  35. "L'Aurore", 22 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  36. "Le Matin", 22 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  37. *[!] Michel Marmin, Incandescence, "Le Figaro", 22 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  38. *[!] Jacques Siclier, Pabst, l'érotisme et Louise Brooks, "Le Monde", 23 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  39. Fabienne Pascaud, "Télérama", 20 Février 1980 - FRANCIA
  40. * Anonimo, Pabsts Lulu läuft in Paris, "Die Welt", 22 Februar 1980 - GERMANIA
  41. "Le Canard Enchaîné", 27 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  42. "L'Education", 27 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  43. "Libération", 28 Fevrier 1980 - FRANCIA
  44. *[!] Olivier René Veillon, Le retour de Lulu, "Cinématographe", nr. 56, Mars 1980 - FRANCIA
  45. * Daniel Serceau, Loulou, "La Révue du cinéma/Image et Son", nr. 348, Mars 1980 - FRANCIA
  46. Anonimo, "Les Nouvelles littéraires", 28 Mars 1980 - FRANCIA
  47. *[!] Jacques Pétat, Loulou, "Cinéma", nr. 256, Avril 1980 - FRANCIA
  48. *[!!][C] AA. VV., Loulou, "L'Avant Scène du Cinéma", nr. 257, 1er Decembre 1980 - FRANCIA
  49. * D. Sauvaget, Pabst et les benedictins, "Revue du Cinema", Fevrier 1981 - FRANCIA
  50. * Claude Gelé, Précisions au sujet de Loulou, " L'Avant Scène du Cinéma", nr. 262, 15 Fevrier 1981 - FRANCIA
  51. David Robinson, Films on TV, "The Times", March 21, 1981 - INGHILTERRA
  52. Ivode Kock, Lulu, "Andere Sinema", Mai 1981 - BELGIO
  53. Anonimo, "Radio Times", May 23, 1981 - INGHILTERRA
  54. * François Ramasse, Le sexe de Pandore, "Positif", nr. 244 - 245, Juillet - Aôut 1981 - FRANCIA
  55. * Marie-Claude Arbaudie, Lifting pour Pabst, "Le Film Français", nr. 1878, 27 Novembre 1981
  56. [+] "National Film Theatre", September 1982
  57. Ilona Brennicke - Joe Hembus, in Iid., Klassiker des deutschen Stummfilms. 1910 - 1930, Goldmann, 1983
  58. Sergej Jutkevic, Inozrimij Ochlopkov. Iz istorii sovetskogo kino, in Id., Kino i vremja, V, 1983.
              Ripubblicato in
    Poétika režissury teatra i kino, 1986 - URSS
  59. [+] Annette Förster, De stomme taal van de beelden e Karola Gramann - AA. VV., Eindelijk terug! Asta Nielsen, Louise
              Brooks, Greta Garbo
    "Skrien", nnr. 129-130, Settembre 1983 - OLANDA
  60. [+] "National Film Theatre", May 1983 - INGHILTERRA
  61. [+] "National Film Theatre", June 1984 - INGHILTERRA
  62. * Freddy Buache, in Id.Le cinéma allemand 1918 - 1933, 5 Continents/Hatier, 1984 - FRANCIA
  63. Gregory J. Edwards, The book of the international film poster, Tiger Books International, 1985 - INGHILTERRA
  64. [+] "La Cinèmathéque Suisse", nr. 41, 1985 - SVIZZERA
  65. [+] "National Film Theatre", January 1985 - INGHILTERRA
  66. [+] "La Cinèmathéque Française", nr. 13, 1985 - FRANCIA
  67.  E. Schmidt Jr., G.W. Pabst, der regisseur der neuen Sachlichkeit, "Blimp", Primavera 1987 - GERMANIA
