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A Look into our Winning Research Lab

Studying the Footprints of Chance


In this section of our studio, we offer a glance at our latest developments in respect to a number of study cycles aimed at resolving questions like "Who is the best friend of Chance?"

The native Americans knew that you can't go for the Buffalo without first knowing a) where he is, and b) how he behaves.

The same goes for an encounter with Chance. Without knowledge about the various constellations and movements you can only make guesses and that way, your play is aimed at feeding the Bank.

Therefore, we have chosen to study this subject in a number of dry dock sessions, with no actual cash involved. And after nine months of testing, lots of informations have come to our help. To-day, we can say that we have learned the Art of Winning.

The samples shown in this section are meant for demonstration purposes, only. The tools produced in our Research Lab will not be offered for download.

Arte mobile

For feedback, we invite you to visit the Participation Corner in our Studio. Thanks.

Fine ART Studio - San Francisco, the place where the Art of Winning has found a home...


Latest update: September 3, 2003 back to top >>