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Final Fantasy X  [Proto & Beta]

First presented at the 2000 Square Millennium Event together with FFIX and FFXI, Final Fantasy X was the most ambitious rpg ever created by Square. Unfortunately, some of the most interesting features of the proto are not found in the released version. As you can see from the pics present in this page and from this video, the first area showed at the SME was an alpha version of the Calm Plains, featuring a different and a better animated Tidus. The other area present in the proto was an early and more complex geometrically Remiem temple, also found in the Calm Plains in the released version.

It is really interesting that they showed (and created) first two areas found only near the end of game. Maybe the original intention of the programmers was to create a more open ended game like FF11 (and the future FF12) ? Another significant feature present in this proto and not found in the final version is the free-controlled camera. FFX was also intended to be the first game to use the services of Playonline, but the network was not yet ready at the time of game release, so Square decided to launch the game without it.

[Intro by Yota]


Final Fantasy X

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