  68. * Claude Beylie, Loulou, in Id., Les film - clés du cinéma, Bordas, 1987 poi Larousse 2006 (Ed. it. I capolavori del cinema,
              Vallardi, 1990)
  69. *[!] Michail Jampol'skij, Jaščik Pandory, "Iskusstvo Kino", nr. 9, Settembre 1988 - URSS
  70. * ch. m. (Christiane Mückenberger), Die Büchse der Pandora, in Günther Dahlke - Günther Karl (herausgegeben von), Deutsche
    von den Anfängen bis 1933, Henschel, 1988 - GERMANIA
  71. [+] "National Film Theatre", August 1988 - INGHILTERRA
  72. [+] "La Cinèmathéque Suisse", nr. 79, 1989 - SVIZZERA
  73. *[!] Robert Boussinot, Loulou (La boite de Pandora), in Id., L'encyclopédie du cinéma, II, Bordas, 1989 (3eme ed.) - FRANCIA
  74. * Francis Donovan, Loulou, "Cinéma" (Paris), nr. 459, Septembre 1989 - FRANCIA
  75. Janet Bergstrom, Psychologische Erklärung in den Filmen von Pabst und Lang, e Thomas Elsaesser, Louise Brooks, Pabst
    Die Büchse der Pandora (Lulu und der Stromableser), in Gottfried Schlemmer - Bernhard Riff - Georg Haberl
    (herausgegeben von), G. W. Pabst, MAkS Publikationen, 1990 - AUSTRIA
  76. [+] "National Film Theatre", April 1990 - INGHILTERRA
  77. * Walter Schobert, La caja de Pandora, in Id., Hitos del cine aleman, Instituto Aleman/Goethe Institut en colaboración con
              Filmoteca Española, 1991 - SPAGNA
  78. [+] "National Film Theatre", February 1991 - INGHILTERRA
  79. * Wolfgang Jacobsen-Anton Kaes-Helmut Prinzler, Geschichtes des Deutschen Films, Metzler, 1993 - GERMANIA
  80. *[!!] Gero Gandert, Die Büchse der Pandora, in Id., Der Film der Weimarer Republik, Walter de Gruyter, 1993
  81. Anonimo, "Sight and Sound", November 1993 - INGHILTERRA
  82. *[!] Michel Marie, Loulou, in AA. VV. (sous la direction de Bernard Rapp - Jean - Claude Lamy), Dictionnaire des films, Larousse,
    , 2002² - FRANCIA
  83. Forbidden cinema, BFI, 1995 - INGHILTERRA
  84. Th. K. (Thomas Koebner), Die Büchse der Pandora, in Id. (herausgegeben von), Filmklassiker, I, 1913-1946, Reclam, 1995 -
  85. Anonimo, Le retour de Loulou, "Les Echos", 19 Avril 1995 - FRANCIA
  86. [+] Anonimo, Loulou, "Sequences", nr. 178, Mai - Juin 1995 - FRANCIA
  87. * Jürgen Kasten, in Id., Metzler film lexikon, Verlag J.B. Metzler, 1995 - GERMANIA
  88. *[!!] Wolfgang Jacobsen, Die Büchse der Pandora, in Id., G. W. Pabst, Argon, 1997 - GERMANIA
  89. Anonimo, "Télérama", Avril 1997 - FRANCIA
  90. * Michel Pascal, Loulou, "Le Point", nr. 1281, 5 Avril 1997
  91. Nita Rousseau, L'etoile perdue, "Le Nouvel Observateur", 5 Avril 1997 - FRANCIA
  92. *[!] Jacques Siclier, La féminité subversive de Louise Brooks, "Le Monde", 6 - 7 Avril 1997 - FRANCIA
  93. Erwan Higuinen, Le film du jour. Loulou, c'est elle, "Libération", 10 Avril 1997 - FRANCIA
  94. Daniel Kothenschulte, Die Büchse der Pandora. Die Restaurierte Fassung kommt ins Kino, "Film Dienst", 8 Juli 1997
