Kissin, Evgeny free mp3, Chopin Recorded at Carnegie Hall free mp3 download

Kissin, Evgeny mp3, Chopin Recorded at Carnegie Hall free mp3

Kissin, Evgeny

kissin, evgeny - prelude, op. 28, no. 10 - nocturne, op. 27, no. 1 in c-sharp, prelude, op. 28, no. 6, prelude, op. 28, no. 21. piano concerto no.1, andante assai - prelude, op. 28, no. 16. prelude, op. 28, no. 4 - sonata no. 2 - i. grave - prelude, op. 28, no. 5. piano concerto no.1, allegro brioso, concerto no.3, op. 30 in d minor: 1. allegro ma non tanto, prelude, op. 28, no. 13, prelude, op. 28, no. 18 - pictures at an exhibition 15 the hut on fowls legs (the witch baba yaga). sonata no. 2 - ii. scherzo, it doesn't happen to me every day, can we talk a while?, classical

chopin: 24 preludes, sonata no.2, polonaise op. 53. sonata no. 2 - ii. scherzo. prelude, op. 23, no.2 in b-flat major. pictures at an exhibition 11 promenade 5 - prelude, op. 28, no. 20. pictures at an exhibition 04 il vecchio castello (old castle), prelude, op. 28, no. 3, sonata no. 2 - iv. finale : presto, pictures at an exhibition 10 samuel goldenberg et schmuyle (two jews rich and poor), pictures at an exhibition 08 promenade 4, concerto no.3, op. 30 in d minor: 2. intermezzo _adagio. pictures at an exhibition 13 catacombae sepulcrum romanum (parisian catacomb of skulls). prelude, op. 28, no. 8 - toccata adagio & fugue c bwv564 2 adagio. pictures at an exhibition 06 les tuileries (children at play in the garden of the tuileries), prelude, op. 28, no. 19 - i didn't know just what to do, i couldn't seem to take my eyes off you, 1992

classical, prelude, op. 28, no. 14. grande valse brillante, op. 34, no. 1 in a-flat - piano concerto no.1, allegro scherzando - prelude, op. 28, no. 12 - pictures at an exhibition 02 gnomus (toy nutcracker) - the lark. grande valse, op. 42 in a-flat. pictures at an exhibition 01 promenade 1. nocturne, op. 27, no. 2 in d-flat - piano concerto no.3, allegro ma non troppo - scherzo no. 2, op. 31 in b-flat, prelude, op. 28, no. 24. concerto no.3, op. 30 in d minor: 3. listesso tempo - 4. finale_ala breve - prelude, op. 28, no. 9, sonata no. 2 - iii. marche funebre : lento. "i didn't know just what to say, when you turned and you looked my way, 2001


- prelude, op. 28, no. 7. toccata adagio & fugue c bwv564 3 fugue, pictures at an exhibition 09 ballet des poussins dans leur coque (ballet of the unhatched chicks) - pictures at an exhibition 12 limoges marche (the limoges market place), prelude, op. 28, no. 15 - prelude, op. 28, no. 23 - pictures at an exhibition 16 the great gate of kiev (the knights gate) - prelude, op. 28, no. 17. toccata adagio & fugue c bwv564 1 prelude, pictures at an exhibition 03 promenade 2, polonaise, op. 44 in f-sharp. pictures at an exhibition 07 bydlo (polish oxcart), prelude, op. 28, no. 22 - prelude, op. 28, no. 2. pictures at an exhibition 05 promenade 3. you know i wanted just to take you home, but that's not your style, 1992


- grande valse brillante, op. 34, no. 2 in a minor - pictures at an exhibition 14 con mortuis lingua mortua (with the dead in a dead language), piano concerto no.3, tema con variazioni - fantaisie, op. 49 in f minor. polonaise, op.53. nocturne, op. 32, no. 2 in a-flat, prelude, op. 28, no. 11, vocalise, op. 34, no.14, prelude, op. 28, no. 1. piano concerto no.3, andante allegro. concerto no.3, op. 30 in d minor: 3. listesso tempo - 4. finale_ala breve - prelude, op. 28, no. 11 - pictures at an exhibition 10 samuel goldenberg et schmuyle (two jews rich and poor) - prelude, op. 23, no.2 in b-flat major. prelude, op. 28, no. 23, i didn't know just what to do, i couldn't seem to take my eyes off you, 2001