Alcune opere         

Some works


Aurelius Battaglia è nato il 16  Gennaio 1910. Figlio di emigranti cefaludesi, Giuseppe ( Joseph) e Concetta ( Mary ) Battaglia , cresce nella città natale, Washington Dc.

Si è diplomato alla Corcoran Art School di Washington Dc, presso la quale lavorerà come insegnante.

 Nel 1934 gli sono commissionati dal Public work of Art Project of Civil Works Administration i murales della Mount Pleasant Library.Ha lavorato per Walt Disney dal 1937 al 1941. Nel 1940 disegna Mickey Mouse. E' disegnatore e sceneggiatore di Pinocchio (1940) , disegnatore in Dumbo(1941) e Fantasia ( ha contribuito a realizzare la sequenza della danza degli elefanti).

Durante la seconda guerra mondiale realizza trainings e film educativi per i marines. Dopo la guerra lavora come caricaturista teatrale per il New York Tribune.

Negli anni '50 vive a Rhinebeck, sul fiume Hudson, a poche ore da New York. Nel 1955 realizza il film  " The invisible moustache of Raoul Dufy" diretto da Sidney Peterson.

Dal 1956 al 1957 lavora per la UPA ( Gerald Mc Boing Boing Show).

E' illustratore di parecchi libri per bambini editi da case come la Random House e la Merrigold Press di New York. Illustra anche un libro di canzoni americane arrangiate da Norman Lloyd.

Trascorre la seconda parte della sua vita a Provincetown (MA), una cittadina di pescatori che riunisce in quel periodo artisti da tutti gli States. Si trasferisce lì acquistando una casa dopo avere visitato la città da studente negli anni '30 e avervi trascorso un inverno nel 1947. Frequenta il locale club dei Beachcombers, che ogni Sabato sera riunisce gli artisti nella zona del porto.

Muore a Provincetown il 22 Maggio 1984.



Aurelius Battaglia was born on January 16 th in the 1910. He was the son of emigrants from Cefalù (Sicily), Giuseppe ( Joseph) and Concetta ( Mary) Battaglia, and he grew up in the city where he was born, Washington DC.

He graduated from the Corcoran Art School of Washington Dc., where he will work as a teacher.

 In 1934  Public work of Art Project of Civil Works Administration commissioned him the murales of Mount Pleasant Library. He worked  for  Walt Disney' studios from 1937 to 1941. In  1940 he drew Mickey Mouse. He was drawer and writer of Pinocchio (1940), drawer in and Dumbo (1941) and Fantasia ( he worked at  the elephants' dance sequence)

During the II world war he made some educational and training films for the Navy. After the was he worked as theatrical charicaturist fo rthe New York Tribune.

During th e'50ies he lives in Rhinebeck, on the river Hudson, not too far from New York. In 1955 he realized the film " The invisible moustache of Raoul Dufy" by Sidney Peterson.

From 1956 to 1957 he worked for UPA ( Gerald Mc Boing Boing Show).

He was illustrator of many children books published by Random House and Merrygold Press (NY).He also illustrated a book of American songs  with arrangements by Norman Lloyd.

He spent the second half of his life in Provincetown (MA), a town of fishermen that in that period was full of artist  who was coming from all the States.He moved there buying a house after he ahd visited the town in the '30 ies when he was a student and after he had spent there a winter in the 1947. He was a member of the Beachcomber club of Provincetown , where  every Saturday night artists of the city met to drinking, eating and talking in the harbor area.

He died in Provincetown in1984.                                                       farm_home.gif