  95. Gerald Koll, Pandoras Schatze: Erotikkonzeptionen in den Stummenfilmen von G. W. Pabst, Schaudig & Ledig, 1998 -
  96. David Benedict, Choice: film, "Independent", February 18, 1998 - INGHILTERRA
  97. Anonimo, Loulou, "Cine-Club Normale Sup", Mai 19, 1998 - FRANCIA
  98. *[C][!!] Jacques Lourcelles, Loulou, in Id., Dictionnaire du cinéma. Les films, 1999 (3eme ed.; 1ere ed., 1992) - FRANCIA
  99. * Karl French - Philip French, Pandora's box, in Iid., Cult films, Pavilion Books, 1999 - INGHILTERRA
  100. * Thomas Koebner, in Id., Halbnah, Gardez Verlag, 1999 - GERMANIA
  101. Derek Malcolm, G.W. Pabst: Pandora's Box, "The Guardian", July 22, 1999 - INGHILTERRA
  102. " Mucka Media ", nr. 88, June 2001 - OLANDA
  103. Mark Whitehead, Jack the ripper, Pocket Essentials, 2001
  104. Paul Simpson, in Id., Rough guide to cult movies, Rough Guide, 2001 - INGHILTERRA
  105. * Anonimo, Die Büchse der Pandora, "Kino", nr. 3, 2002 - GERMANIA
  106. Ed Potton, Videos and DVDs, "The Times", June 22, 2002 - INGHILTERRA
  107. Alan Stanbrook, DVD's, "Sunday Telegraph", June 30, 2002 - INGHILTERRA
  108. Geoff Brown, New video releases, " The Times", July 18, 2002 - INGHILTERRA
  109. * Brad Stevens, Chasing Lulu (DVD), "Sight & Sound", nr. 9, September 2002 - INGHILTERRA
  110. Paul Cooke, in Id., German expressionist films, Pocket Essentials, 2002 - INGHILTERRA
  111. [+] "Reperages", nr. 41, 2003 - FRANCIA
  112. S. S. Prawer, The blue angel, BFI Publishing, 2003 - INGHILTERRA
  113. Martin Longley, Culture: box discloses magnetic genius, "Birmingham Post", February 6, 2003 - INGHILTERRA
  114. Roger Clarke, Culture club: eclectic mix of film in frame for festival, "The News Letter", March 17, 2003 - EIRE
  115. Roger Clarke, The five best films/The five best revivals, "Independent", March 29, 2003 - INGHILTERRA
  116. Robert Hanks, Silent movies: play it again, George, "Independent", May 18, 2003 - INGHILTERRA
  117. Martin Longley, Culture: box discloses magnetic genius, "Birmingham Post", June 3, 2003 - INGHILTERRA
  118. * (DVD), "Cahiers du Cinéma ", nr. 595, Novembre 2004 - FRANCIA
  119. * (DVD), "Avant-Scène du Cinéma", nr. 537, Decembre 2004 - FRANCIA
  120. Alastair Phillips, City of darkness city of light, Amsterdam University Press, 2004 - OLANDA
  121. * Jean-Loup Bourget, (DVD), "Positif", nr.532, Juin 2005 - FRANCIA
  122. Susan McCabe, Cinematic modernism, Cambridge University Press, 2005 - INGHILTERRA
  123. Kayo Adachi-Rabe, Abwesenheit im film, Nodus, 2005 - GERMANIA
  124. "BFI South Bank Guide", December 2006 - INGHILTERRA
  125. Ingeborg Boxhammer, Das Begehren im Blick, Mazena, 2007 - GERMANIA
  126. Jorgen Müller, Movies of the 20s and early cinema, Taschen, 2007 - GERMANIA
  127. Tim Bergfelder, Film architecture and the transnational imagination, Amsterdam University Press, 2007 - OLANDA
  128. * Brian J. Robb, Louise Brooks, in Id., Silent cinema, Kamera Books, 2007 - INGHILTERRA

