Combining what is irresistibly lovable, protecting it, dancing with the crystal-clear freshness of innocence, walking under the safety of purity.

Conjuring up from the upmost depth of his being all that has left a print on him. What is now part of him is placidly exuded in each twist and turn he makes.

The solid yet intimate solvency of creator at the service of art. A private gesture that may become a universal language reaching out to everybody.

Inebriated with his own fragrance, turning each step into the best of possible paths, breathing from the most intimate heartbeat to embrace all we can imagine.

Refining posture in each millimeter, like every little face of a diamond. Rescuing light even in its subtlest expression.

A continuum of space and time. A fusion for the festive expansion. The dual value that covers everything.

The most intimate bond lifting him up to a higher plane, enveloping him, immunizing him, making him truly human.

Engrossed in the contemplation of the beautiful, precious, ethereal, sublime, subtle. Giving value to those things existing purely for beauty's sake.

Protecting the budding flower, tending carefully the seeds of possibility. Sheltering the candid expression, raising it to the upper limit of voluptuousness.

The certainty of recognizing what represents him as beautiful. Discovering with surprise the harmony of what belongs to him, exclusivity as a distinction of the beautiful.

The sense of safety when sheltered under a wing, aware of the potential of flying high without the fear of falling, feeling safe and warm in the face of uncertainty.

Rehearsing the essential, taking care of the simple, of the small things that can suddenly grow large and incommensurable.

The maximum power to surprise, the gift of improvisation, the art of playing with the first thing that opens up to his eyes, a devotion for new balance.

Taking the path least trodden, the one that makes him unique. Applying the make-up of light to what sits in shadow, highlighting the beauty of the unknown.

Leslie Cheung Across The World Concert 1996 - 1997
10th Anniversary
Remembering The Unforgettable


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