Special offers

Last Minutes Turin


Offerte speciali

Last Minute  Torino


BeststayInTurin, Italy


home rentals turin, vacation rentals Turin,  furnitured fully equipped apartments for rent in Turin, Italy   




For your stay in TurinItaly,  for business or  holidays 

choose a confortable and fully equipped  apartment

in center  town, in Turin, directly  from  owners

We  will be glad to welcome you as guests.

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  Why  a  BestStayInItaly   apartment?

Perchè soggiornare in appartamento?


For information  and reservation  -


info@beststayinitaly.com +39.333.7376863


BestStayInTurin  Turin Apartment fully equipped in center Turin -


Fully equipped apartments in Turin  - rates from 35 euro per person


Martina  &  Camilla    

center city - cit turin - torino centro  

                                                       Piazza Peyron   -    Via Duchessa  Jolanda  

for 2 - 4 people 


 Martina  Camilla

 reviews -  in div - beststayinitaly www.donneinviaggio.com


These quiet, elegant and sunny  apartments  with all comforts  (also wi fi internet)

are  located in historical buildings  in the center of Turin,  in the area  Cit Turin,

within walking distance of  Plaza Statuto and Porta Susa railway station,  and Plaza Castello.  

The area  is called 'little Paris' because of  the Liberty architecture of most  buldings .

All services ( metro, buses, restaurants, bars, supermarkets) are  at walking distance.  Street Parking  is allowed.   The  two  apartments are at walking distance.


Martina >>>  &  Camilla>>> 

(english vesion)


Casa Light

Parco Ruffini -  for 2 - 4 people -

Appartamento Torino, Casa Light

 Casa Light

  rewiews - recensito  in div - beststayinitaly www.donneinviaggio.com

 This confortable , wide and quiet apartment   with two bedrooms  is ideal for 2 or 4  people.

It  is located  at second floor (with elevator)  in a  residential and safe area.  15  minutes by bus  from the historic center of turin. 


It is very well served with buses. It is close to Ruffini  Park and to main shopping centers.

 Casa Light >>>


For information  and reservation  -


info@beststayinitaly.com - +39.333.7376863

BestStayInItalyExecutive  per professionisti - speciale aziende



  DonneInViaggio - BeststayInItaly

  donneinviaggio - beststayinitaly


Special offers  Last Minutes Turin  Offerte speciali  Last Minute  Torino


bed & breakfast torino -   





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Il progetto nasce con lo scopo di mettere in contatto le strutture ricettive -

 con chi cerca soluzioni abitative per turismo, lavoro e studio per brevi, medi e lunghi periodi. In questo modo si vogliono valorizzare esperienze di accoglienza e di ospitalità


bed breakfast torino


 Torino, appartamento centro città  - Casa Vacanze in sicilia - BeststayExecutive - appartamenti per professionisti e aziende

Beststayinitaly - appartamenti soggiorni brevi a torino - BeststayExecutive - corporate and executive apartments


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Il progetto nasce con lo scopo di mettere in contatto le strutture ricettive -

 Appartamenti - CaseVacanze , Agriturismi , Bed&Breakfast , Camping, Hotel

con chi cerca soluzioni abitative per turismo, lavoro e studio per brevi, medi e lunghi periodi.

In questo modo si vogliono valorizzare esperienze di accoglienza e di ospitalità


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 Torino, appartamento centro città  - Casa Vacanze in sicilia - BeststayExecutive - appartamenti per professionisti e aziende

Beststayinitaly - appartamenti soggiorni brevi a torino - BeststayExecutive - corporate and executive apartments

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