  Bibliografia internazionale 1956 - 2003

  1. * Anonimo, Film crew to start waltz on Monday, "New York Times", April 25, 1959
  2. * Philip K. Scheuer, Fun sophisticated in Mary, Mary, "Los Angeles Times", June 15, 1962
  3. * Herman G. Weinberg (photos by), The box of Pandora, "Classic Film Collector", nr. 21, Summer 1968
  4. * Roger Manvell - Heinrich Fraenkel, in Iid., The German cinema, JM Dent & Sons, 1971
  5. Anonimo, "Hollywood Reporter", March 26, 1971
  6. Anonimo, "CinemaTV Today", April 8, 1972
  7. Anonimo, "Variety", April 19, 1972
  8. Anonimo, "Films & Filming", June, 1972 (DUBBIO)
  9. * "Classic Film Collector", nr. 39, Summer 1973 (Pubblicità della pellicola: 65$ + postage)
  10. * Bud Lemaster, Pandora's box, "Classic Film Collector", nr. 41, Winter 1973
  11. Anonimo, Pandora's box, "1000 Eyes Magazine", nr. 2, 1975
  12. Lee Atwell, in Id., G.W. Pabst, Twayne Publishers, 1977
  13. [+] Scott M. Levine, Actress on film, 1979
  14. Anonimo, Pandora's box, in Frank N. Magill (edited by), Magill's survey of cinema, Salem Press Inc., 1980
  15. Adam Garbicz - Jacek Klinowski, in Iid., Cinema, the magic vehicle, Scarecrow Press, 1980
  16. [+] "Preview", February 1980
  17. Anonimo, Piece together original Pabst film of 1929 with Louise Brooks' Lulu, "Variety", February 13, 1980
  18. Vito Russo, in Id., The celluloide closet. Homosexuality in the cinema, Harper & Row, 1981
  19. * D. Davidson, From virgin to dynamo: the 'amoral woman' in European cinema, "Cinema Journal", nr.1, Fall 1981
  20. Danny Peary, Pandora's box. Cult movies - the classic, the sleepers, the weird and the wonderful, Delacorte Press 1981. Forse
              ripubblicato come * Danny Peary, Pandora's box, in Id., Cult movies, Vermilion & Company, 1982
  21. [+] "Preview", July - August 1981
  22. Peter Cowie, Pandora's box, in Ann Lloyd, The Movie. The illustrated history of the cinema, nr. 110, Orbis, 1982
  23. Pauline Kael, 5001 nights at the movies, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982
  24. Anonimo, Classic silent film to be shown, "Capital", September 16, 1982
  25. * Anonimo, Silent film scheduled, "New York Times", January 14, 1983
  26. Anonimo, The box of Pandora, "Classic Images", May 1983
  27. * Meryvn Rothstein, Louise Brooks returns in 2 classics, "New York Times", September 16, 1983
  28. Sy Syna, 1929 Pandora's box treats sordid subject with artistic realism, "New York Tribune", September 17, 1983
  29. Ernest Leogrande, Two movies for Louise Brooks fans, "Daily News", September 18, 1983
  30. Anonimo, Goings on about town, "New Yorker", September 19, 1983
  31. John Morrone, Louise Brooks, my one and only, "New York Native", September 26, 1983
  32. Andrew Sarris, The legend of Louise Brooks, "Village Voice", September 27, 1983
  33. Irene B. Nicholas, New looks at Brooks, "Chelsea Clinton News", September 29, 1983
  34. Jay Carr, Louise Brooks casts her spell, "Boston Globe", October 12, 1983
  35. *[!] Thomas Elsaesser, Lulu and the meter man, "Screen", nr. 4 - 5, July - October 1983. Ripubblicato in Eric Rentschler, German
              film & literature. Adaptions and transformations
    , Methuen, 1986 e come Louise
    Brooks, Pabst und Die Buchse der
              Pandora (Lulu und der Stromableser),
    in Gottfried Schlemmer -
    Bernhard Riff - Georg Haberl (herausgegeben von), G. W.
    , MAkS Publikationen, 1990
  36. Ann Lloyd, Movies of the silent years, Orbis, 1984
  37. Barbara Guest, in Id., Herself defined, Doubleday, 1984
  38. * Richard F. Shepard, Going out guide, "New York Times", May 28, 1984
  39. Eric Estrin, Pandora's box, "Los Angeles Magazine", July 1, 1984
  40. Anonimo, Flute music for Pandora, "Miami Herald", October 11, 1984
  41. Michael Fleming, Images of madness, 1985
  42. Jay Carr, Vintage stock, "Boston Globe", September 8, 1985
  43. Kelly Vance, Look back in wonder, "East Bay Express", September 13, 1985
  44. James Monaco, in Id., The connoisseur's guide to the movies, Facts on File, 1985
  45. *[!] Robert Connelly, Pandora's box, in Id., The motion picture guide. Silent film. 1910 - 1936, X, Cinebooks, 1986
  46. [+] Danny Peary, A guide for the film fanatic, Simon & Schuster, 1986
  47. Richard Combs, Decline and fall. Pandora's box, "Listener", nr. 2948, February 20, 1986
  48. Terry Atkinson, Turn-ons and turn-offs in current home entertainment releases, "Los Angeles Times", June 10, 1986
  49. William Everson, Pandora's box, "Video Review", September, 1986
  50. Frederick W. Ott, in Id., The great German films, Citadel Press, 1986
  51. Jay Carr, A long, dazzling Napoleon and a torrid Pandora's box, "Boston Globe", February 22, 1987
  52. Gerald Pratley, Living room has become a better movie theater, "Toronto Star", October 30, 1988 - CANADA
  53. * Patrice Petro, in Id., Joyless streets. Women and melodramatic representation in Weimar Germany, Princeton Un. Press,
  54. * Paul Coates, Lulu, Jack the Ripper and the turned back, in Id., The Gorgon's gaze, Cambridge Un. Press, 1991
  55. *[C] Mary Ann Doane, The erotic barter: Pandora's box, in Id., Femmes fatales: feminism, film theory, psychoanalysis,
              Routledge, 1991 (ed. it.
    Il baratto erotico: Il vaso di Pandora, in [C] Donne fatali, Pratiche Editrice, 1996, p. 109 - 139) e in
    Eric Rentschler, The film of G. W. Pabst: an extraterritorial cinema, Rutgers University Press, 1990
  56. Jay Carr, Pandora's box, in Kathy Schulz Huffhines, Foreign affairs, Mercury House, 1991
  57. J. Wagner, Pandora's box: a movie is still being watched, "Spectator", nr. 2, 1991
  58. Cathy Raymond, Lulu recast: G. W. Pabst's cinematic adaptation of Wedekind' plays, "Ars Semeiotica: Kodikas/Code. An
              International journal of semiotics", vol. 14, nnr. 1-2, January-June 1991
  59. R. N. Pinkerton, Lulu opens Pandora's box, "Classic Images", nr. 240, June 1992
  60. Chris Hicks, Pandora's Box, "Deseret News", June 12, 1992
  61. Greg Burchall, Brooks makes a riveting return, "Melbourne Age", May 11, 1993 - AUSTRALIA
  62. Michael Smith, Promptings, "Melbourne Age", May 14, 1993 - AUSTRALIA
  63. Sarah Dolan, At the cinema, "Herald Sun", May 19, 1993 - AUSTRALIA
  64. Elisa Leonelli, Louise Brooks as Lulu in Pandora's Box, "Venice Magazine", August 1993
  65. * Mark Chalon Smith, From 1929 Pandora's box emerges Lulu of an actress, "Los Angeles Times", October 14, 1993
  66. Ray Purvis, Review of Pandora's Box, "The West Australian", January 16, 1994 - AUSTRALIA
  67. Philippa Hawker, Screen greatness, after years of silence, "Melbourne Age", February 10, 1994 - AUSTRALIA
  68. Mark Naglazas, Brooks radiant in silent classic, "The West Australian", February 16, 1994 - AUSTRALIA
  69. J. DeBartolo, "Classic Images", nr. 231, September 1994
  70. Karin Littau, Refractions of the feminine: the monstrous transformations of Lulu, MLN, nr. 4, September 1995
  71. Barbara Creed, Film, "Melbourne Age", January 13, 1995 - AUSTRALIA
  72. Monica Sullivan, Pandora's Box, "Movie Magazine International", May 3, 1995
  73. Larry Kelp, Orchestra scores box of  sex, betrayal, "Press Democrat", May 5, 1995
  74. * Mick LaSalle, Pandora's Box is steeped in critical hysteria, "San Francisco Chronicle", May 5, 1995
  75. Barry Walters, Club Foot mixes horror and humor, "San Francisco Examiner", May 5, 1995
  76. * Kevin Thomas, Orchestra adds sounds to silent Pandora's box, "Los Angeles Times", June 12, 1995
  77. V. A. Musetto, Pandora meets sounds of music, "New York Post", July 25, 1995
  78. Jack Mathews, Heads up! Pandora's box, "Newsday", July 26, 1995
  79. a. d. amorosi, Pandora's box, "City Paper", July 27, 1995
  80. * Stephen Holden, A silent-film femme fatale as victim, too, "New York Times", July 28, 1995
  81. Jeff Taubin, Pandora's box, "Village Voice", August 1, 1995
  82. David Sterritt, Lincoln Center also opened Pandora's box, "Christian Science Monitor", August 1, 1995
  83. David Sterritt, Innovative composers tap out new tunes for old movies, "Christian Science Monitor", September 12, 1995
  84. *[!] Bram Dijkstra, in Id., Evil sisters, Knopf, 1996 (ed. it. Perfide sorelle, Garzanti 1997)
  85. [C] Maitland McDonagh, in Id., The most 50 erotic films of all time. From Pandora's box to Basic instinct, Citadel Press, 1996
  86. Liz Tracey - Sidney Pokorny, So you want to be a lesbian? A guide for amateurs and professionals, St. Martin's, 1996
  87. Richard  W. McCormick, New women in crisis: commodification and downward mobility in G.W. Pabst's Büchse der Pandora
              and Irmgard Kenn's Das kunstseidene Mädchen, 1996
  88. Sue Williams, Behind the facade with front up, "The Australian", January 9, 1996 - AUSTRALIA
  89. John D. Thomas, Our Miss Brooks, "Creative Loafing", May 18, 1996
  90. Jack Mathews, Heads up! Pandora's Box, "Newsday", August 26, 1996
  91. Harold Schechter, A to Z encyclopedia of serial killers, 1997
  92. Roger Ebert, Pandora's Box, "Chicago Sun Times", April 26, 1998. Ripubblicato in Id., The great movies, Broadway Books, 2002
  93. Anonimo, A Louise Brooks double feature, "New York Post", October 12, 1998
  94. Douglas B. Thomas, The early history of German motion pictures, Thomas International, 1999
  95. Bonnie Zimmerman, Encyclopedia of lesbian histories and cultures, I, Garland Publishing, 1999
  96. Leslie Ortquist Aherns, Opening Pandora's box: American and the American woman in films from the Weimar Republic,
              "Dissertation abstract international. Section A: the Humanities and Social Sciences", Vol. 61, nr. 2, August 2000 [About Lulu]
  97. Robert W. Butler, Breaking the silence Composer adds new score, live musicians to Pandora's Box, "Kansas City Star",
              September 1, 2000
  98. *[!] Barbara Salvage, Die Büchse der Pandora, in Tom and Sara Pendergast (edited by), The international dictionary of film
              and filmmakers
    , IV, Films, St. James Press, 2000 (1st ed. 1984; 2nd ed., 1990)
  99. [+] Hisashi Okajima, Redefining the tasks of film archives, 2000 - GIAPPONE?
  100. V. A. Musetto, Lulu in Brooklyn, "New York Post", March 26, 2000
  101. Anonimo, Pandora's box, "Boston Phoenix", July 20, 2001
  102. Richard W. McCormick, Gender and sexuality in Weimar modernity, Palgrave, 2001
  103. Anonimo, Pandora's box, "Boston Phoenix", July 20, 2001
  104. * Leonard Maltin, Pandora's box, in Id., TV and movie Video Guide 2002, Signet, 2001
  105. * Tony Rayns, Pandora's box, in John Pym (edited by), Time Out movie guide 2002, Penguin Books, 2001 (10th ed.)
  106. * Mick Martin - Marsha Porter, Pandora's box, in Iid., Video movie guide 2002, Ballantine Books, 2001
  107. * John Petrakis, Screen gems, "Chicago Tribune", January 11, 2002
  108. Evan Williams, Movie bite, "The Australian", July 4, 2002 - AUSTRALIA
  109. Doug Anderson, Film of the week, "Sydney Morning Herald", July 7, 2002 - AUSTRALIA
  110. Jay Carr (edited by), The A list, Da Capo, 2002
  111. Roger Ebert, The great movies, Broadway Books, 2002
  112. Thomas Elsaesser, Weimar cinema and after, Routledge, 2002 - USA + INGHILTERRA
  113. Tom Weiner, The off-Hollywood film guide, Random House, 2002
  114. Celia Rabinovitch, Surrealism and the sacred, Westview Press, 2002
  115. Hannah Brown, Silence speaks, "Jerusalem Post", January 3, 2002 - ISRAELE
  116. Hugh Hart, Women's films come back 2002 marks comeback for women's films, "Denver Post", January 24, 2003
  117. Donald V. Calamia, Michigan theater's 'Sex In the silents' film series ends with Pandora's box, "Between the Lines", May 22 -
              28, 2003
  118. Dan Moray, The allure of Louise Brooks, "Ann Arbor Observer", June 3, 2003
  119. Christopher Potter, Pandora's box remembered as silent triumph, "Ann Arbor Observer", June 6, 2003
  120. * Kevin Thomas, G.W. Pabst: The high art of lurid lives, "Los Angeles Times", January 22, 2004
  121. Roberto Villarreal, Cine en su casa/ Seres de otro mundo, "El Norte", May 28, 2004 - MESSICO
  122. * Eric Le Roy, Coffret Louise Brooks (DVD), "Journal of Film Preservation", nr. 69, May 2005
  123. Dade Hayes, Die Büchse der Pandora (DVD), "Variety", December 4, 2006
  124. Peter Kobel, Silent movies, Little, Brown & Company, 2006
  125. Andrew Burkett, The image beyond the image: G.W. Pabst's Pandora's box (1929) and the aesthetics of the cinematic image-
    , "Quarterly Review of Film and Video", nr. 3, 2007
  126. New DVD releases, "Film Comment", Jamuary-February 2007
  127. Jim Hemphill, "American Cinematographer", nr. 4, April 2007

Cataloghi vari

  1. Sixty Years of Cinema, February - May, 1957 - INGHILTERRA

  2. Janus Films, 1973 - USA (Catalogo video)

  3. DENVER - Denver International Film Festival, May 5, 1981 - USA

  4. TOURCOING - Rencontres cinématographiques - 1989 - FRANCIA

  5. BOLOGNA - Il cinema ritrovato - 1990 - ITALIA

  6. Kino International Corporation, 1990 - USA (Catalogo video)

  7. SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco International Film Festival, May, 1995 - USA

  8. BERLINO - Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, 1997 - GERMANIA

  9. Cine-Club Normale Sup, May 19, 1998 - FRANCIA

  10. STRASBOURG - Forum du cinéma européen - 1999 - FRANCIA

  11. AOSTA - Strade del cinema - Festival Int. del Cinema Muto musicato dal vivo - 2003 - ITALIA


Index ] Pagina superiore ] Louise Brooks, A girl in every port ] Louise Brooks, It's the old Army game ] Louise Brooks, It pays to advertise ] Louise Brooks, documentari ] Louise Brooks, Evening clothes ] Louise Brooks, King of gamblers ] Louise Brooks, God's gift to women ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, The show off ] Louise Brooks, A social celebrity ] Louise Brooks, The street of forgotten men ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen I ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen II ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen III ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen V ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora I ] Louise Brooks, Overland stager raiders ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora II ] Louise Brooks, Love 'em and leave 'em ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] [ Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VI ] Louise Brooks, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen VII ] Louise Brooks, The American Venus ] Louise Brooks, Windy Riley goes Hollywood ] Louise Brooks, Prix de beauté ] Louise Brooks, Rolled stockings ] Louise Brooks, Empty saddles ] Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora III ] [ Louise Brooks, Lulu, Die Büchse der Pandora IV ] Louise Brooks, When you're in love ] Louise Brooks, The Canary murder case ] Louise Brooks, Now we're in the air ] Louise Brooks, Just another blonde ] Louise Brooks, Beggars of life ] Louise Brooks, The city gone wild ]